Monday 22 April 2013

It's Giveaway Time... Again...

...Cor blimey and thrice, what a lot of loverly comments on my paper block canvas that is my entry for the Sunday Stamper this week - scroll down to see more deets.   So, being as I made three very similar canvases the other day, I thought I would do a little giveaway.  I have had a few questions asking me to do a tutorial on the paper blocking technique.  I have already done one, so if you click HERE you will be able to see it and all the pics that go with it :O))  To be in with a chance of winning this canvas all you need to do is leave me a comment... the closing date/time for entrants is 23:59 Weds 24th April - the winner will be announced on Thursday's post.  And here it is:

One of the most asked questions I get is "can you show me how to make those roses....."  Well, yes, I can... and if you call back tomorrow, I will have a full step by step photo tut on how to make them :O))

Which means, I better get a wiggle on... after spending all day yesterday gazing at the British Touring Cars, today is a catch up day... starting with the re-organization of the Room of Stash - which yet again, is untidy!  And... I dropped a cup of coffee into a sample box the other morning (the air was blue!)  Seems that this dropsy thing that I have is getting worse... thankfully the samples were UTEE so they wiped clean... not so sure about the ribbons though, they are ... ahem... a little icky now!  Grim reckons I needs a Tommy Tippee... and I have to agree!  Right, I shall away... thanks for looking!  TTFN

Hels x


Viv said...

OOoo am first!!! Or maybe not... cos you mightn't have moderated?? Anyways - this is lovely as ever Hels - and as I am hopefully moving next week would make sure it got pride of place in the new home....but then again the way the last week has been it might end up hung here in the old one.......LOL x

Crafty Granny said...

Love the canvas Hels. Must have a go at the paper blocking. have spent a couple of hours making roses this morning. Am going to dip some in UTTE.
love Lesley x

Saintly Lisa said...

Love this technique Hels, really enjoyed it when you came 'up North' for the day. It's beautiful x

Linda Simpson said...

How very generous you are Hels :) I love the colours of this one and the flower is just gorgeous.

Linda xxxx

KimzKrafts said...

Beautiful as always!

Ink Art Designs said...

Hi Hels...I always love this blocking technique you do in the background!!! I must get brave and give it a go...soon!
Dot x

Sandra Carey said...

Stunning as Always Hels What a fab giveaway Good Luck everyone Hugs Sandra xx

bluelesley said...

Oh I love it when you do the paper blocking and will be having a go at the tutorial, yippee!! Would love, love, love to win this ( fingers and toes crossed).... Lovely piece of work from the master yet again...

Lesley#2 :-)

My name is Cindy said...

Gorgeous so can't miss the opportunity to comment and be in with a chance! Love the paper piecing and just need to carve out some time for myself this week to give it a go - hubby is back from volunteering but still on sabbatical and feeling dynamic - so I have to keep speaking to window salesmen and choosing decorating colours and gardening. Cindy x

Gill said...

Great giveaway Hels!
I'll be back to see how you make those fabulous flowers!

Debbie said...

What a treat, love your canvas Hels. Saw you "how to make it" in an earlier blog. Looks lovely to do too.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Morning Hels, I am so going to the tutorial, as I love this effect. All my spech papers are now saying "pick me, pick me". I made some 'Tattered Flowers' dipped in the met pot, and was wondering what to use them on, ah now I no. Did you say 'Oh golly gosh' when you dropped your coffee in the box, or was it *#?~ ending in 'ing! The ribbon should be ok if you rinse it in cold water, or just get some more. Your craft room is "well loved" not a mess. Have a fab day ahead, whatever your doing. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway, you've got to be in it to win it!! Crafty hugs Debbie R xx

Kathy Eddy said...

A Tommy-Tippee would be just the thing for you Hels. LOL My room is a shambles right now too. Would love to win your canvas. It's gorgie!

Claudine said...

What a beautiful canvas, I love everything you do. Can't wait to see the tutorial for the roses. Thanks for the chance to win.

Glennis F said...

What a fabulous project - I would love to have it hanging on my wall - thanks for the chance

Caz said...

Might get chance to have a go soon as the Order of Services are nearly finished - no insert wording yet but the inky bit's nearly done!! Back to normality then!!!!
Lovely piece - as usual!!

Pat said...

Hi Hels
Gorgeous work of art. You are sooooo talented. Hope I have a chance of winning this
Kind regards

darcydaydream said...

oh my would I love to win your gorgeous canvas...thanks for the chance.
Christine in Darcy......xx

Mooffie said...

Af'noon Hels! I have my fingers crossed, which, it must be said, is making it difficult to hold my craft knife! I am going to peruse your tut on paper blocking now...and can't wait to view the flowers, having mastered the UTEE ones. Cheers my dear for all the inspiration!


Margherita said...

Hi Hels
Would love the chance to win your gorgeous canvas - then I would be able to look closely at how all the magic is done!
You are very clever.
Love to Alfie
Best wishes, Margherita. x

rachel said...

absolutely fabulous Hels - please put my name in the hat to win this - its super gorgeous!!!! Tell me Hels - have you ever run a workshop at Inspirations in Preston? You know where you did the demo day in March? Hugs rachel xx

Craftychris said...

ooh would love to win this gorgeous canvas - it would so cool on my craft room wall! Thank you for the chance. No wonder the air was blue when you spilt your coffee - thank goodness it was utee samples! The ribbon will just look more distressed!! xx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

amazing! i love the layering and the beautiful colours...all go together so nicely. it would be an honor to win this artwork! :D

The Hardy Stamper said...

What a great canvas Hels! I was going to ask about the paper blocking technique too, so thanks for the link. What a shame about the coffee incident - it reminds me of when my first husband knocked a mug of coffee all over a wedding cake that I was making for someone - I wasn't pleased!

Jen Shep said...

Luuurve ths canvas and it would look fabby on my craft room wall, thanks for the chance to win

Gail said...

What a fab canvas yet again xx didn't see your tut on paper blocking so looking forward to you posting it again and for the flowers xx GaikT xx

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,

Brilliant project. Love the colours you have chosen. X

Alison Scott said...

Fabulous artwork Hels. I love it.

Joanne said...

I love all your paper piecing but find it so hard to do myself

Aquarius said...

Wow - more generosity and thanks for the reminder about the great tutorial. Good luck everyone!!

nannapat said...

Love, love, love this canvas Hels. The colours are just gorgeous. I'm gonna take a peek at your tutorial when I have peace and quiet. Pat x

lorraine daniels said...

wow another fantastic work of love paper blocking on my list to try...I'm using my melt pot today :-).
will be back for the roses mine are a bit of a disaster :-)
thanks for sharing

liz spooner said...

Hi Hels, love your samples, everyday I have to look on the blog to see what you post, saw you at Ally Pally and was very star struck, Have a good day Love and Hugs Liz

Karen P said...

Fabulous piece of art work - thank you for the chance Hels! Fab tutorial and I've a bit more of any idea of how to make one Hels.
Do you cut your pieces of paper out in similar sizes? It's the one thing I can't figure out. I tried this out using random pieces and it didn't look good! Karen x

Linda49 said...

Beautiful colours - so soft. Great technique.

Carole Z said...

Ooh fabulous Hels! Thanks for giving us the chance to win Carole Z xx

JW said...

Love it Hels, you are so inspiring and I am determined to look at your tutorial and have a go at paper blocking. Jill x

Shazza said...

thank you so much for linking this Hels, I knew you had done a tut on it but couldn't remember how long ago. Love, love, love it x

Clai01 said...

Beautiful Hels, a work of art as one may say! Thanks for the chance to win.

lainey said...

wow Hels fab tutorial!!! would love a chance to win an original. lainey x

Denise Bryant said...

Pretty canvas! Love all that texture and dimension!

Maggie said...

Hello. What a treat to get a Hels original! Have watched all the melt pot shows and yet am still a bit scared of the commitment. I might never do anything else as it look such fun. OK fingers crossed for the lovely work of art. xx Maggie xx

nikkib said...

Poor you, I can sympathise, I have MS and am always dropping things, normally at the most inconvenient time in the most inconvenient place..... gutting isnt the word!!! loving this canvas and looking forward to your rose tut.....

Disco Queen said...

Super gorgeous canvas Hels. I just love your blocking technique. You are incredibly generous to give it away. I feel every house needs a Hels original. Please let it be mine:-) Hugs from a huge fan.

Crafting Newbie said...

OOoo Me likey! Wow Hels, Your canvas is stunning. I would so love to give this pride of place in my front room. Thank you so much for the chance to win. Barbara x

JoanB said...

Hi Hels.
I have been checking in on your blog for some time, but this is the first time I have left you a comment. I just love your style of's right up my street! I always enjoy seeing you on C&C and look forward to more shows from you in the future. Have not tried doing a cnavas yet...I want to but... it seems a little daunting - you make everything look so easy. Anyway I these latest ones you have done are amazing and might give me the courage to have a go! Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Joan B.

Linda said...

So generous of you Hels. I love your paper blocking technique, in fact I gave it a go for the first time today and I'm really pleased with the results. Great way of using up all those teeny tiny scraps of paper that we just can't throw away - no need to now. Thanks for the chance of winning. Linda xx

Jen Brown said...

Ooh I'd love to win this Hels. I made one with you on Saturday at the dabble day, but yours is just gorgeous. Tale care, hope the clean up goes well. Jen xxx

Rossella said...

Fabulous project, Hels, gorgeous colours,
Rosie x

mitz said...

.. the canvas is such a great give-a-way.. thanks for the chance.. great color combo! !

JaneC said...

Well Hels you've done it again a wonderful canvas and also a very generous giveaway. Thanks for keeping up with the blog soooo regular Jane x

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels glad you going to put roses demo on as it will be really useful.
Love all the colours and roses today Would love to win a canvas x

Nan G said...

Love the paper blocking on this one! And the flower! Just got my beeswax from ranger...woo Hoo! Can't wait to get out the melt pot and have go at dipping the flowers and everything! Ditto on "would love to win a canvas"!

Anonymous said...

Just looked at your tutorial Hels.Will have a go at paperblocking.This canvas as always is gorgeous.Thanks for the chance to win today.

Lynne M said...

Oohhh what a fab giveaway . Love the canvas, can't wait for the tutorial on the flowers as they are scrummy . Lol Lynne M x x

TDQ Karen said...

Thanks for the link, going to have a go at this as I loved your sample xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, WOW, this canvas is stunning, I love everything you have done and the colours are stunning, I would love to have this on my wall.
I have re-read your tutorial on paper blocking, so inspirational, must give this a go (I have a long list of 'must try' things to do ha ha). I absolutely adore your roses and flowers, so will be glued to your Blog tomorrow.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

EmmaT said...

Hi Hels, Gorgeous canvas and colours, i love making these roses so easy to do and effect. Emma

Unknown said...

Love this piece of art it is stunning. Hugs katie x

nancyd said...

Morning Hels, a stunning canvas
still trying my best to get as good
results as you, getting there slow but
sure. Nancyd xx

corinna said...

morning hels, as always "what a gorgeous project" loving the colours, i wondered my sudden use of pinks came from, i even mix them in with the scrumy browns, take care, corinna

Caroline said...

Hels, it would be an honour & a joy to receive one of your pieces of art!! I am sure it would improve my crafting, lol...
Will go to tute for sure although could be some time before I try it, unless I can incorporate it into one of my WIPs.
Can you not recolour (not a word) your ribbons with help of TH stains?
Haven't got a scooby doo what a Tommy Tipee is but sounds interesting?
Your are such a generous one for chance to win. Good luck to us all.
Love to Alfie. Enjoy.... Caroline :)))

maska said...

Thanks for the chance to win.
Ha en fin dag.

Suzanne Pattison said...

I absolutely love this and will have a go at paper blocking very soon x

ElaineC said...

HIya Hels. I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the inspiration that you give me on a daily basis. I love your work. Not much time to craft at the moment, but when I do, the Melt Pot, paper roses and lovely 'inky' things are first on my list - Thanks to you!!!!
Keep it up. Huge Hugs Elaine C

catherine said...

This is just stunning Hels. love the layout and the colours are so beautiful. A beautiful piece of work
x catherine

Fuchsia said...

Gorgeous Hels I have so much inspiration from you I cant wait to get my craft room which is looking like around September .
Quivering with excitement LOL x

Tracy Heaton said...

Love the autumy colours - very lush.
Great rose tutorial too
Thanks Hels

Helen said...

Love your artwork and would be honoured to own a piece, please may I be entered into the draw x

Mrs Beez said...

Once again, a fab piece with such fantastic colours.The tutorial for the blocking is really clear, I keep reading it then, then I get scared and go and hide!!

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