Sunday 7 July 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 265 - How Deep Is Your Love

Goodly Morning Stampers and a very happy, hot!, sunny Sunday to you all.  Many thanks for the gorgeous entries for last weeks challenge!  This week the challenge is a nice easy one... and it is... SHOW SOME DEPTH.   To join in with the Sunday Stamper, all you need to do is make a little something - it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back, leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry and then I can come and visit you.  If you don't have a blog/web-photo-hosty thing, don't worry, you can also join in via Facebook by tagging my name.... or via email where you can send me a piccie of your creation.  The theme will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 13th July 2013.

My entry this week is an unfinished piece!  There are still lots of little bits and bobs that I want to pop into my altered Configurations box... but I ran out of time!  This box was the subject of my workshop yesterday at Craft Den in Sheffield.  Big thanks to Lynne for hosting another fab class and to all the lovely ladies who came along, foregoing a day in the sunshine, to get inky with me.  So, the theme this week can have lots of different interpretations.  I have taken the literal sense of the word "depth" and my piece is very 3d.  However, you could add some depth by embossing (with plates), or adding texture paste... or simply by adding several layers to your creation... or by any other means that you can think of...  the choice is yours :O))

It is a yonk and a half since I altered a Configurations Box and I had great fun making little patchwork collage pieces to fit inside the little boxes.  With all the new products on the market recently, I seem to have overlooked my lovely little Distress pads you know... and it seems eons ago since I last really played with them... I started to lose my heart to paint you see, poor ickle Distress Inks sitting there waiting patiently for me   Anyways, all the pieces of cardstock were coloured with Distress Inks, I used Antique Linen, Frayed Burlap, Tumbled Glass and Walnut Stain for edging and blended the colours together and then used the Spritz & Flick technique to add some watery dapples to the inky card.  Stamping was done with Distress Inks for the backgrounds and Archival Ink for the main images (to make them pop) and all the stamps used are from the Tim Holtz Collection for Stampers Anonymous... it was good fun to bring out all my really old Tim stamps and let them see ink again.

Apologies that I haven't been about much this past week. I think this is the first time ever that I blogged only twice in a week!  I am still not 100% so am taking things a little easier than normal... and truth be told, Mr Mojo has packed his bags and beggared off on his summer jollies!   I got a little worried on Thursday when I popped into the Room of Stash and sat at the Desk of Ink... and sat there... and sat there... and picked up an ink pad... and sat there... nope, nothing doing so I figured I would "move stuff about" in the attempt to unearth a hidden gem and tempt Mojo back from his lazy ways.  Still nowt so I gave up and went and got my book and sat in the garden!   Today I shall be mostly getting myself ready for the trip down to Preston tomorrow where I will be demo-ing all things Melt Arty at Inspirations.  If you are in the area, it would be loverly to see you!  I shall away now, I have a cunning plan that I will get my arty sketch book and do a couple of designs so that later, when Mojo is sitting at the beach bar quaffing his Mojito's, I can call him back and get thoroughly covered in ink and paint... sounds like a plan? I hope so!   Thanks for looking, have a fab day!  TTFN

Hels x


Miriam said...

Fabulous work Hels - love what you have done with the configurations boxes

Helen said...

Even part finished, it looks amazing Hels!! Hope Mr Mojo comes back soon. I'll be mostly watching the tennis today!

Carol Q said...

fabulous ongoing project Hels. something you can dip into when you feel like it!

Joanne said...

Bloomin' eck this is going to be stunning the colours are my fave and I can't wait to see it finished
Will see you after noon tomorrow as I have to wait for you know where to open
Safe journey

Redanne said...

Unfinished it may be - but it is still gorgeous! Hope Mr M returns soon and that you are soon feeling 100% (I know the feeling well...). Take care Hels. Hugs, Anne x

Aquarius said...

This is wonderful - something I've always wanted to try so will be seeking out a box. Hope Mr Mojo soon returns raring to go after his jollies.

Pat Taylor said...

Oh it's fabulous Hels! Hope your Mr M comes back real soon so you can finish it! Take care now xxx

nannapat said...

Fandabby configurations box Hels - look forward to seeing it when it's finished. Tennis final today - hope Andy wins!! Pat x

trisha too said...

Beautiful--I'm glad you shared it before it's finished, it's lovely as it is. It will be interesting to see what all you add to all those wonderful spaces.


Linda Simpson said...

OMG this is fantastic!! I love the fabulous colours and the embellishments and configuration is stunning.

Linda xxx

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, this is stunning, love all the details! Carole Zxx

ria gall said...

Hi Hels
I am loving your little configuration even with it not finished. So much fun to make because there are so many different things you can put in it. I hope you will share it with us when you have finished it

Unknown said...

Love what you have started:-) I wonder if mr mojo has gone to Turkey with the girlie, he may of sneaked in her case x x

janet said...

I like your interpretation of Depth! I'll keep lookng to see the finished box.
I think I'd be doing an underwater scene (ocean depth)- if I did anything, that is LOL.
Sorry you are still under par and hope you'll pick up, but don't try and rush it. It won't work!!
Hugs Janet (and Bea)

Annie said...

Hi Hels. x Hope you are feeling better and are taking life a bit more slowly....though that wont be easy I know.

Delighted to be playijg along this week with depth.

You will find my link below

CRafty Hugs Annie x

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels great project, love the colours and all the bits and pieces. Hope you are soon back to normalx said...

This is a great project to display so many treasures Hels.
Ignore Mr Mojo I am sure he'll come rushing back!

Here's my contribution this week.

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, I'll be seeing you later, yeah, can't wait.
I love your project, love all the inky things, and the finished project will be fascinating. I love it !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

chrissie said...

Wonderful piece full of ideas that inspire.

Love Chrissie x

nattyboots said...

Wow i love this Hels ,I really must give it a go myself .

Elaine H X

Sarah B said...

I want one !! love love this project. Any chance of a similar workshop back in Kettering ? xx

Joanne K said...

Hi Hels, sorry your mojo has gone awol. I'm sure he'll be back soon. Love the projects. Kind regards Joanne K x

Caroline said...

Ohhhh, I Sooooo need a fix of Hels' blog!!!! Not sucking up, just been so long...
Anyways at least hospital visits are over, can try to get back 'in the crafty zone'. Like you, my mojo has left, must be supping at the bar with yours!!
I am very jealous of configuration boxes, really want one but still saving pennies for Melt pot (you are doing c&c this month I think, don't answer I will look at the left bar schedule thingy). I am sorry to read you haven't been well, so out of touch. Hope it's bettering itself!
Love to Alfie cat (is he in a shady spot chillin')
Okay, quick fix this time, hope to get back to regular dose asap.... Take care of U! :))

LoraineC said...

Hope you feel better soon and your mojo returns, I think mojo would be a good name for a fuschia !!! Xx

Gail said...

Luvin this project and would luv to see the finished article - hope Mr Mojo hasn't gone and got sunstroke!!!! xx GailT xx

Gail said...

Luvin this project and would luv to see the finished article - hope Mr Mojo hasn't gone and got sunstroke!!!! xx GailT xx

Mrs Beez said...

Gutted I missed this class as this is a fab piece. Hope you're coming back this way soon.
Here's my little piece for this week:

Jackie C said...
here is my offering x

Tine said...

Love the configuration of each box - very artistic looking.

Playing along with you so have given my project some 3-d depth - only a card, mind you!
The link is here.

nancyd said...

Morning Hels, fabulous project not
tried anything to this scale yet
but maybe in the future.
Hope you feel a bit better soon
have missed you all week.
Nancyd xx

Jacqueline said...

Hi Hels, Remember me? Sorry I haven't been around for a while, been really busy with a college course in Art and Design which is now completed and passed!! :D

I absolutley ADORE what you have come up with this time. Just wish I had the money to buy more of these though, I did a couple of bigger ones for presents a couple of years ago. VERY time consuming but thouroughly enjoyable!

Been working on a few projects and just finished off this one, thought it fitted well with the theme lol

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here is mine for this week! Carole Z X

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, back with my entry which you can find here:

Hugs, Anne x

Barb Cady said...

Hi Hels, hope you are feeling better. Think my mr mojo has gone on holiday with yours, must be the heat! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Xx

Karen P said...

Hi Hels
In between bouts of fibromyalgia I managed to make a little something. I'm trying to push myself outside my comfort zone.
It's here:

I hope you are okay and feeling better and the weather is not too hot for you hugs Karen x

Mrs Beez said...

I'm back with a second little something. Hope you've enjoyed your day with the trains.

Rossella said...

Absolutely gorgeous
Here's mine - a bit late I'm afraid
Rosie x

Tracy Heaton said...

Good stuff Hels.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oooh! Looking forward to seeing how far you've got with this. Assume you got back safely on Monday, was great to see you and the amazing things you do with your melt pot! My entry is here
Will try to e-mail you the seductive looking pic sometime!!!!

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