Wednesday 14 August 2013

I Challenge Thee - Finnabair Stylee

..cor blimey and thrice!!!  Thank heavens for unlimited t'internet because on Sunday last, I had a very muchly needed Skypey catch up with my bestie Ellen.  SIX hours!!! Yes, SIX!!!  Well, it has been too long since we had a chance to catch up properly and we had both said that Sunday was the day we both needed an I Challenge Thee.  If you haven't heard of our special recipe challenge before, basically,  a few years ago we were doing a Sunday Skype sesh and Ellen said "My Mojo has gone!"   So, I said "I challenge thee to make.... " and then listed a load of stuff she could use... like a proper recipe!  It worked a treat so it is a little something that we do whenever we get the chance because, whilst we both use the exact same products (colours too sometimes) the things we make look totally different.  Tis all in the interpretations I guess.   A couple of weeks ago, Ellen went to a class with Finnabair (Ania Dabrowska).  And not only was she doing a class with the wonderful Finn, she was also sitting next to none other than THE Wendy Vecchi!  How Peeled Paint am I?!!!   Anyways... Ellen shows me the art that she made on the class and I am like "ooooh, I neeeeds to try that.... "   We put together a list of goodies we could use and here it is:

  • Large rectangular canvas - mine is 12" x 9" deep edged (bargain £2.99 from the Works!)
  • Dimensional embellies - to include Finn's Mechanicals line from Prima
  • Paint
  • Stencils
  • Finn's 9th Wave papers (omg... LUSH!)
  • Stabilo ALL Pencil
  • Treasure Gold
  • Wendy Vecchi's White Embossing Paste
  • Paper Flowers 

So, it wouldn't be fair to tell you exactly how this creation was made because this is Finn's technique... tbh, if I had the dosh I would be going to one of her classes when she is here later this month... but I haven't, so I won't be!  Anyways.... all I will say is that it is FUN!
I have long since admired Finn and the art that she makes is just simply breathtakingly beautiful.  Now, if you haven't heard of Finn (that won't be many of you I know) or even if you have heard of her... check out her amazing blog HERE.  Seriously, before you go, get a cuppa and a packet of HobNobs and settle in for hours of eye candy.  I had the pleasure of meeting Finn at CHA in January... she is adorable and totally unaware of just how amazing she is... brilliant artists are oft like that I have found... Wendy Vecchi is another...  which links me in nicely to the Wendy Vecchi part of my canvas.

Now, I make no secret of the fact that I am Wendy's Numero Uno stalker ahem, fan.  And being as I had a couple of weeks of crafty barrenness (not sure that is a word but I likes it) I was itching to incorporate some of her stashly goodies into my creation.  So, the Studio 490 White Embossing Paste was the first thing.  Hey!  Have you tried it???  I LOVES it.  It is kind of whippy looking and spreads beautifully... and what I did was a goof up that turned out happy accident.  I only possess 6" stencils because working on such a large piece is positively unheard of for me... so I am using the checkerboard stencil from Finn's last release and 490 paste.  And I not only stick my elbow into the already pasted bit but I drop the stencil too!  Because it was warm in the Room of Stash, the paste already had a "crust" on it... oohlalalaa... I loves that look, it has already part set but because I had goofed up, I scraped the goof bits up .. and it left an imprint... verrrry happy with that I was!

And of course, any chance to chuck a ton of embellies at something makes me verrry happy.  So, out came the Mechanicals embellies (these are sooo gorgeous) I added in some Junk Yard stuff from Prima, some old embellies from my stash and of course, my Embellish Your Art from Wendy Vecchi (see the theme here?)   Once I had got everythng done, I used my Stabilo pencil to whip around the textured bits to add shading... and did the same with the embelllies just so they popped a bit more.  Of course, I added my two tone border to the edge of the canvas (I do this all the time I know but it makes me happy).  Finally I dry brushed Treasure Gold all over the canvas and then smudged parts of it with my fingers.  This then meant the canvas was BLING!  So I used some black paint, applied with my finger, to just dull it all down again... Personally I wouldn't chose these colours again as they are waaay too bright for me... so I am going to have another go at this fab technique using my fave browns and creams... but it is good to step out of the comfort zone right?   Oh and... I personalized this canvas for me... the numbers are my birthday and the plaque is... erm... the age I will be in... ahem... 22 years!!!  *yeah right!*   To see Ellen's amazing creation, CLICK HERE... it is LUSH!!

I shall away now... we have a very special visitor coming to see us today and we needs to get the house sorted.  Oh yesh, Rich and Mary are coming over for dinner and Jerry the Springer will be coming with them... I will get some pics of him and pop them on here tomorrow.   And I know you will be thinking "what about AlfieCat!!!"   Don't worry, he will be safely ensconsed in his usual position (our bed) with a tin of tuna and water and toys in case he gets a bit peckish and fancies a play.   As ever, thanks for looking... have a great day!  TTFN

Hels x


Marleine said...

Hi Hels,

Wow! This is a brilliant piece of art work. I so love the Finnabair influence with your own style. I follow her work too. Would love to see it for real.
Nice to see you back in form.
Looking forward to your work shop at Pickwell Farm soon. X

Kath Stewart said...

wow this is stunning hels...don't want to make you jealous or anything but I'm booked up for a whole day workshop with Finn in Glasgow on the 25th...I'm so excited...just wish you could be sitting next to me...big hugs kath xxx

nannapat said...

Gorgeous art work Hels - brave of you to put your age on (you are 43 aren't you??). Love the colours. Pat x

Gail said...

Stunning xx GailT xx

Candy C said...

Hels....your canvas is absolutely stunning! I love every pasted, penciled, painted, smudged inch of it! It is just a fab piece of art! Loved your write up, too! Brilliant, as always! Lo e you! Hugs, Candy

Candy C said...

Hels....your canvas is absolutely stunning! I love every pasted, penciled, painted, smudged inch of it! It is just a fab piece of art! Loved your write up, too! Brilliant, as always! Lo e you! Hugs, Candy

Elizabeth said...

Absolutely love your canvas, Hels. So much so, that I think I need to have a go myself at producing a Finn style canvas now. I like the effect of the paste done with just a 6x6 mask - like you, I only have that size but wouldn't have thought to use them in this way. Off to check out my crafty stash ... now see what you've done :)) Elizabeth xx

Cardgenie said...

Hels, lurrrrve your canvas - totally lushingtons. Wish I could afford a class with Finn too, way out of my league!!!! Glad you're back in blogland, hope you're managing to keep the pain in check. Keep up the inspiration. Love Jean

ellen vargo designs said...

OMG it turned out AMAZING! I love how the treasure gold just POPPED everything back into detail - it's magic! I just love our skype sessions - what a gift to be able to spend an afternoon together from so far away. Love ya! xxx

Lisapmac said...

Amazing, must have been great fun to create :-)

rachel said...

aw Hels - this looks amazing - will follow your link later when I have a bit more time - Finn sounds amazng xx

whyducks said...

Stunning Hels, I really love it, and smashing (good old fashioned word) colours too!

Carole Z said...

Wow Hels, this is absolutely stunning, I love all of I am off to put the kettle on so I can check out Finn's blog, :) Carole Z X

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

FABULOUS post!!!! I love your Finn creation!!! The color is marvelous and the gold captivating! Love all those trinkets too!

Karen P said...

Cor Hels, that is stonking! Love every little thing about it - the colour is magnificient - it looks like a hunk of turquoise stone that's been embellised - gorgeously gorgeous! Karen x

Linda Page said...

this is just glorious I love every bit of it xxxx

Redanne said...

Glorious, stunning - love this fab canvas. I am lucky enough to be booked on a Finn course in November. ~Great post Hels. Hugs, Anne x

Lori said...

Absolutely gorgeous Hels! I love Finn's style, and you perfected it!

craftypam60 said...

This is stunning Hels :0) xx

Linda Simpson said...

OMG this is lush!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! must has a go of this myself and invest in some of that paste myself. Thanks for the inspiration.

Linda xxx

Helen said...

what a stunning creation!! I couldn't afford to get to one of Finn's classes either, though I would have loved to... Beautiful work of art, Hels.

TAM said...

OMG this is so amazing I'm speechless

Helen said...

Hels, your canvas is 'gorjamalicious', the colour is lovely and the embellies are just magic! I popped over to see what Ellen had created and hers is brilliant too! Helen

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, I have just popped over to Ellen's Blog, and WOW !! oh WOW !! these are all stunning projects. I can definitely see the 'Finnabair' inspiration in them all, the colours and compilation are fabulous.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Gerrina said...

Just stunning! Love the colours and the line-up you made! Glad your better and creating again! Inky greetings, Gerrina

Rita said...

Absolutely Stunning Hels. Maybe after I do the course with Finn in Glasgow on the 24th I will be able to show my make. I'm so looking forward to it. Hugs Rita xxx

Joanne said...

Kin eck lass

EmmaT said...

Gorgeous Hels, love all the little details to look at and just my colour too. Went to look at Finnibars blog and wow that is some super amazing work, thank you for sharing with us. Emma

Seth said...

This is truly spectacular. And having taken a workshop with Finn, I also know how fun it must have been to make.

nancyd said...

Morning Hels, a fabulous canvas
and glad your feeling better and
back to your old self.
Nancyd xx

Michelle Webb said...

Awesome Hels, love all the texture, and you know me, I'm all about the texture. Great colours too. Love it. Off to have a neb at Ellen's now. Michelle xx

Caroline said...

Yes, very aware of Finnabair!! I am glad she is modest (Really?)
Anywaaays - regardless of inspiration, it's a gorgeous canvas & as always, I am 'well jell' of your stash!!
Do you mean THE J Springer? Wow??
Glad Alfie cat will be all cosy with his fave tuna & toys..
Sorry for being somewhat absent.

Von said...

This is brilliant Hels :)
Von ♥

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