Wednesday 13 February 2013

Buzz Buzz Buzzy Bee...

...tee hee, I sang that, you know, in the stylee of Arthur Askey (please don't tell me you never heard of him, that will make me feel positively ancient, I only remember him because of *ahem* re-runs of The Good Old Days.... )   Anyways!  Buzzy? Beeswax!  I had to have a little play the other day, you know, as you do... and I was mooching around the Room of Stash thinking "what else can I put onto this tag..."  and decided on a layer of beeswax... does it work with gilding wax?  Yep!  Does it work with the new Distress Paints? Yep! And does it work with my favourite Studio 490 embossing paste? You bet!

So. Here's what I did:  you know I am mad crazy keen on making stuff that has the scraped paint technique?  Well, the obsession is still going strong and of course now I have the new Distress Paints, I needed to see if it worked with these as well.  OH YESH!  They do indeedily!  I gave the paints (Bundled Sage, Broken China and Peeled Paint) a good old shake to start with and then scraped them on, in order, drying in between... I left some of the tag colour showing thru too for contrast.  Next I added some embossing paste through my fave new stencil from That Special Touch - ohhhlalaaa, I loves this one, you may have seen it on everything I have been making of late!   I gave the embossing paste a whizz with the heat tool to set it, mainly cos Mrs Impatient was sitting on my shoulder!

Next, I added some gilding waxes to add some blingetty-bling to the foxgloves and heat set them.  Then comes the exciting bit... will beeswax totally kill the whole tag or will it make it look pretty?   I stamped the new Studio 490 background from Heirloom Art (FAVE!) onto cosmetic tissue - I been asked a few times which cosmetic tissue I use... simples: Kleenex *other tissues are available lol*  I used Archival Ink for the stamping because I wanted to make sure the pattern was stable, using a permanent waterproof ink like Archival is a must.  I tore up bits of the tissue and popped them onto the tag with the beeswax over the top to secure it.  If you not used beeswax before, main trick is to have your heat tool ready, the beeswax sets when you place it onto your surface... so heat it up and paint it around a bit to smooth it out... voila!   The butterflies are more Studio 490 images and I added some flat back pearls to the bodies.  Finally, the sentiment... I got some scrap card and scraped paint onto it like the base of the tag, dried it and then stamped the new Tim Holtz sentiment in Black Archival ink.  Job done!

Awwww... my little nursey hat is still in use... poor old Grim is feeling even worse today!  He had a rubbish day yesterday, not eating and feeling like death.  It is most definitely the 'flu - he is shivering but feels red hot and is aching... bless him!   Thank you all for your get well wishes yesterday though, I have read them to him.  I shall away... I have a tonne of samples to get made and the nursey hat needs to be back on in  a mo!  Busy day!  Thanks for looking... TTFN

Hels x


Helen said...

What a gorgeous tag! I still haven't used the wax I bought after watching you demo it at Stevenage - must be 3 years ago now!!!!

Elaine said...

Great techniques - got to admit I love that foxglove mask. Never mind the nursey hat, you need the nursey mask so you don't catch it!! See you at the weekend.

The Hardy Stamper said...

Yor tag is so lovely Hels (and my favourite colours too). Poor old Grim (sending a gentle hug)! My DH is suffering too (with a chest infection and asthma) - can I borrow your nurses hat when you've finished?

Kazkrafts said...

this is gorgeous, I bet it feels fabby too!!
Best wishes to Grim for a speedy recovery, hope you've got the nurses outfit on for him ;) xx

Artyjen said...

If there is anything worse than man flu it's the real flu!!! LOL Hope you don't catch it too! Lovely tag btw.
xoxo Sioux

betjunroe said...

This is so pretty Hels! I've been meaning to try using beeswax in a project. Hope Grim feels much better soon! Bette

Barbara said...

What a fabulous tag! I'm REALLY in awe, because I HAVE tried the beeswax, and everything I tried was a disaster. So now my Melting Pot sits. But I love everything about your tag!

Barbara said...

What a fabulous tag! I'm REALLY in awe, because I HAVE tried the beeswax, and everything I tried was a disaster. So now my Melting Pot sits. But I love everything about your tag!

Carole Z said...

Fabulous tag Hels...I've yet to try the wax..all the best to Grim Carole Z X

Unknown said...

This tag is gorgeous! Love the look of all those techniques! However, I haven't quite got the idea of how you work the beeswax on; would love to see a tutorial on that! Hugs Frea

Gaby Bee said...

What a gorgeous tag! I love all the textures...beautifully done!

Gaby xo

Marleine said...

Hiya Hels,

Love the tag, that stencil is good will have to look out for it at the Farnborough show. Shame you aren't going there.

Poor Grim, wish him well. X

Gillian .... said...

Hey hun, aren't these DP just brilliant,I need more colours lol. Love this gorgeous tag. Aww poor Grim, take good care of him and wish him well from me. xx

Karen P said...

To use one of your phrases Hels - gorgeous gorgeousnes snd a top notch tagington Karen x

rachel said...

this is much gorgeousness - I love it - so delicate and feminine - much beautiousness - wow! Hope Grim is better soon xx

nannapat said...

Love the tag Hels - the colours are fab. So much more interesting to use beeswax for crafting rather than polishing! Pat x

Redanne said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous tag Hels, love the colours and of course the butterflies. Hope Grim is feeling a bit better now, he really has had a bad do. Hugs, Anne x

EmmaT said...

Evening Hels, sounds like Grims got the new sars like virus (lol) if he's anything like the men in my family! Gorgeous tag, luv the colours and the layout is great, looks like butterflies on a buddlia bush. Emma

Rossella said...

Positively lovely.
Rosie x

Unknown said...

This gorgeous,love the detailing and colours.Jacqueline.S

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this tag! Hope Grim feels better soon.

lucretia said...

I dare to dream that one day I might craft like you, pipe dream though it is

Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

Oh, this is gorgeous. I love the textured flowers....and the color! Ooh-la-la!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

This is over the top AWESOME Hels!!! Beeswax??? WOW!!! You are going to make me have my Melt Pot out all the time! It looks fab here!!!

Kirsten said...

Hi Hels, this is so beautiful, the texture looks amazing.
I made my own canvas, using your fantastic tutorial from last week. Here's the link, if you fancy taking a look:

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful with some amazing colours.

Craftychris said...

Fabulous! the beeswax is such a cool technique! xx

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