Sunday 21 April 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 254 - Paper Sun

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all.   As ever, many thanks for all your painty entries for last weeks challenge!  This week is another easy peasy challenge theme... having had this song bopping around my head for the past few days, it had to be a Sunday Stamper theme... so... it is... PAPER.  A few newer readers of my blog have asked "what is the relevance of the song title thing?"  Well, basically, if I wake up with a song in my head, it drives me nuts all day long... so the Sunday Stamper (after about Week 3) always has had a song title with a link to the theme...that way, you too can be irritated by a song bopping around your heads (see, am kind like that lol)  Plus, it is something a little different from other challenges out there and it keeps me on my tootsies.   So, on with the challenge... to join in is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme and some stamping.  Pop back here with a link to the place you are showing your entry... if you don't have a blog/web-photo-hosty thingy, you can also join in via email or on Facebook.  The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 27th April 2013.

This week, my entry is a class sample from my lovely Dabble Day up at Busy Bee's  in Sheffield yesterday.  It is a canvas board with ... yep... paper blocking... ergo, I used papers!  And very old papers at that.  I bought these Cosmo Cricket papers about 276 years ago and because they were so loverly, I couldn't bring myself to cut into them.   Gone are those days, now I am a ruthless paper cutter... I don't hear their squeaks as I slice into them... oh no, in my mind now, papers are meant to be used... go on, admit it, you have a big old pile of "special" papers lurking somewhere and you know they will never be used.... tis time to put a stop to imprisoning your fancy patterns and set them free... and use them to decorate bits of art you can then keep forever and display... well, that's what I thinks anyways lol 

The other cool thing about this paper blocking lark is that is can use up all those ickle bits of paper that are too small to do much with and yet, still, we cannot throw them away.  I am still as bad now for that as I ever was... chuck a teensy off cut into the bin?  Not a prayer, it goes back into the paper pad and into the paper stack again... only to be found several eons later... so... paper blocking... another way of liberating those ickle bits of special paper.   See, I am ruthless indeedily!  Well, apart from my Crate Paper Avenue Collection that are, in no uncertain terms, out of bounds to anyone who dares to even glance at them!  They are my preciousssss *said that in my best Gollum voice*  I do use them... very occasionally... and have promised myself that the big old canvas that has been hiding under my desk will be covered with them... I just needs to bring myself to cut into them... ok, so I needs to really listen to my own advice... but you know what I means... don'tcha?   

Anyways... a big thank you to Jean and her lovely family for hosting yet another fab Dabble Day event... I love going to these Dabble Days, they are a lovely bunch of ladies and always make me feel right at home.  Yesterday I taught this class three times... it was a two hour class so the ladies work in a rotation so they get to do three different classes.  And, normally, I will faff and waffle and forget to finish anything I demo in class... oh but not yesterday... oh ho! I made.. THREE!  I know!  THREE!  So... tomorrow, please do check back... might just be a little giveaway here.... *teehee*   Right, I shall away... I have a day of complete laziness and leisure lined up.  Tis the BTCC from Donnington and as ever, we will be heartily cheering on our very favourite driver... so, as ever.. GO PLATO!  Thanks for looking, have a goodly day!  TTFN

Hels x


Unknown said...

Looking forward to entering this one! I have a cardboard box (altered with scraps!) that lives under the 'Table of Stack'* for storing all my ickle bits 'n' pieces!(nothing goes to the 'Bin in the Sky')
* it's 'Stack' and not 'Stash' cos everything is stacked lol!In fact, it's my Room of Stack!

Karen P said...

I love it Hels! Any chance of a tutorial or how to do it - for those of us who can't get to workshops?
I know it sounds daft but I've no clue where to start and can't cut into my preciouses until I know what I'm doing and have practised at least twice! Yes I too call them my precious in a Gollum squeak too!
Gorgeous piece of art, I'd love to make one using my DCWV butterfly papers, had them for 3/4 years and I loves them but I know I got to make something with them! Karen x

Lynne M said...

Love love love it. I like most Crafters have a secret stash of papers/card that I keep just to look at as I can't bear to cut them up but after looking at your beautiful creation I will have to be brave and get the scissors out. Have a goodily day with ur feet up . Lol Lynne M x x

TDQ Karen said...

What a lovely set of papers you must have had to get this great effect, it is stunning

Mona Pendleton said...

Beautiful project! Thanks for the inspiration!

Helen said...

As always this looks fabulous - I may have the odd scrap of paper hanging around in my (overflowing) scraps box so really should give this a go!!

nancyd said...

Morning Hels, another fab. piece
I like the way you do your papers
this way have had a go, doesn't always
look as good as yours but I keep
trying. ahve a nice day.
Nancyd xx

Marleine said...

Morning Hels,

Love the project and the colours you have put together.

You are so right about the stores of 'special,' not to use papers, and the put every scrap left back in the pad.

Time to enjoy them and use them....... Then buy more....! X

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, love your beautiful creation. You are so right, it is time to get those beloved papers out ..... I think...... Hugs, Anne x

Aquarius said...

Wonderful result as always - glad I'm not the only one who keeps ickle scraps of paper!!

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, Yes, I have loads and loads of papers that I haven't been able to use, just look at, but have decided to use them in my scrapbooking, so I can keep them for myself ha ha. Your idea for using them in Art that you keep for yourself, sounds really good, I like it !! This canvas is gorgeous, and like another peep, could you possibly do a tutorial on this idea, that would be brilliant.
Have a lovely day watching Plato.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

nannapat said...

Fabby canvas Hels -love all the colours. I'm pleased someone else (Karen) has asked for a tutorial on how to do this coz I have no idea at all. for example, what adhesive do you use to stick the paper on with? Hugs, Pat x

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, firstly im joining you on a day of laziness! Gorgeous project and colours, must try this paper blocking as like you say we all have of cuts of paper. Emma

Carole Z said...

Hi this canvas, totally fab! Looking forward to this weeks challenge do know this is the first place I look on A Sunday morning don't you...? He! He! Have a lovely lazy Sunday there's a song somewhere there ...Carole Z xx

Caroline said...

Hello Hels
Sorry I haven't commented recently, been a little under the weather :( cue violins... I thank you!
This canvas is amazing as ever. Yes, my 'stock' of 'special' papers is very precious. As writing that, just remembered a 12x12 pad from eons ago that I am not so keen on, ummmm??
I hope you know Graphic 45 are on c&c today? Yesh indeedily so AND Diana herself has flown over!!
I have a favour? Please may I email you? Yes, it is to do with crafting, nooo, it's not to borrow money, lol?!
Enjoy your racing (each to their own, lol).
Crafty bubbles :))

Craftychris said...

Stunning piece! Enjoy your lazy day xx said...

Love your background which always looks so complicated.
I have popped a very quick entry in to this week Hels as it is going to be "one of those weeks!"

rachel said...

stunning work Hels - looking forward to getting on with this one - your piece has inspired me!!! Hugs rachel xx

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels I have so much paper I am drowning in it! Again as with others cannot use it. Like the use of bits and pieces. Have a great weekend

Gail said...

Fab canvas Hels - glad you had a good day in Sheffield - I couldn't make this one as I am away (boo-hoo) and realise just what I have missed!!! xx hope to see you at the next one xx GailT xx

Unknown said...

Luvlee, really love the effect of all those strips. Still very pretty paper though! Hugs Frea

Linda Simpson said...

Hi Hels, a fabulous canvas and love the idea for using all the little scraps of paper. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Linda xxx

Unknown said...

Hia Hels, Love this canvas, love it a lot. I've only been a paper crafter, as such, for about a year ish. When I heard other crafter say that they only stroke their paper, I thought they were all NUTS, sorry. But ahhh you were all right. I can't even use the scissors in the same room as my spech papers no no no! However your idea is one I like and shall undertake. Another however, I would not have a clue as to where I start. How do you decide how much paper is not to much, what glue etc etc etc. As some of the others have asked a ikle ikle tutorial would be very helpful. Enjoy your day. Crafty hugs Debbie R xx

Words and Pictures said...

Fabulous paper blocking... going to try to play this week for sure!!
Alison x

melanie said...

Stunning creation Hels love your design .Melanie

Scrappellen said...

Hi, and thank you for all the great inspirations and tuts..I'm often in, just to look at techinques and other stuff, but this time I want to enter another kind of card;) I cant find the link, so hope it's okey that I leave my correct link here!?;)

Crafty hugs, Ellen

Unknown said...

I love this technique and hate all the scraps that accumulate,so really must try this!!!

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous piece of artwork. Art is wonderful. There is something simply beautiful about the way you put this piece together. I like to think art is a medium for you to pour your soul into. And this Hels, displays a wonderful aspect of your soul.


Mooffie said...

Thanks Hels, for the Paper blocking tutorial. Think I have finally got it!! Here's my entry for Paper Sun:

Take care!


Mrs Beez said...

I love the blocking technique but get too scared to attempt it. Perhaps if I get brave towards the end of the week although the melt pot has arrived so I may be distracted! In the meantime, I've been playing with toilet rolls!

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's my little offering for this week, Carole Z XX

Emma said...

Love the paper blocking, and it's definitely on my list of things to have a go at.

Super organised this week, and I cut one of my most precious bits of paper!!
Here's my entry:

Little Paper House said...

Hi Hels, the papers you've used on the canvas are great. Also love the patchwork effect, I will have to try that one. Anyway here's my entry for this week.

Love Heidi x

Claudine said...

I just love your paper idea! I want to do this someday, I have so much scrap paper, it's unreal!! haha!! Here is my entry for this weeks challenge.

Unknown said...

Hi Hels! I definitely liked the theme this week! Please find my entry here:

BarbaraW said...

Hi Hels, Here is my entry this week:

Barb Cady said...

I love your canvas Hels and have just had a chuckle reading about Alfie cats adventure with the blue adornment!
Here is my offering - it was great to use up some of those 'bits'!

Lotsa love barb x

Linda said...

Hi Hels,
Finally taken the plunge and entered one of your Sunday Stampers. Here's the link to my blog post
Have a great weekend. Linda x

Unknown said...

LOve this technique. Here is my entry,

rachel said...

Hi Hels - loved making this - hope you likee!
have a fab weekend xx

Jenny Marples said...

Hope those peepers are on the mend very soon - I'm with you, glasses are a pain (even blingy ones!)
Here's hoping this weekend is productive and eventful in a good way. Oh yes, and my entry!:
Hugs, Jenny x

Mrs Beez said...

I am a paper blocking failure! However, every cloud ... I've discovered rice paper :)

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