Sunday 18 August 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 271 - Waterloo Sunset

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all... as ever, many thanks for the fabby entries for last weeks theme.  This week is another colour theme and I would like to see some... SUNSET/SUNRISE colours.  To join in with the challenge is simples: make a little something - it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back to leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you haven't got a Blog/Photo-hosty-thingy, you can also join in via Facebook (simply tag my name on your upload) or via email, attaching a small size pic so I can see your creation.  The theme will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 24th August 2013.

My entry this week and the goodies I used have totally inspired this weeks theme.  I love those Sunrise/Sunset papers from Finnabair for Prima and it is a wee while since I played with them.  The other night, after stuffing our chops full of BBQ deliciousness, me and Mary took a little trip into the Room of Stash for a spot of artyness.  Starting with a 6" x 6" base piece of board, I used up some of the offcuts from the paper pad (never throw anything away!) and created a paper blocked background.  After a very quick smudge of mushroom paint over the papers to blend all the designs together, I gave the whole base a good coat of Ranger's Matte Glue & Seal.  This is my "safety net" for what else I do to the base.  Because Glue & Seal is completely waterproof when dry, if I make a boo-boo with any of the next layers, I can wipe off what I have done and I haven't ruined the papers on the base.

I set about adding some texture with Ferro texture paste, using a Crafter's Workshop stencil... and once this had dried I used my Stabilo All Pencil and went around the edges of the paper blocks to give them definition.  Next up came the stamping... my fave Magenta "stalks" stamp which comes in so handy for a little border or filler image.  I use Jet Black Archival for the stamping - it needs to be a permanent ink because of the Glue & Seal and as ever, give the ink a zap with a heat tool to set it.

I made a big old flower bundle using white paper flowers that I coloured with Dylusions Sprays, Cosmic Shimmer Sprays and then a zap of Black Marble Dylusions to give them a nice metallic look.   I also gave the base a light spritz with the Black Marble because I do love that inky splatty look.  Assemblage was completed with the addition of some stalky bits I found in my stash and the ickle Prima birdy that I coloured with Treasure Gold.  A finishing touch of some Alpha Parts to make the word and attaching the mini hanger finished my creation off.

I am having a lovely weekend... I am in Durham meeting up with friends and today we are off to a crafty show in Washington... mmm, maybe I might see a few things I *need!*   Have a great day whatever you have planned and as always, thanks for looking!  TTFN

Hels x


Lisa Winnard - TheCraftarageStudio said...

Beautiful Hels.

Mona Pendleton said...

Gorgeous Hels! Missed last weeks challenge ~ hoping to play this week with some left over sunrise / sunset goodies from a class I recently took taught by Finnabair :) Thanks for the inspiration!

nancyd said...

Morning Hels, absolutely fantastic
really love it wish I knew how to
enter but not very good on computer
but I can do the canvas's and admire them
myself maybe someday I'll get my
granddaughter to give me a lesson on
how to.
Nancyd xx

Helen said...

It's been so long since I joined in with one of your challenges, but I will try harder this week! I love your canvas it's beautiful. Hope you have a lovely day "looking" at stash you may have to have... you should have seen my bag at Stamperama last Sunday....Take care.

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, your canvas is stunning, I love your trademark paper blocking and those papers are just gorgeous. Hope you have fun 'looking' (OK - buying!) today. Hugs, Anne x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, Hope you are having a lovely time in the North East, especially the crafting show in Washington, do tell us what goodies you buy !! ha ha.
Your canvas is gorgeous, I love your paper blocking with the stabilo pencil edging, the textures are gorgeous, the stamping is gorgeous, the birdie is gorgeous, it is a 'veritable' array of 'gorgeousness' !! I love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Lisapmac said...

Fabulous canvas, great colours x

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, beautiful picture, I love the colours, so bright and cheerful. Emma

nannapat said...

Fabby project Hels - I love the colours. Pat x

Helen said...

Here is my entry!!

Anneke said...

Beautiful canvas, love the picture it fits in so wel. Thanks for showing. Anneke.

Aquarius said...

great theme this week and you've certainly made good use of your offcuts of paper. Gorgeous cluster of flowers too and great colours.

Yorkie girl said...

Oh. Hels
I love the colour choice for the theme this week
And yours is amazing if I ever get to a quarter of you talent I will enter something !!!! one day Tx

corinna said...

hello there, hels, i have just got home from the craft show in washington, bought loads of goodliness, should have looked at your blog before i went, i would have loved to have said hi to my fave crafty inspirerer, hope you bought loads of "needs." loving the project,
take care, corinna

Carole Z said...

Gorgeous canvas Hels, loving this week's challenge already, hugs Carole Z X

Kathy Eddy said...

This is just gorgeous Hels!

Lisa Barton said...

Beautiful & inspirational - here's my entry for your sunset challenge colours - looking forward to seeing the other entries!

sara j said...

I love our little artsy world. Only through the internet could someone in Alaska (me!) be amazed and delighted with the creation of someone in England (you!!) and be connected by those amazing papers than a talented woman from Poland (Finnabair) created. This is really really lovely. What a great use of paper scraps. I'll have to go digging and see what I can come up with. As always, thanks for the inspiration.

Evil Edna said...

love the bird- here is my entry:

ria gall said...

loving this Hels the paper blocking makes for a wonderful background and then all the additional bits have made a piece of art.

Brenda Brown said...

Beautiful colours and a fabulous canvas Hels, hope you enjoyed your crafty shopping. Have been away so hoping you are not in pain any longer.
Hugs Brenda x0x
My tag is at

Glenharon said...

Good morning Hels,
I think your project you have done today is beautiful. I love the colours and the little bits and pieces that have made your creation come alive. I love the soft muting and blending of the colours used it just looks beautiful.
Thank you flower
Love and crafty hugs

Almo said...

Hels this is beautiful, you have inspired me to have a go myself. If I get it done in time, I will bring it and show you next Monday as have just booked. Look forward to it. Thank you so much for sharing this. Hugs Mo x

Craftychris said...

Stunning! xx

Sue uk said...

Great colour combination this week. My entry is at

Marita Soutar said...

Thought it was time to join a challenge again and I love Sunday Stamper Challenge. I love your canvas, hope you like my effort.

Karen P said...

That is so gorgeous Hels! I love every little thing about it - thank you for sharing it with us.

I have a card I put together at the weekend keeping the sunrise colours in mind here

Hope you have a good week! Karen x

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,
Love this project. Colours of the flowers are gorgeous. X

ElizabethR said...

Gorgeous make Hels, seems like ages since I've entered your fab challenge, have been tour lol.
Hope your back is doing ok, Elizabeth xxx

Carole Z said...

Here's mine for this week Hels! Hugs Carole Z X

Mrs Beez said...

As always, a lovely piece. I NEED to do a paper blocking workshop with you as I love the look you create (and an Advent Book one too!). Hope you're fully recovered now. Have been waxing lyrical about your cobbler topping (*immature snigger*) in my day job. Here's mine for this week

Wiola said...

How fun! I would love to participate in the challenge with my card "Sunrise over the sea" here:

rachel said...

this is stunning Hels - really gorgeous - love all the details - my rather much more simpler piece is here

Becky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky said...

Love what you have done Hels you are one talented lady.You will find mine here

Sorry about last message messed it up lol

Tracy Heaton said...

Hope you're feeling better Hels.

These aren't finished pieces yet, but they do fit the theme nicely I think.

Timmer said...

Nice work!

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels great tag, really like all the colours. Funny how mojo's disappear I think they may all go off to a fiesta. !!!

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