Sunday 30 June 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 264 - Sweet Home Alabama

Gooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy, sunny (yay!) Sunday to you all.  Many thanks for all the gorgeous entries for last weeks challenge and welcome to the new peeps joining in... tis great to have you on board!  This week the theme is chosen purely because I made something yesterday and used a word... and the song title popped into my head and has been driving me 'round the bend... so I thought I would share with you (teeeheee)   So, without further ado... the theme is.... HOME.   To join in is simples: make a little something - it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme AND some stamping (you needs to add stamping in) and then pop back here, leave a comment for me with a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you haven't got a blog/web-photo-hosty thingy, you can also join in via Facebook (simply tag me in your post) or you can pop and email over to me with a photo attached.   The theme will run until 21:00 Saturday 6th July 2013.

  My entry this week is a Burlap Panel - uh-oh... I am addicted to these... fact!   What is so special?  Well, it is a sturdy board underneath for a start off so applying the paints and inks is a doddle... and the burlap (I know, we Brits call it Hessian but...)  well, it is chunky and textural (is that a word I wonder?) and take the Distress Paints perfectly... and this one is the 4 x 6 size so it is perfect for a little piece of wall art!

What a week it has been!  I think this is the first week in donkey's yonks since I didn't blog at least five out of seven.... all due to me getting a bit jaded and not having energy and all that for making stuff (I did start to suffer withdrawal symptoms tho)  One thing I noticed after a couple of days away from the Desk of Ink is how dry my hands are!  I kept applying handcream and yep, an hour later, they are all dry and papery again.  Yak!   So, I have this idea.  Because I wasn't using inks and paints and copious amounts of babywipes, I reckon my poor paws actually need the ink and the paint and babywipes to stay nice and soft!  So.... the theory is that crafting is goodly for your skin now... so...erm... I am away to do some more!

But, before I go... last night we were sitting watching 24 Hours in A&E (compelling viewing) that we had taped (oh, dear, how old am I?  I meant Sky +'d) and as the 24 hours unfolded, a patient was being brought in by the HEMS... so, cut to shot of helicopter landing... and up pipes Grim "blimey, you can tell you weren't flying that one...."  Cheek of it!   I have to admit that it did make me laugh, a little bit, not a lot because then I would be kind of admitting just how stoopid I am but... all the same.   

Tis a lovely day here today and my head is telling me to get outside and do some stuff in the garden (ok, reading, lounging, snoozling) cos the rain will probably be here tomorrow... and my heart is saying "get inky...."  Tis like a little whispering voice that "get inky...."   LOL   Right, I shall away, as ever, thanks for looking and have a fabby day!  TTFN

Hels x


Helen said...

Loving your hessian/burlap panel!! The colours are gorgeous. Have a great day.

Cardgenie said...

Missed you this week Hels. Love the hessian piece today, especially the colours. Jean

Aquarius said...

Lovely piece of art and as usual a smile when reading the post. I wonder if ink and paint therapy for the hands is cheaper than hand cream - might be worth calculating LOL!!

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, I hope you are feeling better. Loving the use of Hessian, sorry can't call it Burlap!! Love the colours, so warm and summery. I hope you have a better time this week coming. Emma

ria gall said...

Hi Hels
this is lovely with all it's layers and texture. Where do you get the Burlap Panels from as I have not seen them around.
Great that you are back in with the inks and paints, take care

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels love the burlap and the funny stories.Glad you are feeling better. I have missed last two challenges, nightmare with all the techie probs,hopefully will be ok this week.

Unknown said...

Morning Hels, this is gorgeous. Mmm I have some hessian Mmm.
have a great day whatever you decide to do.

Happy crafting
Chrissie x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Hels,
I am so pleased you are feeling better & missing the inkyness! Really like this panel & the colours look so good together.... Hugs x Angela

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Hels,
I must try not to post my comments I have deleted the duplicate.... :-D x

Gerrina said...

The flowers you make are so beautiful! Love how you fit them with your creations! Hugs, Gerrina

ElizabethR said...

Yummy stuff and you sound so much better. Promise to be back this week, last week whizzed by! Xxx

Unknown said...

Oh, did I get messey or wot? Lol. Like I said... "Hels of a mess".

Hope you like this

Amanda xx

rachel said...

gorgeous Hels - love it to bits - need to get my thinking cap on now xx

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, I really got into Hessian/burlap last Christmas, making little bags! Love your piece, another fab flower - super theme too, got my thinking cap on! Carole Z X

Linda Simpson said...

This is fabulous, just loving the colours and all the fabulous embellishments!

Linda xxx

chrissie said...

This is amzing with wonderful colours and a great depth to the piece.

Love Chrissie x

Marleine said...

Hi Hels.

Love this project. Great texture using the burlap board. X

rachel said...

gorgeous project Hels - mine is something you have in your home - hope that counts -
Hugs Rachel x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, This project is really lovely, loving the hessian/burlap panel and the colours are gorgeous, great flower and embellies.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

nattyboots said...

Lovely project and it is a joy to read your blog.

Elaine H X

Redanne said...

A wonderful theme Hels and a gorgeous make - just loving the gorgeous colours. Hugs, Anne x

nannapat said...

Fab design Hels - that rose is stunning. Have a good week. Pat x

Annie said...

You got me singing it too Hels. Love the colours and fab layers.

Hugs Annie x

Unknown said...

Hi Hels,
Good to see you are 'rocking and rolling' again! Rustic hessian is one of my favourite materials of all. It has been known that I have acquired a length meant for curtain pelmets, as it is stiff enought to do altered art on, takes paints and inks of any kind.
Your Sweet Home Alabama is great and I see you haven't lost your sense of humour despite feeling
n........ (dog tired). You are just Ace!
Love, Lis xx

Mooffie said...

Hi Hels

Sorry to have missed last week's challenge - but I have caught up for this week!

Hope you like!

Hope all's well

Fred said...

I love the burlap on the edges - very cool indeed.
Serious changing happening over at our place

I hope you had a wonderful anniversary and that your health is improving Hels!

Mona Pendleton said...

Beautiful canvas Hels! Thanks for the inspiration and fun challenge! Here's mine:

Aquarius said...

You can find my Sweet Home Alabama card on my blog here

Carole Z said...

Here's mine for this week Hels! Carole Z X

rachel said...

done another one Hels: hugs Rachel x

Sue uk said...

Hi Hels
Thanks for another great challenge. You can find my entry at:

Becky said...

Love what you have done here is mine

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Home sweet home.its so beautiful.

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