I know!!!!!!!!!
How many exclamation marks??????
Actually, I will let you into a little secret - when I was at school (that be only a few years ago...ahem) I lurved English the mostest... I was one of those saddo swots that could recite Shakespeare and quote Mr Dickens. As well as my love for literature, I also adored the written side of it... and invariably would spend a happy few hours making up little stories and such like. My English teachers, Mrs Johnson and Mr Deith (poor bloke, we called him Dr Death and he was the nicest chap....) Where was I? Ah yes, my teachers... loved the red pen, the pair of them... loved using it... especially to write "so much punctuation is not necessary!" See how they used one for themselves though. So, when I write on here I have my own little part of the cyberworld to do as much punctuating as I like.... hence... !!!!!!!! at the beginning of the post.
Right... enough of the waffling... check out how utterly revolting that mess in that there piccie is... that is what the Room of Trash looked like on Monday evening. Stuff piled up all over my desk... all over the floor... all over the other desk... nightmare! So, being as I have set myself that New Year Resolution to be uber tidy and organised, I thought I had better get my btm in gear and get sorting.
This is a view of everything pushed back towards the back of the room... yep, piled up with crud and goodness knows what. Here's a bit of a confession... remember when we moved (nearly two years ago) I was on about the mass clearance thingy. Well, I had those "not sure if I need this bit of crud" things... which all went into boxes.. and were unpacked... and they were still "not sure if I need this bit of crud" items... so they were shoved into every available crevice and nook... ahem... last night they all went into the bin bag... or should I say... bags. All four of them at the moment... I have still got the other half of the room to do... so that is going to be more than 4 bags!
That there piccie above is the giveaway for this week. It is a little notebook made with Studio 490 Art Parts, coloured with Distress Stains, overstamped with Studio 490 stamps... and little Grunge flowers for decoration and held together with Idea-ology D Rings. This little book needs a loving home to go to... so... if you would like to win it, simply leave me a comment here.. I will pick a winner from the comments left and announce it next Wednesday.
Oooh, and ... I have a winner for last weeks Candy giveaway!!! Here's the candy... and I had 117 comments (thanks folks :O)) And... Mr Random-dot-wotsit chose #35 which is a comment left by CRAFTYMOP. Please can you email me your addy and I will pop the goodies into the post for you!
So... the above pic. Well, look at those gleaming surfaces! And look at the dust-free shelves (ok, ok, I fibbed about them being dust-free... they aren't ... at the moment... but they will be... in a mo... ok, later on... alright, alright, maybe next week lol) I have moved desk 2 so it is right next to desk 1... more space to spread out and I have no idea why I didn't put them like this when I moved in here... makes sense to have more space to spread right?
Well, that's more than enough of my wafflings for one day... best get my bum wiggling and get the rest of the tidying and clearing done.. I have to de-junk the paper stack now... mmmm, I may some time! Thanks for looking... TTFN!
Hels x
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
WOYWW... A Giveaway, Candy Winner & Nearly There!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Hels Sheridan
Labels: Blog Candy, Blog Candy Winner, WOYWW
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Wooo! Half of it looks so neat and tidy and the rest... tis like mine! Love that little book, and would love a chance to win it.
Your nearly there keep going .....maybe I should take your lead and do something with mine.!! What a lovely surprise to win your candy tis as you would say made my day thanks muchly ...kind lady ......please don't enter me into the book candy ....as winning this week is simply fab .....now to find your email address .....x
Your nearly there keep going .....maybe I should take your lead and do something with mine.!! What a lovely surprise to win your candy tis as you would say made my day thanks muchly ...kind lady ......please don't enter me into the book candy ....as winning this week is simply fab .....now to find your email address .....x
Whoohoo look at that desk, am well impressed but will you ever find anything ever again lol xxx Love your little book please enter me in it. Many hugs Elizabeth xxx
Wow, well done! You have even found your chairs ;)
Nice little book!
And congrats to Crafty mop!
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #25
Ooooooh! you have been busy,such a neat and tidy room. What a lovely little book, would love to win it
ps: I love my exclamation marks and use them far too much !!!!!!!!
ps:loved the show , bought some art film from our local craft shop,couldn't remember what to do with it so was so happy to see your tutorial, thanks so much.
Wow,Hels,I'm impressed,lol!!!
Looks soooo much better.
Luvly book too :o) x
Wow what an improvement!!!!! (yes i like exclamation marks too) i spend hours tidying my room up labelling everything buying boxes etc but then can never remember where i tidied the things to! currently i'm looking for my grunge paper, cant' find it anywhere, ho hum - i would love a change to win the book tho' its beautiful
Yahoo, your room is looking good girl! I would never show my room, it looks like I'm a hoarder :)
Thanks for the chance to win your little book, as usual, gorgeous work, Hels!
I love both descriptions of your room and I have enough crud to at least think about investing in a black bin bag one of these days. Beautiful journal, put my name down kind lady.
Brenda 104
We're an enthusiastic lot, aren't we????? We may use too much punctuation, but at least it's always in the right place!!! Mostly...
Love the book, love your space, would LOVE your space actually... LOL. Mind you, my own isn't so bad, I just need to organise my storage so it is a little more uniform and then I think half the tidyness battle will be won. I can hope, can't I?
Put me in the draw, Missus!!!! Pur-leaaassseeee?
Well done for attacking the room - you could always come and do mine when you've finished LOL!! That book looks brilliant - had a go with some of that mouldable plastic with paper stuck on (as seen on TV) and it works a treat - thanks for the idea.
I am impressed great job, love the idea of 2 desks more space we all can do with that one! thank you for the chance to win whoop whoop, Hugs May x x x
Wow you have tidying!!!happy woyww, great little book, fab as always thanks forthe chance to win, have a great day hugs trace x no9
I'm another who uses !!!! far too much but I like them and it helps to give an impression of a conversation, lol! I also love brackets and quote marks. Blimey, I'm having to try really hard not to use them now, ;o)
Your room is looking great after the mess of last week but you can't craft for 72 hours making the beauties you did last week and not make a mess! Good luck with sorting the rest of it.
Thanks for the chance of winning that lovely little book and congrats to Craftymop on her win.
Lesley Xx
wow what a transformation lol, much tidyer, question ?? do you like ?? clocks ?? ((like all the question marks lol ??))
love to win your little bookie
Hugs and thanks for the peep
Judie xx
good for you tiding the place it! What fun it will be to work in there now! You can never have too many surfaces!
WOW you have been busy and what a fab transformation, it looks amazing :) Love the art journal too, such gorgeous colours.
Have a fab WOYWW and have a great week, Luv Karen #86
I have come to follow you after watching you on create and craft you have a beautiful style and it is great watching you create. Anyway, I also overindulge with exclamation marks!! My craft room looks worse than yours it is more of a cupboard I definitely need to sort it all out thanks for reminding me! xxx
You are good, committing stuff to the bin Hels. I still have stash I don't use under beds and in cupboards - I just haven't got the heart to throw it.
Love your little note book.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Fab little book you are so generous to give it away and I have my everything crossed as I would give it a lovely home....and it was my birthday this week....rofl!!
Your messy pics look like my room and your tidy pic looks like I want my room to be...can you come and tidy mine pleeeeeeeese!
BTW enjoyed your shows on C&C :-)
The before and after pics are great! Kinda makes me thinks i should really do my room...hmmmm...maybe!!
Fab little book.....tis gorgeous. I'm sure it would love to come live with me....i could write lots of stuff in it.....a list that would include "tidy up the rrom of trash"!!!
You are inspiring! Thanks for sharing your progress.
what a transformation Hels, well done you!!!!!!!!!
love the notebook x
What a super overhaul! Does this mean you will be taking two pics for WOYWW now?
Wow that sure was amessy room ,but then fairy came and bingo nice clean desk...What she do put it on the floor...lol.Im impressed better than ive gotten so far.
Beautiful book thanks for chance to win ,i go through loads books as have top list things i have to do and cross off as i do.Well brain fog gets in the way most days!
Happy woyww
judex 14
Wow! That is so messy in the first couple of pictures...but the last picture..AMAZING :) Well done! And I LOVE that little book! Very pretty!
katie (112)
Wow, what a busy bee you have been. Great tidy space you have there.
I would love the chance to win your lovely gorgeous scrummy book!
Elaine x
Should've followed my instructions ;)
Happy tidying Hels!
Lisa Sparkle :)
Hi well when I seen your room I didnt feel so bad about mine !!!!!!!
the book looks fantastic Thanks for the chance.
Chris x
What a transformation!!! Well done. Oh, yes, I do like exclamation marks too!!! I mean, really, why not?!? haaaaa
The giveaway looks fab. Would love to welcome it home!!!
WOYWW #117
Fantastic working place!!!!
I'm impressed on the tidy desk front, but have a sneaky suspicion the rest of the room doesn't look quite so tidy yet lol
Love the ickle note book x
Very impressed with your tidiness (well, on half of it anyway) but the big question is....Can you keep it like that??? A beautiful book, thank you for the chance to win :-) x
Looking good Mrs Sheridan! Now when you have finished please just pop over to mine..I need a hand
I thought I was in the worst state of all WOYWWers this week and there you go and just about match me. I've cleared part but not all of it. Still a way to go.
I just must tell you that I collect quotes and a little book, especially dedicated to keeping them, would be "perfect"!!!!!
Love JoZarty x
Well your first pictures made me feel so welcome, as it is exactly how mine can get more often then I like. But I love the way you ended up. I enjoy my 2 together also and would just love to find a way to have my papers in better order. I have a rack, but not nearly enough room for individual 12x12's. next on the agenda I guess.
Congrats to Crafty Mop and I love your little book and I bet it would love to come to the USA!!
Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing the fun
I 'love' punctuation - especially dashes - they are the best - ever.
Like quotes as well and desperately need another notebook. Don't know how you can find time to tidy with all that creating going on but you're making a grand job of it.
Ann B
I used to love English too, and my teachers loved their red pens as well!!!! What is it with that? Anyhoo, your desks look great now, temporarily, I'm sure until you get crafting again, that's what happens to me anyway.
Your book looks fab, so I'm really happy to be in with a chance to win it, hugs, Judith xx
Mine needs doings as well, when you have finished Jennie's. Polish your halo Hels, it is well deserved. The book looks gorgeous!
Apparently I use too many exclamation marks in my writing!! lol
Jackie #119
Oh my goodness look at all that neatness! If it's catching can I come and see you so's I can catch it too!
That's a great before and after pic! Your desk is so tidy it's just beggin for crafty mess!!!! And love the notebook, so please pop me in the hat, teapot, binbag whatever when you draw out a name
debs #90 x
You need some sky hooks. Goodness, how could you have produced such fantastic samples in that - mess???
Right, I'm just going to throw some craft stuff around my little room now 'cos that is obviously the way to go to make wonderful art......
Hugs Joanne xx
Ian says "very good, but what's it going to look like on Friday night?" You can go off people. can't you?!?!?!?
Of course it will look just as good on Friday night 'cause we will clean up behind us......... or else spend all day just sitting and admiring the tidiness!!!!!! (I love punctuation too!!!)
2 sleeps to go! :-D
you know I kinda have to agree a bit with Minxy, seen as I know you well I bet the tidy desk is all we are seeing cos the floors still smothered with stash, if it were all done you would of shown more pics LOL though it might be finished now and a great little notebook to Hels xx or was it Helen :-)
Well done on the tidying! Unfortunately it is a never ending job so I find it easy just not to get started :)
Hey there Hels, well girlio you did allready a hell of a job, my goodness the room of stash has had a transformation wohoooo you go girl....keep up packing the bags and then part with it if you don't need it..and are you sure you wanna part from the lovely booklet that you made wowwwzeress A REAL Hels Sheridan..wohoooo I would surely like to participate into the draw....it is absolutely lovely with all the Wendy goodies on it. Thanksss Hels for showing your desk your doing a great job and thank you for a chance of winning your fabby booklet....Good luck ladies....Hugs Terry xxxx
Hi Hels, just read something somewhere yesterday about the apostrophe becoming redundant - shame - it's all that texting to blame apparently. I confess to a tendency to overuse the exclamation mark on occasion ... how else can you convey emphasis!!! Congratulations on your decluttering efforts - you're desk(s) now look like a crafter's dream :) Congratulations to Crafty mop for winning last week - this week's giveaway is gorgeous too. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #99
PS: enjoyed your demos on TV once again, could see you were a bit more relaxed this time - and it's all your fault that I have grungepaper and spools out on my desk this week. I'm off now to see if I can cut grungepaper with the the Cuttlebug and a Spellbinders flourish die.
wow hels you have been busy, want to come and sort out my space???
Love the book
Lovely book, and wow you worked hard clearing down the desks!! Nearly there....!!!!!!!
Kyla #39
I think we need to live in a space for a while before all the stuff inside it finds the right home. There is so much to look at on your sparkly desk! Its good to have a sort out but oh so hard to part with anything, isn't it?!
I was laughing, that was a great post! You followed up your craftymessness(my made up word)with neatness! You had us all feeling good there for a moment and then you wrecked it with that lovely picture of a tidy room. Tsk tsk...such a shame. Congrats Crafty mop!
Hello again Hels, don't mind the tips at all, I need all the help I can get but I now have to go seek out blending foam ... no idea what that is at all :( It's all a mahoosive and steep learning curve this grungy stuff :) Thanks again. Elizabeth x
Haa Haa! I have a Boss who must have been related to your English teachers! We spend many a happy afternoon arguing over grammar and spellings hence our Dictionary is well used and always to hand!! LOL!!
Glad you showed us the after pics or else you would be getting some nasty pastie comments girl!! At least with two desks together when you spread out stuff wont fall in the gap!! LOL!
You always make me giggle!! I actually found my desk and chair the other day too! I just can't believe how much stuff I drag out to make one little project!! Oh and I would so love to win your sweet book!
You are such a punctuation rebel! lol Love it! Great job on clening up, and yes the 2 desks together makes a lot of sense!
Very busy indeed! a creative person will surely have a busy table. :)
Thanks for the chance on your book!
I am a exclamation over user!!! Your office looks great, well done!!! Love your art parts book too!!! Liane :o)
You use as many !!! as you want!!! ;)
I tried to comment through the FB link and as usual it was having none of it so have popped over from the back door instead!! I see your room of stash is now super dooper organised and you have twice as much space to get messy in... ;)
Hi Ya Hels, been a long time since I've been over too. I see you have been doing a little tidying up!
Bummer I missed your giveaway! Congrats to your winner.
Its so hard keeping up these days. Hope you well.
Off to do some more catching up
hugs Lynn
i'm dropping by to say hello!!!!!! what a lovely little giveaway!!!!!! count me in please!!!!!! good job on the cleaning!!!!! i am sure i wouldn't have had the heart to throw away any of those things you threw away!!!!happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!!!!! i noticed you like exclamation points!!!!!
peggy aplSEEDS
Ohhhh that is a tidy room. Very kind of you to have another give away but, I think most of us would probably be happy with a rummage through your scrap bin bags!! ( for emphasis)
My room of stash is constantly in a state of disarray as my sister is living with me atm and is using my craftroom as a dressing room!! Think it's time she moved out!! I too love exclamation marks but, according to my son, 3 is the largest permitted amount we can use (according to his old English teacher). Love all your work esp the demos on C&C - well done!!! Love the little book - like everything you do it's really unique. xx
How on earth will you craft with soooooo much space on your desk? How will you find anything? What a nightmare crafting becomes when your stash outgrows your space. I spend far more time searching for the "ingredients" than I ever do making the cake. Your clear and tidy desk is as inspirational as your crafting. Thanks Hels!
Thanks for all the inspiration.
I am shocked, I have never seen the room of stash in such a'trash'!!!!!
I would love to win your little book and have added extra punctuation to aid my luck!!!!!!!!
** Kate **
English was my favourite subject at school too (and I liked Shakespeare)! I LURRRVE exclamation marks and use far to many myself!!!
I am full of admiration at you being able to throw stuff away from your room of stash - I am a compulsive hoarder and can't bear to part with anything that might come in useful one day! That's why I can't actually get into my craftroom at the moment, so I obviously need to follow your example.
Your notebook is lovely, and is just what I need to make notes in as I'm planning my wedding this summer. Thank you for the chance to win it - it's very kind of you!
Lynn Wild
I too use far to many !!!!! but hey we can do what we want now we're... er... I was going to say grownup's but that may not be a good discription for many of us :o) it certainly isn't for me anyway! you're doing really well clearing out 4 bags of stuff! I'm terrible for keeping stuff, I can't part with anything! Your doing a great tidy up job! Well done! x
You did make me laugh and what a great job of tidying up you're doing although don't think it really matters what mess you work in when you produce such beautiful work x
I wish my craft room looked as tidy as yours did before you tidied it!!! You may have inspired me to give mine a good clear out, only time will tell! I love all of your work, have seen you at the shows and your were great on tv the other day, well done!
Super duper shelf's all filled with crafty 'stuff' just looking at them gives you inspiration, well done with the tidying x Lovely book x x Lou x x #94
Been following your labour on FB, it's so worth it!! Pushing the desks together..omgeeee sometimes the obvious takes years to notice...but a nice uninterrupted work surface will give you huge 'push right' ability!
Well that is looking better but for how long.You are lucky to have a room I am still waiting for son to leave home so I can have one.I do love him really.Love the look of the book fingers crossed it comes to live with me.
Looking good! You are well on the way to being a tidy crafter!just wish i could get organised to do mine. The little book looks fab x
You are getting there, my craft room covers most of my house, one of these days i will get organised! Love the book x
cute little book.Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Love your little book.
You use as much punctuation as you like, girl. I used a perfectly good word in one of my school exams and lost a mark for it, being told it did not exist.- I found it in the dictionary, but the teacher would not give men back my lost mark!!!!!! Your room looks so fun and full of lovely stash. Don't throw too much away. Either join the Use It Up in 2012 Challenge or donate it to local schools or youth groups. They will love it. Meanwhile back to the !!!!! etc.... xx Maggie #70
Ha! Another Stash Room that looks just like mine!!! The little book is lovely, thanks for the chance to win and well done to Crafty Mop. Great idea by MaggieC for unloved stash.
That one side looks so cleaned up...and the other side looks like what mine used to look like when I had a scrapbook room. Now my room is the living room, so I always have to be neat, or someone gets upset...
I wish I still had a scrap room!
Happy WOYWW (on Monday!)
Katie #16
Hi Hels,
A book for my favorite quotes? Now that sounds like a fabulous prize -- thanks for the chance!
I forgot to mention in my other comment how much I like your recent tag -- so many elements. It would be surely great to feel it, too...
Happy creating,
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