Sunday 26 August 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 220 - Green Tambourine

Gooooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all. Firstly, many many thanks for all the amazing Steampunky entries for last weeks challenge. And secondly, many many thanks to Judie from Crafty-Emblies for sponsoring the Sunday Stamper. So. Winner time is upon us. In total there were 63 entries to last weeks challenge. I used to pick out a number which was 22, tallying with the entry from Julia SW. Congrats to Julia, please can you email me to find out how to claim your prize.

On with this weeks challenge. This week is a nice simples theme, you may have guessed from the song title the theme is... GREEN. To join in is simples; make a little something, it can be anything you fancy. Add in the the theme and some stamping and pop back here with a link to the place you are showing your entry. If you haven't got a blog/flickr/picassa/web-photo-thingy, you can join in by email or on Facebook. The theme will remain open until 21:00 Saturday September 1st 2012.

My entry this week is actually one of the tags that I had altered with Dylusions sprays earlier this week. I spritzed the tag with water and then misted with Fresh Lime and Black Marble Dylusions sprays... whilst they were still wet, I lifted the tag up so the colours dripped down the tag and then I zapped it with a heat tool. The background stamping was done using Sap Green Archival Ink - this goes amaaaazingly with the Fresh Lime colour. I used a script stamp and one of the stamps from the Mixed Media Tim set. I then stamped the chicken wire using Olive Archival and the mini diamond border using Jet Black Archival Ink.

I cut three of the largest flowers from the Tattered Florals die using Specialty Stamping paper from Ranger. This stuff is seriously FAB-U-LOUS because it has a super smooth surface, a bit like glossy card without the glossy - if that makes sense. Anyways, it takes the Dylusions wonderfully.. .so once the flowers were cut, I misted them with water and then spritzed with Bubblegum Pink Dylusions and Sunset Orange Colorwash and then a very small smidge of the Black Marble Dylusions to add a bit of extra something to the colours. Once dried, I cut them to make the paper rose (for deets on how to make the rose, click HERE for my tut) The keener eyed amongst you may notice that the flower has more layers than normal. Aha, that is because I saved the cut off bits and curled them to fill in the gaps in the made rose... that way there's no wasteage and... it makes the rose more blousey.

The leaves are Claudine's Sticky Back Canvas popped onto mountboard and cut using the Tattered Leaves Alterations die. I coloured them with Lettuce Colorwash and Fresh Lime and a smidge more Black Marble Dylusions. Drying with a heat tool speeds things up and there's no need to worry about the canvas being un-stuck, it sticks perfectly! I then scruffed the edges and coloured the back/edge of each leaf to make them nicely detailed. A little bend up the middle of each one added some dimension to them and then they were layered under the rose. Finishing touches are the words - on more Dylusion-ed card, a Tim sentiment stamped in Jet Black Archival and some Idea-ology and beads and a smidge of fancy lace for a border at the bottom.

So, there you have it. I really enjoyed mixing my usual Alterations/Tim stamps style with the Dylusions/Colorwashes... I think it is safe to say I am a teensy bit addicted to all things Dylusional now lol

And finally, a quick update about the state of the Room of Stash. Well, you will be gobsmacked to hear that I have actually tidied it up! **above is photographic evidence** BUT! I have to issue a warning to all that cleaning your crafty space is bad for your health. Oh yesh, I finished cleaning on Friday night/Sat morning and woke up yesterday morning feeling like death. I spent most of yesterday in bed (not like me, I am usually found moaning on the sofa when I am sick) Goodness knows what on earth is wrong, I have a "hot" pain around my belly, my neck is stiffer than a giraffe with a...ahem, stiff neck ...and I am absolutely exhausted. I think it is shock, pure and simple, shock at spending two whole hours tidying away and cleaning! Anyways.. on that bombshell I shall loves ya and leaves ya... bed is calling me again, I only left it to drag myself into the Room of Stash to make my entry and write up this post (dedication you see ... also, it begs for sympathy rofl) Thanks for looking.. .have a great Sunday - I will be dragging myself onto the sofa to watch the British Touring Cars at Knock Hill.... Go Plato!!! TTFN

Hels x


melanie said...

your room looks really tidy now well done, tag looks stunning , Hope you are feeling better soon ,Hugs Melanie

Julia S-W said...

My number came up WOOHOO!!! Great start to my sunday. . . . . . .
Stunning tag (as usual) and I'm all for blousey quite frankly!!! Your room is uber neat now - hope you can find everything!! I will endevour not to be last this week!
Thanks so much for last weeks chance to win those gorgeous wooden goodies.
Hope you feel better today.

Carole Z said...

Yay! We both managed a tidy up this week..wonder how long it'll last?:)..gorgeous tag and looking forward to taking up the challenge once more! Happy BH weekend all, Carole Z X

Jenny Marples said...

Your room looks fab Hels, and at least you can lie on the sofa watching JP with no thoughts of clearing up :)
Love the tag and the flower is divine - you are SO right about that specialty paper. It just seems to work differently to everything else.
Well done to Julia, who I know will put her prize to great use.
Have a great weekend hun. Hugs, Buttons x

Helen said...

Love the tag - and really well done on tidying up so well... I have a stiff neck too, think I lazed on the sofa awkwardly yesterday!!!

lydia jordan said...

Hi Hels,
Sorry to hear you are poorly, that's what tidying does for you.
The flower on your tag is stunning.
Have a good day.

Redanne said...

Congrats to Julia on her fabulous win! And congrats to you Hels on your amazingly tidy room, I bet you won't be able to find things now - lol. Your tag is stunning, loving those greens and your blousey flower is gorgeous. Sorry you are not feeling well, I think a good rest for you is on the cards today with lots of pampering I hope....Crafty hugs, Anne x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, I hope you are feeling much better today, you are right when you say cleaning up is bad for your health, that's why my craft room is a 'tip' ha ha. Your tag is fabulous, I love the flower it is gorgeous, I bought this die yesterday at a craft show, I have been looking for it for ages, so I will be trying this.
Congratulations to Julia, for winning the goodies. I hope this rain stop soon as we are having a Church Fund Raising Event this afternoon (Ice Cream Sunday) for the heating system (we have had no heating in Church for 2 years now), which is outside, ooooooh not looking good ha ha !! Lots of love from Patricia xx

Rita said...

Firstly, Congratulations to Julia on winning. Now Miss Hels, you now have me addicted to Dylusions as well. Your tag this week is beautiful and the borders really give it something. The rose and the colours you have chosen finish it off perfectly. I need to get the brain in gear for this one. Hope your pains disappear soon. Hugs Rita xx
ps. Top marks for the tidy crafty space too. xx

Diane said...

The tag is stunning, Hels and I think I might be going somewhat Dylusional myself! As for the Room of Stash, am I impressed or what?! Sorry that it's affected your health and I hope you soon is better!
Diane x

Sue said...

Congrats Julia, what a nice Sunday treat! The room looks fab Hels as does you lovely tag. Love the shiny, colourful flower & the gorgeous green-ness of it all! Do hope you feel better soon-take it easy. Sx

ElizabethR said...

wow looky at that desk lol, just nip over and do mine will you Hels? Love your tag and the flowers is gorgeous!! Elizabeth x

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, sorry your not feeling so well, i often find i get paper poisoning on tidying up my craft stash. No joke im allergic to paper dust, stiff neck, sore throat,chesty cough, and conjuctivitis. So maybe you have paper poisoning!! I had to give up distressing paper edges as couldn't work out what was making me so ill. Horrid when im addicted to paper!!
Anyway congrats to the winner. This tag is stunning, love the colours and ive never done this flower with my tattered flowers so got to give it a go.
Enjoy your weekend

Marleine said...

Hi Hels.
Wishing you well. Am loving the tag, the colours are delicious and the beautiful flower gorgeous. Have great week end. X

Joanne said...

Both a good and bad post there Hels. Good because your tag is once again amazing and made with my fave lime green and black, but bad because you feel yucky. I reckon those mozzy bites have caught up with you and you may just need some antibiotics. Please get well soon.
Hugs Joanne xx

Aquarius said...

Brilliant tag and another gorgeous flower - they just get better!! I hope you soon recover from your cleaning marathon - a timely warning and a good excuse to leave mine as it is for now LOL!!

Becky said...

I am loving the flower and your craft room looks lovely and tidy I have done mine you will find it here.

Planetsusie said...

Hi Hels - super tag, love the finished result and the flower is particularly amazing. I am sorry to hear you are poorly after your cleaning spree - I'm glad you warned us though because I was going to have a clear up in here, but have thought again because I don't want to be ill with a 'Cleaning virus'.

Better safe than sorry methinks.

Hugs Sue P - get well soon xx

Scrappekatten said...

Didn`t you know that crafters get sick of cleaning, you just have got an allergic reaction.
I hope you will feel better tomorrow.

donna said...

love your tag as always
donna in ky

Sue said...

Love you creation as always. Here is my Sunday Madness " a rat trap meets Dylusions x

Miriam said...

Gorgeous tag Hels.

Here is my creation:

ElizabethR said...

Hi Hels
Have had a lovely play day, room still looks like ones gone off in it but hey....
Here's my offering:- Hope you are feeling better. Hugs Elizabeth xxx

BarbaraW said...

Your tag is just beautiful. I do understand the Dylusions addiction. I've caught the bug too.
Here's my green:

Mei said...

Awesome tag!

Green's not a usual color I use, but this challenge really changed my mind and I might actually start using it more often!!

Here's the link to my card!


Jenny Marples said...

Back with my entry for this week;
JP was robbed! (but don't you just secretly love it when he gets all hot under the collar!!:)) Hope you are feeling better today. Hugs, Buttons x

Artyjen said...

Hope you have perked up a bit by now. See it pays not to tidy up after all! LOL
xoxo Sioux

Keren Howell said...

That is a well neat room of stash - mine looks like it's been burgled!
Stunning tag, too!
Here's my effort -

alison said...

Your rose is a stunner Hels, gorgeous tag!
here's my entry!
Alison xxx

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Love love love your greens here! Thank background is stunning, especially with the harlequin and honeycomb images. Then the wild flower there is an intense pop of color...brilliant! Love it!

Here is mine:

Carole Z said...

Morning Hels, here is my green creation for this week! Carole Z X

shamraiz said...

Super stylish and pretty card, I love this gorgeous stamp
and the addition of the feather is fab

mapowska said...

Hi! You have so big craft room :D And so clean :)

I made a card with some green. I hope there is enough green to be qualified ;)


Helen said...

My Mojo is well and truly missing, but I have made you something green!
here said...

Lurve your Green Prettiness. I have to get some Dylusions!
Here is my entry this week.
My ferverent wish is for a little rain while we be gone. Good for the garden but essential for all the birdies who are very busy.

Carol said...

Your tag looks really good I must buy some Dylusions Inks.

My entry is below.

Maggie said...

Great Tag Hels love the vibrant flower. Haven't been able to play here for a while so great to join in again here is mine

Mrs Beez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

Hi love the blousy rose must try adding the cut offs next time i do one. Hope your feeling better now.
Heres my green creation

Love Sara

Mrs Beez said...

Love this tag. Dylusions look like something I need BUT I have been very bad over at Stamp Attic after seeing your lovely box and I dare not even peek at Fantastic Ribbons!
Anyway - here are a couple of my green projects from this week.
I may be back...

Sandra said...

Beautiful tag Hels. Just love the colours together.
I wish my room was as tidy as yours!!
Thanks for the challenge.
Here's my entry:
I hope you like it :o)

Inkypinkycraft said...

thanks for all the inspiration, another fab challenge..
here is mine :
trace x

Words and Pictures said...

Lovely inspiration again... I'm in! Here's my link:
Thanks for hosting so generously!
Alison x

Barbara said...

Hope you are feeling much better. Your "green" project is fab! Here is mine:

Joanie said...

Hi Hels, wish my room was as tidy as yours, maybe I'll let you do it when you come to stay ha ha!

Love the tag. Here is my creation. Hope you like it.

Hugs Joan x

Mrs Beez said...

I couldn't help myself (again). Love the Green Tambourine thing.

PS Can't wait to see those Halloween tags but am in wilds of Norfolk and internet connection not enough to have text AND pictures!

Rita said...

Better late than Never as the saying goes. Sorry I'm a bit late this week, but I made the deadline for my effort in this weeks challenge. Hugs Rita xx

Heres Mine

Claire said...

Hi Hels, thanks for the green challenge! The pics of Alfie Cat are great! I hope he enjoyed his birthday :)
Here is a little green number I made for you to take a look at
Thanks! Claire x

Julia S-W said...

I'm back with my entry AND I'm a day earlier than usual! Here's my link:

Have a great weekend.

Karen P said...

I've actually remembered to link up this time, even though it's a day after I published the post on my blog. I think a gold fish has a better memory than me!

hugs Karen x

Barb Cady said...

Hi Hels, wish I could have made it to the Stamp attic with you this weekend, hope you are all enjoying yourselves! Sorry it's late but here is my offering:

Work has been manic. Lets hope for a quiet weekend then I can do your challenge tomorrow in good time.
Love and hugs xx

Sue said...

It's a bit 'last minute .com' again for me but here is my entry for this week. Sx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hello Hels - I'm new to your Sunday Stampers Challenge and hope you don't mind if I play along. I'm also rushing madly so only have time to quickly give you my link, but you are saved on my favourites bar so I will be visiting often! My Green themed tag is here.

I really enjoyed playing even if I did have to grab nano seconds of crafting time to get it finished in time!

Cass said...

Love your tag, one day my bank balance will stretch to all I need for crafting... when I win the lotto!

My entry for this weeks challenge is here

Elizabeth said...

Hi Hels, your tag is absolutely beautiful, as usual. Love all the beautiful embellishments and the stunning flower - very eye-catching.

I'm very much last minute but, as green is my favourite colour, I just had to have a go at this. Unfortunately, I ruined my first attempt when I dropped the inked quotation stamp on it, but I got there in the end :)

My entry is here:


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