Sunday 10 February 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 244 - Endless Love

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all... many thanks for the fabby animal entries last week!  Apologies for the slightly later than planned post today... Mr Back Pain came to stay last night so I took to my bed!  Anyways... on with this weeks challenge.  As it is Valentine's Day this week (yep, that time of year already) I decided to theme the challenge in to match with that... so the theme is... LOVE & HEARTS.  To join in with the challenge is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy, add in the theme AND some stamping and then hop back here to leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you don't have a blog or web-photo-thingy, you can also join in via email or on Facebook.  The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 16th February 2013.

My little entry for this week is a pressie for Grim... I like to make him something 3d for Valentines... I am rubbish at making Valentine cards so I usually *whispers* buy one for him!  Yikes!  Don't tell anyone!  This year I set about altering a little 4x4 deep edge canvas.  Starting with a layer of patterned music paper over the front of the canvas, a layer of Glue & Seal to ... yep, seal it!  I then used one of the new gorgeously fab Stencils for Art from Studio 490 and then genius that is Wendy Vecchi.  I used Studio 490 Embossing Paste - this time I used the white flavour and added some Fired Brick Distress Paint into the mix to make the heart red.

Once dried, I made a two tone border around the edge of the canvas - I know, I have gotten addicted to making two tone borders!  Once this was dry, I zapped the heart with some Cranberry Colorwash and then spritzed Black Marble Dylusions over the canvas to add some grungyness to it.  A whizz around the heart with my Stabilo All pencil added some shading and then I set about making some decorations.

The feet for the canvas are diddy bottles from Creative Expressions, how cute are they?  I took out the corks and then used Cosmic glue to stick the bottles to the bottom of the canvas.  Next, I coloured up two white paper flowers with the same sprays, dried them, added a Mini Cog to the middle and popped a brad to secure them.   I added Florentine and White Fire Treasure Gold to the heart and around the edges of the canvas for a smidge of bling and then stamped the word with some Alpha stamps.  Finishing touches are bits and bobs of Idea-ology and the letters are Alpha Parts - ILY - obvious... and 13... for this year! 

Right, I shall away... I have a date with a homemade chicken pie - I got a little over-excited yesterday and made a chicken pie, then saw left over pastry and made a quiche (and I made the recipe up myself and apart from a smidge too much cheese it is yummo!) and then I made a choccy cake for Grim... no wonder my pain was out of orbit last night lol   Worry not though, there won't be any more baking for a while!  The chicken pie is for dinner today and I can't wait to get my gnashers on it.... tis BFF Andrea's recipe and oh boy, it is lushness indeedily!  Speaking of Andrea...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  She has a very special birthday today but being as I am such a good pal I won't tell you all that it is her 50th (snort!)   Thanks for looking... have a fab day!  TTFN

Hels x


Miriam said...

Stunning!! Grim will love it!! I made a card but didn't dare venture into making a present!!

... and happy birthday Andrea.

Sue said...

Beautiful Hels. Love those cute bottle feet-what an inspired idea. Must get some Treasure Gold soooon. Sx

Helen said...

I am sure Grim will love your chunky Heart Art!!

♥ Mys ♥ said...

Stunning - love everything about this heart on canvas:)
*Hugs, Inger*

Joanne said...

This is gorgeous as always. Enjoy your dinner.

Fuchsia said...
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Fuchsia said...

Oh Wow! Wow !its awesome Hels .
can I put this in I done it this week for my local craft shop

Debbie said...

I like it muchly! (tho very restrained for you if I must say!)

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, love your project for this week...I'm with you, useless at Valentine cards, Mr Z is actually going to be having my last week's Sunday Stampers project as a present..caw, I could have entered that this week as well! Sorry your back was bad last night, as a fellow sufferer I empathise, Carole Z XX

Marleine said...

Hiya Hels,

Love the heart and flower embellishment on this project. Lucky Grim. X

Claudine said...

Grim is going to love this, you can tell you put so much heart into making it!! No pun intended lol. It's really great and I love how you used the little bottles as feet.

rachel said...

hope your back is feeling a little better now Hels - there's nothing worse! Love this piece - it reminds me of those n craft stamper this month which are absolutely lush! Looking forward to doing this one - will probably combine it with tims tags! Hugs Rachel xx

betjunroe said...

Beautiful canvas Hels! I so need to get some of Wendy's embossing paste and hope the Queen gets some in the store soon. Hope your back feels much better soon. Bette

Crafting Queen said...

Stunning canvas!

Alexandra said...

Lovely canvas Hels, I love the textured heart, and all those details.
I'm sure Grim will love it. I created a heart wallhanging for my DH instead of a card too. Could this count as my entry though it's a couple of days old on my blog. I posted this before I knew what your theme was for today?

DVArtist said...

This is awesomely beautiful.

Hettie said...

Lovely piece there Hels!

jane gray said...

Just lovein this. Qwerky way to use the bottles.


Kazkrafts said...

this is gorgeous Hels, love the glass feet and the borders are fab, no wonder you're addicted.
I've made an entry here
I hope that

Redanne said...

Oh Hels, I love this gorgeous little canvas, I really love the way you do your edges, the feet are fabulous and the heart is stunning - love it!

My entry can be found at:

Hugs, Anne x

Carol McCready said...

Great project. Love all those
textures and colors.

Kirsten said...

Completely gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed your chicken pie.

Karen McAlpine said...

Really "heart" your project. The gears are a nice masculine touch on a feminine heart project. I went all girly with my project.

Hope you are having a great weekend!

ria gall said...

Another stunning piece of 3D art Hels I just love every thing about it and I am sure him in door will love it.
Ria xxxxx

Karen P said...

Absolutely stunning Hels - I'm sure Grim will love it! No wonder you are having a spot of trouble with your back. I can't bake alone any more - lifting trays and tin in and out of the oven leads to burns and swearing! Enjoy your pie and chocolate cake - yummy! Karen x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Very romantic! Grim will love it - for sure
Here's my entry
Hope your back feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Graham will just love this Hels its beautiful, I do not mind you sharing my age after all they do say some things do get better with age LOL. Hope you are feeling better now and enjoyed the pie and cake, thanks for being a brill friend x x x

Patricia Howarth said...

This is stunning, Hels, and Graham will adore it. I have been busy making a card for my Graham's 60th Birthday on Valentine's Day, I spent all afternoon yesterday and all afternoon today and I still haven't finished it yet ha ha !!
Happy 50th Birthday Andrea.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Claire said...

Hi Hels - fab project you shared with us today! I'm sure Grim will love it! Here is my project this week:
Thanks! Claire x

Craftychris said...

Stunning canvas, Grim will love it! Sorry your back has been bad. The chicken pie and cake will make it feel better I am sure - it all sounds yummy! xx said...

Totally delish Hels. Hope your back improves - chronic pain is so debilitating.
Back to play later in the week!

Andy Llewelyn-Brinsley said...

Hi Hels, I am a massive fan of your work and love watching you on C and C, I am a friend of Jo Channon's and I have told her before how much of a fan I am, can't believe I have found your site now, love what you have done. Here is my blog addy: Hope you like what you see and as for back pain, I have been going through it for over 13 years now so you have my sympathy.
Andy Llewelyn-Brinsley

Brenda Brown said...

A beautiful chunky canvas Hels and a gorgeous heart. Mine cam be found at -

Hope your back is better real soon, have a great week.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Words and Pictures said...

What a stunner - to borrow a phrase... "totes amazeballs"!
Alison x

Mandy Chilvers said...

here's my little love dogs

Laurart said...

WOW!! this is amazing - Really gorgeous and very inspiring - Can I enter my latest valentine creation in the challenge?

Love Laura xxx

nannapat said...

Grim's gonna love this Hels. Your baking sounds delish, especially the chicken pie. Pat x

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's mine project for this week...Carole Z X

Rossella said...

Love this project, totally stunning.
Rosie x

Mine, I hope can be found at.

Becky said...

Gorgeous Hels I have e-mailed you my entry it is Keith's Valentines card so better not put it on my blog yet.x

Olivia said...

gayle said...

Fab canvas! Love the texture :) need me some of those clockwork keys too!
Afraid I kept it simple with a card this year, was pleased with myself that I got round to making one lol lol

Nan G said...

Cool canvas! Grimm is one lucky guy! I'm so needing that Studio 490 heart stencil! Here's my entry this week.

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

I've finally made it Hels! Sorry to be awol Hun! Love Grim's canvas! The black and white strips on the side remind me of kidding!!! LOVE it...prisoner of love that is! Oh that heart is grand! Fab pressie!

Here is mine:

Inkypinkycraft said...

Hi Hels, back again..heres my entry :

hugs trace x

Barb Cady said...

What a lovely little canvas, Grim will love it! I have had a go at a
card for my dear old man:

Hope you have a lovely Valentines day! Hugs, Barb xx

Shazza said...

Hiya Hels, my entry is


lucretia said...

How I love this

Artyjen said...

Love and workaholic are not at the loce stage yet but....hearts I can go for!!! My little card is here.

Artyjen said...

That should say love stage!!! HOL

Barbara said...

Love the canvas! My heart project is here, at

rachel said...

here you go Hels - hope you like it xx

Mrs Beez said...

A stunning canvas but the details on the side are fab too. I have an Arthur Askey tribute for my entry this week!

Maisie Moonshine said...

What a lovely gift for Grim. I love the details on the side too - filed that one away for future reference!
Here's my canvas MM x said...

In between boring I had a little play.
Cheers Julie

Linda said...

Loving the challenge Hels :)

Jenny Marples said...

Scraping in (with a decent excuse mind!) with my offering for this week hun.
Huge hugs to you and Grim, Jenny x

Karen P said...

woohoo! made it just in time lol! here's mine
Karen x

Kate said...

I've linked up a messy Valentine's pressie here.

** Kate **

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