...and a very goodly day to you all... today is a very special day... you might have noticed that I have had a piccie of Sherry Goodloe in my sidebar for a week or so... this is because dear Sherry has been fighting the biggest war of her life and battling Breast Cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I am sure that each and every one of us know at least one, if not more, courageous women (and men, because they can get it too) who have battled this awful disease. So, without further ado, I am very honoured to announce that I am part of the Pink Ribbon Warrior Women Team... and here are all the deets that you will need to know...
*here's the altered birdy that you could win :O))***Edit... reading your lovely comments... I have been asked what she is called and someone said she is pink like a Flamingo... so... I have named her... Fanny Flamingo rofl**
We're celebrating the healing journey of our dear friend, Sherry Goodloe, who is recovering from her recent surgery and has just learned that she won't have to endure chemo or radiation! *which is just totally THE BEST news!!!* Sherry is our official Warrior Woman Muse for this hop and is someone we all love and admire. Of course, so many of our friends and loved ones... if not we ourselves... have faced breast cancer and our art is intended to honour each and every woman who has, is, or ever will fight this battle.
Please join in by visiting our blogs and finding some inspiration for your own art. In many cases, there's blog candy to be had for those who leave comments!
The Pink Ribbon Warrior Women Blog Team is:
And our fabulous sponsor is eclectic Paperie!
Above is the piccie of the fab candy you could win :O))
After visiting each blog on the hop, please create your own work of art in celebration of the Pink Ribbon Warriors, and upload your masterpiece at the Warrior Women Blog Hop Flickr Gallery (click the pink words for the direct route to the gallery :O)) I have altered a birdy for my entry... complete with pink ribbons, pink flowers and a little magic wand, which, I have added as my interpretation of sending healing wishes to ALL those who are affected by breast cancer.
As well as Birdy, I have also fashioned a pink ribbon brooch, which is the emblem for Breast Cancer, adding on a bit of Idea-ology to make it a bit more special. I will be giving away both the Birdy and the Brooch to one randomly picked person who leaves a comment for me here. To be in with a chance of entering the draw, please leave me a comment and tell your friends about the hop by linking it on your sidebar or making a post on your blog. I will use Random.org to make the draw - closing the comments at 23:59 30th October 2010 and announcing the winner on Sunday October 31st 2010. *and I will post to anywhere in the world so no matter where you live, you will be in with a chance of winning :O))*
So, this Blog Hop is open to everyone... and to be in with a chance of winning the fabby prize which has so kindly been donated by Daisy from eclectic Paperie... all you have to do is submit a piece of art to the Flikr account - closing on 30th October with Sherry choosing the winner on October 31st. As a little extra - if I get more than 50 comments on this post, I will add on some more candy - stash candy this time - so... whatcha waiting for??? LOL
As a footnote, I would just like to say... if, by reading this post and joining in with the hop, just one person has their awareness of this disease raised and finds they have a lump and gets treated then I feel that the hop will have done it's job... I want to express just how important it is that we all self exam and if you have any doubts at all, please just go and see your Doctor... acting early gives you a better chance of beating it... so come on girls... be vigilant... and do like Sherry did... and kick cancers ass! Thanks for taking the time to read this... and to take part... and I really hope you enjoy the hop! Have fun... TTFN
Hels x
Gorgeous birdie!! A truly great cause and a wonderful idea. Go the Warrior Women!!
This could be the mascot for the amazing 'Warrior Women'. I reckon more lasses get better during October with the concentration of good wishes.
Luv Joanne xx
Just love this birdie, she looks strong, tough and looks like a phoenix rising above the battle.....in fact she ROCKS!! thanks so much for sharing the Warrior Womens hop xx
Your pink ribbon with the ideaology is so sweet and the birdie is a great inspiration piece.
Will really try to join in this one ;)
xoxo Sioux
Love the birdie - what shall we name this one??? LOL.... Have a great day, hon! Love, Els. xxx
Fabulous bird and what a wonderful idea to have a blog hop to raise awareness. Fantastic news about Sherry and I hope she continues to kick cancer in the ass. I will try and make something soon. Tracy Evans x
I think it's great that you are doing this, my Mum has faced this battle and won - many other female members of my family sadly have not. I certainly have to be more aware and this truely scares me. I always wear my pink ribbon with pride but none of them are as cool as yours is Hels - pink and ideaology rock and the pink bird is gorgeous. Loads of love to Sherry - hope she continues to improve - Jacqueline xx
I love the special touches you put on the birdie for this hop! Both art pieces capture the warrior spirit.
Hels, I took one look at your fabulous birdy and fell in love! She is TOO CUTE, and so stylish and powerful (much like you, in fact!). What a treasure!
Thank you so much for being my sistah in hoppiness! It's always a joy to read your words and see your fabulous creations, and I so adore your happy spirit!
Good luck to Sherry and to all who are battlerling. Lovely birdie don't let Alfie see!
This is great news about Sherry. Wishing her continued health.
I love your birdy, she made me smile. :o)
I think it's great doing this to bring awareness to everyone.
Supporting this is a cause close to my heart, having lost members of my family to this terrible illness, including my mum, & sil.
It's really scarey not knowing who or when it could strike next.
I pray they find a cure some day soon.
I wear my pink ribbon in memory of my mum and others I have lost.
love Alexandra
I love the bird--she is fabulous. Prayers to Sherry.
Your pieces (as always!) are creative and beautiful.
Wonderful art, Hels, so glad to see you joining in for this great cause! Loving seeing all of my friend's art for this.
This pink bird sure looks like she could kick some C-ass! Your altered bird is just stunning! I do like your footnote about us all taking the time to do self exams, which I am so guilty of not doing! Thanks for the reminder!
Good advice and wonderful creations!
Hels, my mother died of this disease 24 years ago and I thought a cure would have been found in 20 years, but not so...unfortunately. Thanks for supporting the cause of awareness and finding a cure. Sherry, stay strong! The survival rate has increased significantly due to early detection and medical advances, thank God...but a lot more has to be done!
As for your birdie Hels, she is pink perfection! I'm sure she'll find a good home!
Wonderful spin on the "classic" pink flamingo, she's certainly up for anything set to her!
How gorgeous is that bird! A perfect mascot for the Warrior Women. In addition to honoring the great spirit and bravery of my friend Sherry, I also want to express my gratitude, as I just found out that my yearly screening results are negative!
Yes, awareness is a great life saver.
Hi Hels, I have posted my piece of art to CELEBRATE your blog hop, just hope I have done it properly LOL. This hop really has made me think of other today. My piece of art is here. This is just in case it didn't work lol. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x x
Loving the pink birdie :)) What a wonderful blog hop for Warrior Women everywhere
A really great cause - Cancer took my mum 5 years ago there is still a big hole in my life.
Hels, your bird is totally fabulous and the brooch too!!!
oh I love your birdy! What a beautiful creation :)
*hugs* Heather x
A great cause and a beautiful piece of encouragement!!!! TYFS
great blog hels! let's KICK THIS! for women (and men) EVERYWHERE!
Amazing cause and amazing art. Love 'fanny flamingo' and your take on the ribbon that we are all so familiar with.
Best wishes to Sherry and to all the Warrior Women.
OMG! the birdie is just too wonderful. i was happy to read sherry's news on her blog. as a 20 yr survivor of very aggressive breast cancer i am always happy when tumors are caught early and folks don't have to go through chemo and rad. if mine had been undiscovered for another month it would have been too late to treat. i am a great believer in self exams.
I just love the birdie, makes me smile! Warrior Women keep on keeping on!
this is a wonderful cause! your flamingo and the pink ribbon are wonderful!
Oh my goodness Hels, she's GoRGeouS, absolutely GoRGeouS, she can come and live at mine any day :) Loving this bloghop, for such a great cause :)
this is a superb idea Hels, makes you think of strength,great news about your friend,adopting Fanny as a mascot sounds a great idea to me,luv Georginaxx
She's stunning! Great cause, I added a picture of a card I sent to someone battling breast cancer herself. Thanks for sharing!
ty for doing this...really means alot. GO PINK! luv that darn bird lol..wish I could find one to do here...so cute!!!!!!! xox cher
I am in love with that bird! Too fabulous!
wooooow love your simon says challenge piece Hels, its amazing, I will be coming on the workshop day when this little beauty is the subject, I have joined in in the most brilliant and just cause for women against cancer, Warrior Women Blog Hop, see you there x
Hels, your Fanny is absolutely wonderful and I really hope that Sherry gets better. I lost my buddy to this Nasty Nasty disease nearly 18 months ago and she would have loved this birdie and it would have made her laugh. I think what you are doing with the Warrior Women is fantastic. :-)
Fanny Flamingo just makes me laugh. Brings back memories of my flamingoes I made when raising money for my Breast Cancer 3 day walks. Wonderful!!
You are amazing, such wonderful creativity!
Wonderful! Thank you for pointing me towards the hop. I love the birdie and the pin.
Flamingos rock, and yours especially! She could be the mascot!!
Good luck to Sherry....................loving your 'Fanny'!! :-)Love S xx
Fanny Flamingo is a riot! Love her! Your pink ribbon brooch is very cool too.
OMG that bird is just too funny and great. what a great hop to do for your friend
Fabby makes as ever and for such a good cause, thanks
fanny the flamingo is just brilliant, reminded me we used to call them Poo birds as kids cos they stunk so bad, but Im sure fanny smells sweet as a rose, perhaps I ll be lucky enough to find out, you ve reminded me that I was gonna take part in this so many thanks Hels
what a fun project...Sherry is truly blessed...
This bird is totally fabulous,as are all women who courgeously fight this disease.Your friend is so lucky to have YOU for friend!Thanks for the inspiration!
I am recovering from Cancer, but not breast cancer, your friend is a very lucky lady to have the love and support of you all. I am sure this fabulous blog hop gave her a huge lift.
she's lovely Hels and the name is perfect for her. good on you for doing something to help others - love peeps that actually do! Karen
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