Sunday 18 March 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 197 - Paper Roses... Plus Winner

Gooooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Mothering Sunday to you all. Many thank you's for your lushiously misty entries for last weeks theme... I have a winner to announce for my tag giveaway... more of that in mo. The theme this week is based on the song that has been going around and around and around in my head for about 376 years since I heard it on the Radio the other day (quite) So, the theme is... to use Paper Roses &/or Paper Flowers. The flowers can be any kind of paper (including the Grunge variety too) To join in is simples; make a little something, add in the theme and some stamping, pop back here and leave me a comment along with a link to the place you are showing your entry and I can hop over to visit you. If you don't have a blog/Picassa/Web-hosting-thingywotsit, you can also enter by bobbing an email over to me or on Facebook. The theme will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 24th March 2012.

So. The winner of my tag for last weeks entry is... chosen randomly by Mr. and he said that it was Lucky #13... which tallies with the comment left by Red Kitty. Congrats and please can you email me your addy and I will pop the tag into the post for you :O))

Right... my entry. Basically, Mr Mojo has decided to naff orf on his Jollies again and has left me sitting here with absolutely no idea what to do for today's theme. I even spent an hour moving stuff about the Room of Stash thinking that something would come to me.... wrrrrrong! SO, I did what I always do when I am Mojo-less, I make paper flowers. This one on my tag is made using Tattered Florals biggest flower, cut three times from basic cream cardstock then coloured with Spiced Marmalade and Fired Brick Distress Stain and then overstamped with Vermillion Archival. I then made all the layers and then dipped each one into a Melt Pot full of clear UTEE and layered them up... the hot UTEE acts as a glue so they are all stuck together nicely. The leaves are Tattered Leaves, coloured with Crushed Olive Stain and overstamped with Olive Archival and crumpled up, dipped into the UTEE and then glued into place. Because the flower is a bit... ahem... bright, I decided to keep the background of the tag very muted... using Old Paper, Frayed Burlap and Walnut Stain DI's to colour it... stamping the script with Frayed Burlap, the harlequin with Coffee Archival and the lightly spritzing Heirloom Gold PP Mists over the top. Some Idea-ology to add a bit more decoration (yep, never tooooo much decoration lol) and that was my tag done.

That's all from me for today... thanks ever so much for all your lovely kind emails and messages... I really do appreciate your kindness and support... am hoping that I might get chance to find the old rascal Mojo and get some stuff made this week... and actually get back to blogging daily... in the meantime though I will say... as ever... thanks for looking and... TTFN!

Hels x

30 comments: said...

With all that you have happening Hels, No wonder Monseiur MoJo has slipped off to a quiet corner. Bit of R&R I suspect.
Your tag is just lovely.
Will try to play this week!
Be well, be happy!

Carole said...

Nice post. You might like this poem about mothers.

Helen said...

Brilliant rose as always. It is bright, isn't it... off for a lie down with my dark
Have a great day.

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, it is hard to see that Mr Mojo has gone walk-about when you look at this wonderful creation - it is beautiful - you are the queen of flowers. My 'accidental' entry can be found at
Hope you like it and hope you feel much better soon.

Joanne said...

Your gorgeous tag might get me started today because I am just too happy about Tim's class tomorrow and yours next Sat/Sun. Have you stopped giggling yet???
Hugs Joanne xxx

Rita said...

Hels, your tag is Fabulicious. I love my sundays, and trying new things. Hope you have some R&R to-day and just do what you want to do. Your body is just telling you its had enough of keeping up with you and your busy crafting life. Off to see what kinda mess I can make with my tag. Hugs Rita xxxx

Shazza said...

fab-tag-ulous Hels, hope Alfiecat got you a nice card for Mother's Day

Kirsten Alicia said...

Beautiful tag Hels, I hope you have a lovely day today, with extra cuddles from Alfie cat.

Miriam said...

Fabulous tag, as usual Hels.

Here is my entry:

Caz said...

Beautiful tag Hels - don't know why you think Mr Mojo's off on a jaunt - looks like he's still around to me! Hope you feel a bit better this week.
Another session in the den with Lew today and here's my offering:

Lew's still got a bit of painting to finish off but we should see his work of art later this week!

Marjie Kemper said...

That flower's gorgeous, as is the tag. Makes me want to go grab that harlequin stamp and my coffee archival! Here's my go at paper flowers:

Have a great day!

Elaine said...

Beautiful rose as ever and thanks to your tutorial I've made a rose/carnation!!

Rita said...

Not just so nice to-day, so I settled down in my craft room and made a mess, nothing new there then. However, I did enjoy myself and the fruits of my labour can be seen Here

Karen P said...

Fab tag and such lovely projects always on your blog, now I'm not sure this is good enough or 'arty' enough, however if I don't try I'll never know!
My entry is here:
Karen x

Sue said...

Your tag is beautiful Hels, love that huge splash of colour. Here is my entry...Take care, Sue.

Bonnie McLain said...

LOVE your Flower and TAG... especially the creative flair with the ONE wing... LOVE IT... so great!!

I went a alittle wild... had fun and now to clean myself up!!! YIKES...

But hey... isn't that what this is all about.??? Having fun!!!
I did.. that is for sure..
Have a good week... will look forward to more of your loverlies...

Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

Bonnie McLain said...

Well I had to add this link to your challenge this week... only to tell you that you ARE SPECIAL TOO... a wonderful loving person... keep it up Hels... Love your work.. .

Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

Sharon said...

Lovely tag as mojo has been missing recently too :o(

Here's my Paper Roses entry

Cheers x

Sara said...

Love the tag Hels and hope you have a good week.

heres my Rose for a special friend for

BarbaraW said...

Beautiful tag, Hels.
Here's what I created.

Julia S-W said...

Your tag is beautiful - pretty sure your mojo is there, it's just not shouting out loudly! Thanks for the opportunity to show my work:

Have a good week.


Alison said...

Spectacular tag Hels, your rose is a stunner!
I added some paper flowers to My Card
Alison xox

Lori said...

Dunno, but it looks like the mojo is just fine to me! Love that flower, and the UTEE thing is fab on the flower, the color really pops!

Hazel said...

My card is here x

Kate Yetter said...

Loving your gorgeous flower! Beautiful tag as always! My tag is here:
Thanks for the challenge,

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

GORGEOUS! Love the rose and pins are the perfect accompaniment! So romantic!

Here's mine! said...

Didn't sleep a great deal last night but I did get to play.

Did you find Mr Mojo? And seriosuly chastise him?
We have just spent a frantic hour looking for our dog only to find her having a panic attack and hiding under a chair! Tis one of those days.

Trust your are a little better.

sara j said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the last two weeks. I've had a grand time playing with mists and flowers. It finally occurred to me that I should put a link here. A bit slow at times...kinda sad. Oh well! Color is fun!!

Hettie said...

Hello Hels. Lovely tag you have there and fabulous rose. Though I had to get the sunglasses out to look properly! I have joined in with your challenge this week and hope you like! Have fun teaching up t'North!

margaret said...

Hi Hels, lovely tag here is my contribution guess what pinecone roses!!!

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