Sunday 2 September 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 221 - Tulips From Amsterdam

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy September (already!) Sunday to you all. Many thanks for all your magnificent green entries for last weeks challenge... I know, saying it again... I love that you all join in and are so enthusiastic about my little challenge! I didn't really have a theme for this weeks challenge, I was mulling over ideas yesterday evening when I heard about the sad passing of Max Bygraves and instantly I knew that todays challenge title was going to be Tulips From Amsterdam (an oldie but goodie right?) So, this weeks theme is.... STAMPED FLOWERS. To join in with the challenge is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy. Add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back here to leave me a link to the place you are showing your entry. If you don't have a blog/picassa/photohostingthingymibob, you can join in by email or on Facebook. The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday September 8th 2012.

Firstly, apologies for the late start of this weeks challenge. I was all set to finish my entry last night... and then I put my back out - big style :O( It has been giving me some real grief for the past couple of days and then last night, AlfieCat decided he was going to lay on the floor in front of me, on his back, and grab my foot as I stepped over him. So, it was either stand on him, which I could never do, or, make a stupid stretchy sideways movement that made me look like I was attempting to breakdance. Well, I felt something "go"... and promptly ended up on the sofa for the rest of the evening. ouch!

Anyways, moving on... in a hobbly kind of fashion... I embellished one of the tags that I had altered last week with Dylusions sprays. So. The background stamp is Holly Hocks by Donna Downey for Unity Stamps. I wanted a resist with this image... but being as I am very tidy (ahem) I couldn't find my Multi Medium. So, I thought "I guess Glue & Seal will work... I shall try!" Which is exactly what I did ... and yep, fabby resist! And because Glue & Seal is 100% waterproof when dried, I could splash as much water and as many Dylusions over it without losing the image. Oh and... if you do do this technique, please remember to clean your stamp immediately... 100% waterproof is on any surface!

The colours are a mix of Squeezed Orange and a couple of the old Dylusions (the Altered Originals ones, I love these so much too) namely, Pomegranate and Burnt Orange. I spritzed the tag with water and then sprayed the colours over the top, standing the tag up so the colours drip down together. I used a Crafters Workshop Chicken Wire mask and spritzed more Squeezed Orange over, dried it, and then went in with the Circles Dylusions stencil and used a baby wipe to remove some of the colour.... and then moved it a bit and lightly misted Pomegranate. I coloured a piece of Specialty Stamping paper with more of the same colours and then stamped a load of flowers from the How Does Your Garden Grow Dylusions stamp set, cutting them out, curling the petals and layering them onto the tag with DewDrops for centres. Usually I colour the back of my flowers but I left these white so they toned in with the sentiment... which is from the Quintissential Quotes set.

So there you have it! Apologies again for the lateness of this post... hope that the challenge theme was worth you wait. Thanks for looking... I am off to lounge on the sofa again... and I have a lovely Skype sesh planned for this afternoon with Ellen. Have a good day! TTFN

Hels x


Helen said...

It looks great - love the Donna stamp (it's on my wish list) - and I hope your back recovers soon.

ElizabethR said...

Gorgeous colours and I love the flower stamp. Hadn't heard about Max, so sad grew up watching him. Take it easy with your back today. Elizabeth x

Redanne said...

Yes very sad about Max, I thought he was much older your tag today, I think it is the colours I love, so vibrant, sunny and cheerful - brilliant for this dull day - off to watch more of the Paralympics, we are doing so well......sorry to hear about your back, I think Alfie needs some H&S training, this is not his first attempt! Crafty hugs, Anne x

Rita said...

Sorry to hear about your back Hels. My hips are really bad at the moment too, constant aches, but at least my cardmaking is not affected. Poor Max, he was a lovely man, but he got to a good age too. Off to see what I can do for this challenge. Hugs Rita xx

ellen vargo designs said...

FAB-U-LOUS! LOVE the glue and seal resist! Have some ideas floating around for that - may need to try them! Can't wait for our "skypey sesh"... see you soon! Els xxx

Sue said...

Great challenge again Hels - love the vibrancy of the colours & always enjoy playing around with flowers. Take it easy - I guess AlfieCat is in the dog house (he he). Sx

Joanne said...

So sorry about your back Hels, but AlfieCat didn't mean any harm. Hope it gets better soon. Crickey, Max Bygraves eh! That's sad. Love your colour choice for this wonderful tag.
Joanne xxx

Paula Whittaker said...

loving the colour....I keep sayiing it but I must get some some of those Dylusions.

ElizabethR said...

Can't stop singing that song now lol. Here's my entry, Happy Sunday x

Inkypinkycraft said...

sorry to hear about your hope it eases soon..
the tag is beautiful, such yummy colours and as always a fab make! trace x

EmmaT said...

Hiya Hels, firstly i sympathise with you over your back, i did pretty much tread on my cat once when she did that, however it did teach her a lesson, never got under my feet since!
Stunning tag, love the colours and 3d flowers. I might one day get around to entering, a week never seems long enough!

ria gall said...

Hi Hels
So sorry to hear about your back, I really know where you are coming from on that subject.
Another lovely tag, I made one myself yesterday which I was very pleased with.

Karen P said...

Afternoon, errm, Evening Hels,
ouch you poor thing! Have had that happen with my little Eddy the dog - and it stuffed my back up for a week or too! Am a fellow back pain sufferer so you really do have my sympathy. Hope it eases soon!
Such a gorgeous tag! My sprays are calling to me and I'll have to see if I can find the one floral mask I own, can't remember where that is lol! I have some gorgeous flower stamps I can use too! Gentle hugs sent your way Karen x

Carole Z said...

Ooh flowers, one of my faves! Love today's tag, gorgeous colours too...twas sad about Max wasn't it, remember watching him as a kid :) Sorry about your back and I can empathise cos I suffer the same, not nice! Carole Z X

Planetsusie said...

Hi Hels - first of all what a lovely challenge - it's nice that you have made this one for him. Bless him. I like the look of it and may have a little go! I missed yesterday because I was ill and thought I would comment on those tags - oh what pure bliss! They are all sooooo gorgeous and todays is no exception. Simply wonderful.

I hope your back gets better soon, I am still having physio on mine but it is easier now. Take care and thank you for not treading on Alfie - he is a lucky boy to have such a good mum!!!!

Hugs to you Sue P xxx

Michelle Webb said...

Awesome tag Hels, love those colours and the Donna Downey stencil....want..really bad! Michelle x

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,
Hope your back gets better soon. That Alfie cat, bless him!!!
Love the tag. Would love to join in with the challenge, but am a dinasour when it comes to the computer. I enjoy your blog and that is about my limit. X

Caz said...

Love the tag - gorgeous colours!!
Sorry to hear Alfie has done it again - take it steady now, plenty of rest.
Chat Tuesday

Desire Fourie said...

Loving your flower creation. Gorgeous colours.
Here is my entry:

Rita said...

WEll, here's me and now after finished my challenge card I noticed it was to be Stamped Flowers. I need to read the challenges properly next time. However, I will show you my card anyway. Sorry Hels. Hugs Rita xx

Here's Mine

Barb Cady said...

Hi Hon. Thinking of you with your back pain, hope it is easing off. Here is a piece of Holland for you in goodly time this week!

Your tag is beautiful, I love the colours! Cheer anyone up that would. Hugs xx

aisling said...

Here are my stamped flowers:

Craftychris said...

Love your tag, Max would approve! bless him xx

Lovely Linda said...

I am so sorry to hear of your back - I hope you are finding some relief! Love the flowers theme for this week and your gorgeous tag - here is my card, I hope this is the right place to link it up:


Redanne said...

Hi Hels, hope your back is a lot better today. Here is my entry for this week:

Crafty hugs, Anne xx

Joanie said...

Hi Hels, Gorgeous tag, love the colours.

I empathise with you re your back - mine is giving me such jip at the mo too!

Here is my contribution for the challenge:

Take care Joan x

Planetsusie said...
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Planetsusie said...

Hi Hels - me again - had to delete the last post 'cos I forgot me linky thing. Cooo the thought of the dentist on Thursday is affecting me already!! Anyway here is my little contribution to your challenge - hope this is OK.

Hugs to you Sue P xx

Jenny Marples said...

Another great tag from your fab inky session. Hope your back is on the mend and Alfie is avoiding your feet. Here are my stamped flowers;
and my thanks for being a superstar. Hugs, Buttons x

Carol said...

I love the way you have used Glue-n-Seal as a resist technique. Here is my entry.

Words and Pictures said...

Fab tag! What delicious florals... Mine are a bit pricklier!

Julia S-W said...

Gorgeous colours and love that resist technique too - another one to try!

You will notice, I hope, that it's only Wednesday and I'm posting my entry already - is that a record or what??

Hope you're feeling lots better when you read this.

Here's my entry:


Carole Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's my project for this week, Carole Z X

Mrs Beez said...

Love the colours on this tag. I love what you're doing with those dylusions sprays. Can you guess what was in one of my "craft packages received" today?!!!!!

Here's my flower cards

Little Paper House said...

Hi Hels, it's the first time I have entered your Sunday stamper challenge and couldn't believe the theme for this week. On saturday I created a flower tag using a tiny Hero Arts stamp and the fab Jenni Bowlin paints and inks. Hope you like my entry, I visit your blog most days and love the inspiration you give to me.

heidi x

Glennis F said...

I love following your blog - it is so inspiring.
This is the first time I have entered Sunday Stamper, and here is my entry


Sue said...

Good morning everyone. Back with my entry for this week. Sx

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Love your vibrant little beauty of a tag this week cheery! Hope the back is mending!

Here is my entry:

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Hels and fellow Sunday Stampers, have just uploaded my project for week #221 - not such a mad rush this time! My Vintage Dress Form with Stamped Flowers can be found here:

Gerrina said...

Misted this blogpost somehow, but glad I see this now. Made my first X-mascard. Nothing to heavy on the X-ms side; just flowers:

Enjoy the weekend! Greetings, Gerrina

rachel said...

Hi Hels - love your tag - I've done a tag on a card its at
hope you like it! Hugs Rachel xx

Soo said...

My first challenge! Thanks so much for the inspiration. My stamped flowers are here:


Carol Plume said...

Hiya Hels hope the classes went well today! skidding in my the skin of my teeth is my entry for this weeks' Sunday Stamper, thing is I thought the theme was "handmade flowers" ummmm will these do??


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