Sunday 28 October 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 229 - Harvest Moon **WITH SPECIAL SPONSOR!!!**

Goooooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Autumnal Sunday to you all.  Thank you for all your gorgeous honey toned entries for last weeks challenge.  Can you hear that fizzing?  Yes?  Tis I!    I am OVER THE TOP excited today to be able to share with you a very special sponsor for my little Sunday Stamper challenge.  Before I gabble on about that, I will do the theme thingy... which is... AUTUMN/FALL.  I have chosen this song because a) I love Neil Young (he is one of my fave singers) and b) the American connection is VERY relevant.  Read on to find out why.....     So.  A couple of weeks ago, lovely Sarah from Simon Says Stamp sent me an email.  She said "hey Hels, could we feature you on our blog?"  I was like "!!!***!!!***!!! Lemme think about that... for a second... YES PLEASE!"   How excited am I that Simon Says Stamp have asked to feature me!!! Excited? I bounced all around the Room of Stash for several minutes (until I had to sit down because I had a fit of the vapours!)  Anyways.  The theme for the feature is Autumn/Fall.  And the date for the feature is today.  Which coincides with todays Sunday Stamper.  And... there's more excitement too!!!  Get this... Simon Says Stamp have very generously offered a $25 Gift Certificate as a prize too.  Here is how to be in with a chance to win:  read carefully though, tis for one day only!

 On with this weeks challenge now: the theme is AUTUMN/FALL be it colours, leaves, berries, hedgehogs (they love Autumn don't they?) spiders, even Hallowe'en... whatever floats your inky boat.  You can make anything you fancy, just add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back here with a linky to the place you are showing your entry and I can then hop on over to visit you.  If you don't have a blog, don't worry, you can join in by email/Photo-hosting-thingy/Facebook... and the challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday November 3rd 2012.   Now because the Simon Says gift is open for one day only, I thought I would also offer a little prezzie to one randomly picked entrant to the challenge this week.  You need to leave a comment for me AND join in with the challenge before the closing time and date.  The winner will be announced on next Sunday's post. 

You may have noticed that this post hasn't got many photo's... well, that is because all the pics etc are over on Simon Says Stamp blog for you to pop over and read... all the deets are HERE

All that is left for me to say is... a mahoooosive thank you to the lovely folks at Simon Says Stamp - I love their shop, if you haven't visited before, HERE's a link... seriously, the gorgeousness that they keep in stock... oohlalalaaaa, I could spend a large fortune there!  Thanks for looking... have a fab day!! TTFN

Hels x

136 comments: said...

What wonderful news for you. It's about time your gorgeous Blog got noticed.
A voucher would be terrific but seeing your lovely Autumn tag is even nicer.
Enjoy it all Hels you deserve it.

rae d said...

fantastic news Missus woohoo well done you!!! And I just love this sample!!! I am off to do a long overdue super tidy of the craft room just so I can mess it all up again!!!

Inkypinkycraft said...

Your make is wonderful and I Love those little pumkins, so well deserved as your work is fab! Trace x

Linda Carson said...

Just came from the SS blog. I heart your autumn art piece! It is so creative, unique and inspirational! Outstanding job!

Hussena said...

Just came from simon says blog...your projects is simply the beautiful details you have added to it!!its simply Fantastic!!

Glennis F said...

How exciting for you - congratulations!

Yvonne said...

Well done - couldn't have happened to anyone nicer. Love your finished piece - no surprise it got you noticed!

craftytrog said...

So happy for you hun, your piece is fabulous, such wonderful details!
Alison xxx

Barb Cady said...

What a lovely surprise to wake up to on a Sunday morning Hels! Very kind of everyone concerned, I shall def. finish a contribution for this week, my 'honey' canvas is not quite finished for last week, so off to put my thinking cap on! See you later... xx

Laura Sterckx said...

I love what you made! TFS! :)

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, What a fantastic surprise to be asked by Simon Says Stamp, and it is well deserved, you are fan-bloomin-tastic. Well done.
WOW oh WOW, this piece is absolutely stunning Hels, I love everything about it, especially the tiny mouse and the pumpkins, the colours are fab-u-lous and the die-cuts are stunning. I want this very piece to sit on my dresser ha ha, I will have to try and re-create this masterpiece. Fantastic Hels.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

maska said...

Your piece is wonderful.

Mrs Beez said...

Fabulous - congratulations. I love this piece - those little pumpkins are soooo cute, super fantastic. That would be a whole lot more stash that I need now!!!!

Mrs Beez said...

Fabulous - congratulations. I love this piece - those little pumpkins are soooo cute, super fantastic. That would be a whole lot more stash that I need now!!!!

Bernice Hopper said...

Congratulations. I love reading your blog. You are always so creative

Keren Howell said...

Lovely sample Hels and how cool to be featured on Simon Says Stamp! Congratters!

Helen said...

Congrats on being featured by Simon Says! Love the sample, off to check it out fully now.

Mary Mac said...

Love this project, Mouse is just adorable.

Words and Pictures said...

Completely fantastic piece of work... and so right that SSS have jumped at the chance to feature you! Congratulations... Your centrepiece is just glorious, and I love the little mouse!! Hurrah for Autumn...
Alison x

Jenny Marples said...

Way to go girl!! You so deserve this recognition and have backed it up with one of your very bestest creations too. Looking forward to joining in again this week. Hugs, Buttons x

Korry said...

Congratulations Hels! And your piece is gorgeous!!!!

rachel said...

wowo wow wow Hels - no wonder you're excited! Well done you - you're piece is just stunning - love it to bits - really need to get me some artparts to play with - things made using them always look amazing!!! Will be back later in the week with a make! Hugs rachel xx

lilygee said...

Love your creation Hels - it speaks Autumn exactly. Congratulations too!
Jean xx

Carol Plume said...

Congratulations on the SSS gig! So very much deserved x now off to have a read xx

Margreet said...

Just came from the SS blog where I admired your many can keep looking at this gorgeous project!
xxx Margreet

Rita said...

Wow.This is certainly worth entering. I like your take on Autumn Fall and we also love Neil Young. I'm off to the SECC with Annie in a minute, so I'll definately be back with an entry. Hugs Rita xx

Marleine said...

Morning Hels,
This is brilliant news.
Your project is fantastic. The colours go so well together and tell the story of nature at it's best. Love hedgy. Just looking at it, what fun tales you tell children.
Well done. X

Suzanne Pattison said...

No less than you deserve Hels - you are such an inspiration to so many x

Lynne in NI said...

Congrats on being featured over at Simon Says! Beautiful autumnal project!

Sue said...

Well who can blame you for being so excited. Well done you and so well deserved. Love your Autumn art, especially those cute little pumpkins. Congrats! Sx

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, im glad your feeling better. This looks amazing, going to pop over for further pics, loving the little pumpkins. Emma

Anonymous said...

Hi Hels. Really good news for you. Well deserved. Just popping over to the blog.
Hope everyone remembered to put their clocks back.

Val in Spain xxx

EmmaT said...

Just have to say after popping over to simon says - this really amazing Hels, love the detail you've put in with the mushroom, mouse, pumpkin, it has the real 'wow' factor. Emma

Sue said...

Wow hun what an honour for SSS to have you on their blog and what an honour to be asked to be on their blog. Double whammy.

More people will be able to see how flippin talented you are.

Shazza said...

woo-hoo Hels, congratulations. I love that store too x

Caz said...

Absolutely brilliant Hels - and great to get sponsored by SSS!!
Love those little mice, toadstool and pumkins - and the colours are gorgeous.
Hope I might get some me time in the week to make something for the challenge

Carole Z said...

HI Hels, well done on the SS feature...fab!!! Sorry I didn't get a project in last week (my first miss since I started) but it was a mad mad crafty week for me! Carole Z X

Suzanne C said...

Congrats on your feature! Going over to take a peek! Whoot Whoot!

gayle said...

Pumpkins AND toadstools, two of my favourite things! Love this autumn piece, congrats! :-) xx

JMCPhillips said...

Such an intricately detailed project!! Beautiful!!

Maryann Laursen said...

You have definitely made a wonderful piece of art here and it sure desrves to be seen of as many as possible, that´s for sure. I love, what you´ve made here and I´m totally in love with that little mouse peeking out there ha ha ha. It´s such a cute detail. Stunning work, thanks so much for the great inspiration.

TonyR said...

woohoo!! well done you!
and so very much deserved for one of the nicest most generous and downright gorgeous ladies 'in the wurrrld'
and SSS are brilliant at delivering to the UK too!
glad you feeling better hun

Unknown said...

This is awesome - so very very autumnal and no one can pack so much fabulousness onto one work of art as you can. I am over the moon that at last your are beginning to feel like your old self again. Hope that you are bouncing about with gay abandonment before long

Joanne said...

YES! at last the USA has discovered our precious Hels and by no other than my favourite overseas craft supplier SSS. Well done my friend. I hope this is the start of big opportunities, just don't get 'snaffled' and leave us, heheh.
Hugs Joanne xx

Andrea said...

Gorgeous project! thanks for all the great ideas!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Leave a comments she says....couldn't help myself any way - this is fantastic! Love your cute harvest mouse and those colours are yummy! Congratulations on being featured on SS blog! Chrisx

Linda said...

Hi Hels, what fab news.
Your blog should be featured everywhere, so much inspiration.
Your Autumn tag is gorgeous, love all detail, and the colours are stunning. Great job!! xx

Miriam Prantner said...

Great piece! Congrats on being showcased over at SSS! Well deserved!

betjunroe said...

This would make a beautiful centerpiece for the holidays Hels! Love the colors and especially love the little mouse! Bette

Pam said...

I love your piece! Such a great piece of art. That mouse is so sweet. Love your creativity!

Unknown said...

Congratz.. how exciting for you.

Beautiful project Hels! Thanks for sharing.

Sue said...

Hi hun as I have finished these this morning I thought I may partake in your challenge. Halloween always means it is autumn to me. Have a fab week and TY for your challenges you are a star.

Anonymous said...

So whimsical and fun! Delightful creating! TFS!

Lin said...

What a gorgeous interpretation of fall! Love your work - congrats on the feature over at SSS!

Kailash said...

Congrats on your feature at SSS, just saw your creative centerpiece, absolutely gorgeous, love the little mouse. Thanks for sharing!!!

LauraJane:) said...

LOVE the little mouse and Mushrooms!
I REALLY must start thinking more dimention.Your work is LOVELY!

SusanK said...

You do Wendy proud using so many Studio 490 items! Your art is always so colorful and lively - a great inspiration!

Unknown said...

thank you *so* much for the inspiration!

Karen P said...

You've used my favourite colours and your Studio 490 pieces are gorgeous! You always inspire me Hels, thank you very much for that hun! I'm going to dig out some of me Grunge cos I've had an idea lol! Will pop over to Simon Says to see it better and thank you for the chance hugs Karen x

Words and Pictures said...

Hi Hels, back again to offer up my Autumn harvest... you can see it here:

Thanks so much for the chance to win your fabulous giveaway! And congrats agains on the SSS honour. Have a great week...
Alison x

Brenda Brown said...

Wow Hels, that looks wonderful, I am gonna pop over to SSS to have a peek. Congratulations on being highlighted, you so deserve it.
hugs {brenda} xox

Denise Bryant said...

What a fun fall piece you've created. Love the pretty fall colors and that cute mouse!
I'm visiting from the Simon Says Stamp blog!

Paper Profusion said...

Congratulations on your wonderful art piece at Simon Says Stamp. You really deserve to be profiled like this. Hope that lots of good things are in store for you (no pun intended!). Nicola x

Unknown said...

Getting published is no small feat. What a wonderful depiction of Fall in all its glorious colors.

TAM said...

Stunning piece of work - you deserve your spot in the limelight as you inspire so many

Mooffie said...

Congrats, Hels! And the piece is lovely...Off to SSS for a better look. Waiting for a delivery from them, as well! I shall have my fingers crossed for the opportunity to spend MORE money!! TTFN

sallysbitz2 said...

Congrats on your Simon Says spot, well deserved x

Your project is fab & apt for this time of the year x

hugs sally x

Handgathered said...

My dear, you had me LOLing with all the jumping around you've been doing. Well deserved I'd say. Congrats for all that.
That lil' mouse 'makes' the piece.

xo Anni

mariangel said...

wow awesome job you're so talented

mariangel said...


Krisha said...

CONGRATS HELS!! Nobody really should be surgprised your work is so wonderful!!! Off to SS to see your other pics.

Kyla said...

Congratulations, that's fab news and well deserved.


Charli said...

Oh my goodness, that little mouse is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!
Lovin' the lil pumpkins too!
A great piece of art, and congrats on the Simon Says Stamp feature!!

Janet Wilson said...

Gorgeous project! Just about to go to Simon says stamp to have a closer look.

Saintly Lisa said...

Another lovely art piece Hels! Lovin the colours & that little mouse x

Redanne said...

Hope this gets to you, am away at the moment and doing this remotely.... well done you!! Many congratulations and I love your make this week, great colours and design. Woohoo..... Crafty hugs, Anne x

Nikki said...

Just popped over from SS and Congrats to you :) such a beautiful creation !!!

Denacline88 said...

Thanks for sahring with us today. Your work is beautiful.

Janet said...

Good for you Hels,your Autumn project is fantastic,love the mouse so cute.
Janet x

Julia S-W said...

Wow! How generous is that? The little pumpkins are gorgeous and the mouse! Wonderful colours too. Thanks to all for a chance to win.

Diana N. said...

You are quite an artist! The pumpkins and mice are so cute! What a creative and imaginative soul you are.

Unknown said...

My first visit to your blog. Your art piece is simply beautiful. Bet you had to spend alot of attention to all the fine detail. Thank you for sharing this at SSS.

Art By Wanda said...

Congrats!!! You should be featured!!1 Your art is fantastic and your blog posts always make me smile!!! and sometimes even laugh - out loud.

Pat said...

What a lovely piece the colours are so gorgeous and I love the pumpkins. Congrats on being featured by SSS. Surprised they haven't snapped you up before
Pat xx

Pat said...

What a lovely piece the colours are so gorgeous and I love the pumpkins. Congrats on being featured by SSS. Surprised they haven't snapped you up before
Pat xx

Tracey-B said...

Well deserved, your projects are great and what a great giveaway! Hopefully I'll get a chance to join in with the challenge this week.

Gillian .... said...

Mahoosive congrats on your SSS feature, this project is knockout, love the pumpkins, the colours and the mice are cute (not real ones tho lol). Hope to join in this weeks theme if I can. xxx

Wendance Designs said...

Gorgeous! Love the rich and beautiful colours!

Iris said...

Really beaultiful autumn decoration. Love the little mouse. Iris

Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen said...

Congrats on the SSS gig, what an honour!!!! Not sure if I'm missing a place to link up my creation for the challenge but here's my project URL for this week's theme ;0)

Evil Edna said...

Brilliant, well done! here is my Autumn entry:

sara j said...

Autumnal things. What fun. Can't wait to get started. Congratulations for the shout out from Simon Says Stamp....another favorite site.

Little Paper House said...

Hi Hels what an amazing make, I just love the toadstools and pumpkins its given me great inspiration what a talent you are. Great news about the link up with Simon says ,I will post my entry later in the week love Heidi x x

Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

Oh, this is so whimsical and precious. I love the little mushrooms and mousie nestled in with the pumpkins. Adding you to my reader.

Claire said...

Hi Hels, wow fantastic about the SSS sponsorship - I was very curious yesterday to find out what your news was gonna be!! Here is my Autumnal project for this week:
Thanks! Claire x

Sandi said...

What a lovely blog you have and your art piece is magnificent....that little mouse is adorable!

Kris in Alaska said...

That would look so lovely on my table! Love it!

Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com

Renee V said...

Your project is really amazing, love the pattern on that flower- don't know how you did it but it's gorgeous! And the mouse and mushrooms are so adorable :) Congrats on being featured @ the amazing Simon blog!! I really enjoyed visiting your blog today!

Hettie said...

Great piece Hels and I popped over to SSS to see the extra piccies. I'll let you have some real mousie models if you wish when I see you next week. They may be a bit niffy though with a surprised expression on their faces!

EmmiLu said...

Hi Hels the pics dont do it justice it's gorgeous in the flesh so to speak!

Sue D said...

I came over from Simon Says--wow--your project is awesome. I really like the mouse and the pumpkins.

pcm said...

this is incredible!

Gerrina said...

What a wonderfull news! Great that you have been noticed overthere aswell! Love your piece; the colours, but most of all the little mause! Since I couldnot get my Honeycomb entree ready in time, I made my entree for this week today, so noboddy can keep me of entering in your Sunday stampers challenge: I'm of to get some energie for a bussy week... Hugs, Gerrina

Katie said...

Congratulations on your post over at Simon Says Stamp! I have loved seeing your work over the years through your blog and have commented randomly. Great art piece! I love those little mice and the mushrooms. And I love the vine flowing down from above. Thanks for sharing!

Katie B.

Brook said...

How exciting and I love your creation. Congratulations!

Kate Yetter said...

Beautiful piece. I am heading over to SSS now to read your post. Congrats on your guest designer spot! Can't wait to see it!

blupixy said...

This is great! Thanks for sharing it!

Memories by Manda said...

What an awesome creation at SSS! The mice are so cute!

Paulette S said...

Hels, What a fun project, from the paper crafted parts to the mice and pumkins made from clay. You are so crafty! I had fun popping around your blog.

Diane Swanson said...

I love this piece of art! I can't stop looking at it! It's beautiful!!!!!

belldoubleyou said...

Congratulations on your feature! I'm about to head over to Simon Says Stamp to see what you've made.

Moosisk said...

Just poppin' over from Simon Says Stamp blog. I just LOVE your centerpiece. Thanks for the inspiration. :D

MamaKaraba said...

LOVE your piece! (Thanks for the chance to win free stuff to feed my papercrafitng addiction!)

Amy Martin said...

I love your creativity with this peice. I love the mice hidden in there too. Great job.

ElizabethR said...

Blimey kiddo I'm the 115th person to comment, nearly had RSI scrolling down here lol. Love your Autumn tag it's gorgeous, especially the little mice. Elizabeth xxx

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Congratulations on your success!

Michelle Webb said...

love those pumpkins hels, where did you get them from? I missed out on your freebe, but hey ho, loved seeing you make though. Michelle x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Yay!!! So glad they are featuring you!!!! I can wait to see the rest of this!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Saw it. Love it!!!!! It's fabulous Hels!!! Love the flower Art Part base! It's a scene from Alice in Wonderful Autumn Land!!! Gorgeous!!!!!!

Anna said...

I am in love with those little mice!

Iulia said...

Congratulations for being featured by the SSS! Your autumn tag is gorgeous and so inspirational!
Here's my autumnal creation:

Hugs, Iulia

craftimamma said...

I didn't get chance to visit yesterday Hels (or for a few days before that either, lol) but wanted to say congratulations on the Simon Says Stamp recognition ....... so well deserved. This looks like a fabby piece as always so off to check it out on SSS blog now.

Lesley Xx said...

Wow what a LONG way to the bottom of your page with all those wonderful congratulatory comments Hels you must feel surrounded by the love!
I had time for a short play so here is my weekly offering,
Take care

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

It took me forever to get to the bottom of all of these! Congrats again to you! Your project was GRANDIOSE!!!! Hope I spelled that right! Loved all the parts!

Here is my tiny entry this week!

Barbara said...

I just love visiting your blog, so inspiring!
Here's my project this week:

Rita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita said...

Sorry. the last post did not work. I'll try again. Lots of lovely comments Hels. At last I'm back with my Tag for this weeks Challenge. Hugs Rita xx

Here's Mine

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here is my autumnal offering! Carole Z X

rachel said...

Hiya Hels - here's my autumn offering
hope you're well! Hugs Rachel x

Keren Howell said...

Well done on being featured by Simon Says Stamp!

My offering is here -

Jenny Marples said...

Lord alone knows how you are keeping up with the comments this week Hels!!! Loving how much recognition you are so deservedly getting. Here's my entry this week;
Hugs, Buttons x

Mrs Beez said...

Great challenge - a great excuse to play with the autumn collection inks. I haven't succumbed to the spools yet, but it is only a matter of time!

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, a bit late but here, nevertheless!

Crafty hugs, Anne x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Phew! hope I'm not too late! Loved doing this - great topic! Mine is here

Karen P said...

Woohoo I managed it! I finally got something made for your challenge! It's very hit and miss for me some weeks so very happy I finished something! Thank you so much for the inspiration you share with us, here's mine:
Karen x

Mrs Beez said...

Back again! A little altered beer mat. You asked me about the acorns from my last project - they're not real and were from ebay.

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