Sunday 20 May 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 206 - Will It Go Round In Circles PLUS Giveaway

Gooooooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all! As ever, thank you all so very much for all your gorgeously regal entries into last weeks challenge. This week I have chosen a simple old theme... which is... CIRCLES. To join in with the challenge is simples: make a little something - it can be anything you fancy - include the theme and some stamping and then pop back here and leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry. If you haven't got a blog/Flickr/Picassa, you can also enter via Facebook by uploading a photo to your profile and sending me a link, or by email. The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 26th May 2012. Onto the bit about the giveaway part of this weeks' challenge; if you leave me a comment on this post, I will enter your name into the hat to win my entry, if you also join in, I will add your name in twice. The winner will be chosen by Random.wotsit and will be announced on next Sunday's post.

My entry this week is one of my samples from yesterdays shows. It is a cornucopia of Studio 490 goodies, with some Grungepaper and Distress thrown in for goodly measures. I started out with the Circle Frame from the Art Parts Sample Pack, colouring the frame with Peeled Paint Distress Stain. I used some cardstock to make the middle bit, colouring with Antique Linen and Scattered Straw Distress Stains using a Wrinkle Free Distress technique. The little dotty bits on this design can also be "circles" too. I used Pale Ochre Archival to stamp the ledger background from the Art Works set and stamped the sentiment in Jet Black Archival (also from that set) I love that sentiment, it is a Mojo-busting wordage that I will be looking at whenever my mean old Mr Mojo decides to take a holiday lol

I then stamped 21 flowers from the Accents For Art stamp set *yes, I know, that flower again, told you I am in lurve with it and obsessed with using it on anything I can!* ...where was I? Oh, yes, stamping the flower onto Grungepaper, cutting out and then colouring front and back with Fired Brick DI. I then made them into roses (see Paper Roses tut in sidebar for the how-to if you didn't see yesterdays 5pm show) To go with the roses, I used a couple of leaves from the Not Just Flowers Art Parts set, cutting off the stems and then colouring them with Peeled Paint and overstamping with the large background from Accents For Art using Olive Archival. I added some of the fancy Crystal Pins from the shows to add a smidge of bling to the design. Oh and I used hot glue to stick the flowers onto the frame... all the rest is glued with Cosmic Shimmer glue - which is, quite simply, (IMO) the best glue in the world (said in my best Jeremy Clarkson voice lol) Thank you for all the lovely emails that you sent in, it is a shame that there wasn't enough time to read them all out... I truly appreciate all of them, so thank you muchly for your kind words and support.

Today is going to be "one of those days"... because... we are away to Wembley to see the Play Off Final between Luton Town and York. I am SO hoping that Luton win and manage to get out of the Conference and back to the League... if this game is anything like the last time we saw them at Wembley, I will be spending the day laughing hysterically, shouting and singing my head off and blubbing like a loon *and eating a nice big pie, well, it has to be done at a footy match right?* I know how much this means to Grim, he has been supporting Luton since he was a teensy little lad... which is a very long time *ahem* and in all that time he has only missed 2 home games *one of them was my fault, we'll say no more about that though lol* ... and after the past few very tough months, it will be amazing for him if they win. Right, I shall away... as ever, thanks for looking... have a fab day whatever you are up to... TTFN

Hels x


Redanne said...

Hi Hels, I saw this on your shows and it is fabulous, I know you really love those flowers but I so get why you do, they are stunning. Know what you mean with the footie, DH has supported Man City for over 50 years and it has taken them 42 years to win the cup again - he is still on a high a week later. Hope Luton do it for you both too. Anne x

Rainbow Lady said...

Ooh er I cant hope Luton win even for Grim as Geoff is from York and we lived there for years sorry!!! Enjoy the game though
Fab shows today well done . Xx

craftimamma said...

I'll be sending as many positive vibes as I can muster and hope that Grim gets his wish tomorrow Hels. Have a great time both of you.

Love the project you've shown us today. It was one that kept catching my eye every time the camera whizzed over it, lol! I am so chuffed I am now the proud owner of the stamp set which includes that gorgeous flower. No time to ink it up till after my little people go home on Monday night though.

Lesley Xx

Lynn W. said...

I love that circle of roses Hels! Fingers crossed that Mr Random org picks me! :)

Lynn Wild

Unknown said...

Fabulous project!!! Great colors and I too love the flower :)

Karen P said...

Fab project, disappointed i missed your shows. Sending positive things to you and Grim for your footie stuff hugs K x

nwilliams6 said...

I love that flower too - if I knew how to make it, I would put it on everything too. Lovely colors on this wonderful creation!!!! said...

Love the combination of colours and elements this week Hels.
I am going to try to get back this week - we will see what the universe throws!

Jenny Marples said...

This was one of my favourite pieces on display on the shows yesterday (which were, by the way, outstanding).
Good luck at Wembley today - at least Nick Owen will have some company!! Ooooooh! Far too cruel! Seriously, it would be good to see them back in the league and know there is a huge grin on Grim's face. Hugs, as ever, Buttons x

Carole Z said...

Loved the shows yesterday Hels and I parted with some pennies! Am going to get going on this week's challenge, time ran away with me for the last one! Carole Z X

crafty creations said...

Fabulous - loved the shows and the flowers are gorgeous I spent way too much :) Shall be back with my entry x Hilda

Pat said...

Loved the shows yesterday Hels. The samples were amazing. Good luck for the footie today.
Pat xx

Aquarius said...

Thoroughly enjoyed your shows yesterday and really liked this project so am pleased to see that one lucky person will be getting this for commenting. Good luck folks but my fingers are crossed!!

rachel said...

Hi Hels - this is just stunning - and I will try to give it a go this week - missed last week which was a shame - and I mssed the shows! I'm useless - I had a Rainbows birthday party on all day and since I was in charge of a group of 5-7 year olds I wasn't thinking straight!!! Hope my mum's taped it! Hugs Rachel xx

Sue said...

Loved the shows yesterday (apart from missing the flower dem when I had to pick my son up-grrr) & this piece really stood out. My 'minimal spend 2012' went down the drain yesterday! Have a great day today. Sx

Glennis F said...

This looks a stunning project - shame we can't get your shows here 'downunder'
Thanks for the chance to win

Shazza said...

oooh Hels this is gorgeous hunny. I love those flowers!!! Hope your team win x

Joanne said...

I couldn't help but see this art on the show and thought, I want that art part and I want that stamp just to make those roses. Didn't get them though, boohoo. Well I hope Luton win for Grim. We have a lot of sad footy fans up north today as Blackpool lost yesterday, boohoo again.
Hugs Joanne xx

Keren Howell said...

Hope you enjoy the game - and thst Luton win. I looove that frame and you've reminded me that I one in my stash, so off to look for it...

Helen said...

Good luck - I will look for you among the orange..LOVE this - love these flowers... got to go ink....

Sarah said...

Hey Showgirl, how are the high kicks doing? Well done on the fab shows and I still cannot believe you make so many lovelies...and I am also wondering where it's all going to go? Enjoy a bit of down time today and some roast spuds...have told bump about the 13th a fine day (- I was born on Friday 13th November so no superstition here!) x sarah.

Kyla said...

Well done on the show, I can see why you love that flower stamp. Enjoy some R&R. today.

dutchess said...

Hello Hels...I watched you on C&C yesterday and I just was fascinated ...your wonderful creations with these fantastic products thank you it was wonderful and of course many purchases were made.... including the flowers!!!you have opened up a whole new crafty aspiration take care margaret

Aquarius said...

Decided to take the plunge and have a go this week, thanks for your inspiration - see it here

Rita said...

Well Hels, What can one say. Both shows were fabulous and the demos were brilliant, it really could have done with 2 hour shows, not that I'm greedy or anything, but I could watch you for a lot longer. I just love this piece for Circles, but how on earth do we follow it. LOL. Hope Grim enjoys his day and Luton gets the result he wants. Hugs Rita xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

This is an amazing piece Hels, and those flowers are definitely something special! Enjoy your footy and hope your team win - Grim will be in such a good mood just as my hubby was last week when Man City won! Chrisx

Sue said...

The two shows were just fab Hels, Loving the stamp you used for the roses just trying to track it down.

Annie said...

Hi Hels. I recorded your shows on CC tv due to both golf and football yesterday. Managed to watch the shows at midnight last night as golf on again today. Loved your creations and demos. Wish I could buy everything, but will just have to wish as I am overspent. C'mon Luton !!! Have a great day and hope to take part in this week's challenge...:)

Sue said...

Woz very speedy today as I need to have a massive clear up of crafty bits. Hope you enjoyed your day. Here is my offering. Sx

Jacqueline said...

Saw the show yesterday and enjoyed them immensley! STUNNING samples! Especially that piece you've show today!

Even phoned my mum to watch and she was amazied at how easy some ot=f the things were to do!

I think we may have a futuer convert in the making lol

My entry this week (after a couple of weeks away and a mojo holiday) is a journal spread! All a bit sad and depressing I'm afraid. But needed to be done.

Thanks for sharing

Jackie x

Jenny Marples said...

Firstly, sorry that the Hatters weren't able to make it this year.
Next, I have returned with an entry for this week's challenge;
Hope it brings a little light at the end of the tunnel today.
Hugs to you and Grim, Buttons x

Anonymous said...

Hi Hels, sorry Luton weren't successful today.
Your shows were wonderful yesterday, I learnt a lot. Love today's project.

Bonnie McLain said...

Love the circle of flowers.. so very lovely my friend... wonderful colors and composition... love it... and the challenge... I was flying around the ceiling by the time I was finished... had so very much fun with this one... THANKS for the great Challenge... or was it just a challenge to play and have fun... or just to spray everything in sight... anyway... I loved every minute of it..

Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

Claire said...

Hi Hels, great demos yesterday - Wendy's stamps look great! I've had a little go at the challenge here:
Thanks, Claire x

BarbaraW said...

Beautiful Hels. I love that sentiment and your flowers are gorgeous.
Here is my card:

Jenn Zeeb said...

I would love to add my name to the hat. Here is my card

thank you

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, so sorry about the team, hope they have better luck next season. My contribution to the challenge is at

Anne x

Judy said...

Ok, thats it. I have been drooling over your gorgeous flowers for ages...& the ones on this creation are to die Im definitely adding that stamp set to my shopping list. :) Just beautiful.

Rita said...

I really enjoyed the theme this week, especially as I was unable to create anything at all last week due to alterations in the house. Sorry to hear about your team, but maybe next year.

Here's Mine

Elaine said...

Great shows at the weekend and your artwork looks great - those flowers are just so realistic. Here's my tag this week:

Inkypinkycraft said...

Hels the piece is lovely and those roses are yummy!
here is my entry
hugs trace x

Sonia said...


I think is the first time here... This is my creation:

Greetings from Puerto Rico

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here is my contribution for this week! Carole Z xx

Becky said...

Love what you have done Hels mind you I always do.xx
Here is mine

Annie said...

Hi Hels managed to make a small card for your challenge. I dont usually do this size of card but I have to say that I did have great fun and I am sure that the recipient will just love it. Many thanks for all your fabulous challenges, its lovely to view your creations and those of other like minded crafters. TFS x

Janet Wilson said...

Love your samples as I always do.

Here is my entry

Sara said...

My youve had a busy week posting lots of lovely creations. Heres my entry for your circles challenge
Have fun Sara x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Your rose wreath is love love the different hues of red in the flowers! Brilliant design piece Hels!!!

Here is mine...hope this qualifies as circles.

Sarah said...

Gorgeous project Hels - might we be doing something similar over the weekend?? Really looking forward to seeing you again. Purrs n stuff, Sarah & the 9 x

Keren Howell said...

I am inspired - here's my attempt!

Caz said...

Absolutely love this!!! That flower has to be the best ever stamp!!!
No chance to do anything much this week let alone something as lovely as this :-(

Hope you have a great weekend

Barb Cady said...

Manic week dear, may not get circles finished in time so may add it on to next week! Hope you have a good time up north, don't forget the sun block! Your flowers are gorjuss! I covet that stamp like mad. Hope all is well, hugs xx

Janet said...

Hi Hels,
just caught up on your create & craft from last week,WOW !!! totally fabulous samples,totally in love with your flower.
Janet x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Doh! Posted on my blog two days ago but forgot to comment here - good job I saw your blog on Saturday or I would have missed altogether!!

You will find my entry here


Evil Edna said...

love the flowers, here is my entry to circles, I am starting to sing the Belinda Carlise song circle in he sand and show my age.... CURSES!EE

Lesley said...

Fabby shows Hels and even fabbier samples!! What are you doing with them all? After nearly a year.....i have finally got my backside into gear and have entered your challenge!!! Hoorah!!

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