Sunday 4 November 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 230 - Blue Velvet

Gooooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all.  Firstly, HOOOGE thank you's for all your lovely comments on last weeks challenge post and again to Simon Says Stamp for kindly sponsoring my challenge.  You will remember that as well as their candy, I also had a bit of candy up for grabs.   The remit was to leave a comment AND join in... so instead of spending several yonks sifting out comments and entries, I wrote all the entry names down onto paper, folded them up and then picked them out of a bowl (I haven't got a hat big enough lol)  And... the hat issued forth the name of Lisette Baker.  Thanks to you all for your amazing entries.  Congrats to Lisette, please email me with your addy and I will pop the candy into the post for you.    On with this weeks challenge.  Being as I am time challenged myself this week I have chosen an easy-peasy theme.... use the colour BLUE on your entry.  To join in is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back here and leave me a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you haven't got a blog/Picassa/Photo-hosty-thingy you can also join in via email or on Facebook.  The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 10th November 2012.

My entry this week is a Studio 490 Art Part frame that I have coloured with Distress Stains... Broken China for the base and Black Soot for the frame.  The insert was cut from cardstock and I made a smooshyness of inks on my craft sheet, dipped the card, dried it, dipped again and then overstamped with a large Studio 490 background stamp and Aquamarine Archival Ink (this goes soooo well with Broken China and Tumbled Glass Distress)    I added a little shelf by sticking a Scallop Trim across the bottom of the frame - I need to finish the piece off and add in some sparkly bits but as it is, it gives you an idea of what it could look like.

The ickle flower is from the Wildflower stamp set and Art Part set, overstamped with Jet Black Archival Ink and then coloured with Distress Markers.  The floral decoration has some Art Part Leaves, coloured Forest Moss and overstamped with Olive Archival to add in some pattern.  The base flower is from Not Just Flowers Art Part set, coloured with Victorian Velvet DI and overstamped with the corresponding flower stamp.  I sanded the edges to shabby it up a bit.  A Funky Flower Art spikey flower stamped onto Grungepaper and cut out and then coloured with Picked Raspberry DI makes a little extra something to look at and this nestles underneath a bright blue rose.  This was made by stamping the 6 petal flower from Accents for Art onto Grungepaper, cutting out, colouring with Salty Ocean DI and then formed to make a rose.  Finishing touches are the florally leafy border and the sentiment... loooove that sentiment! 

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and participation of the Sunday Stamper.  This little challenge started life a very long yonks ago and I never thought it would still be going strong 230 weeks later!  Yikes!!!  I really do appreciate that you take time in your arty life to play along... so thank you all!   Right, I shall away... I have to get myself ready for my tellybox shows later today.  I am on the Stamping with Creative Expressions shows at 5pm and 7pm on Create & Craft.  Channel 671 on Sky, 36 on Freeview and 813 on FreeSat... and if you can't get access to UK telly or those digi channels, you can watch online HERE, just click "watch us live" and then chose Create & Craft.  As ever, thank you for looking... have a brill day!  TTFN

Hels x


Anonymous said...

WOW Hels I love todays offering. You amaze me with all the wonderful and different ideas that must be swimming around in your head. One of these days I'll be brave enough to enter your competition.

Looking forward to seeing you later.

Val in Spain xxx

Helen said...

This is gorgeous! I love that flower, the colour you got on it is glorious. Have a good day...!

rachel said...

beautiful work Hels - looking forward to the shows later - have progammed you in to record - woohoo!!! Hugs rachel x

Gerrina said...

Like your creation a lot. Love the blue flowers!
Is it just becaus I'm a "blue-person" that I had no problem at all to come up with an idea? Don't know... You can find my entrance here:
Have a good Sunday/week! Hugs, Gerrina

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, one of these days i will have time to enter the sunday challange. Lovely project today, love the mix of colours. Best of luck for todays shows. Emma

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, your creation today is simply stunning, love the blue against the Picked Raspberry - gorgeous. Really love your little (trademark) shelf too. Looking forward to watching the progs and will be humming 'Blue Velvet' all day now..... Crafty hugs, Anne x

Redanne said...

Apologies! Many congrats to Lisette, a very lucky lady. A x

Words and Pictures said...

Congrats to Lisette! What a fab make again today - loving the colour combination... and looking forward to playing with my favourite colour!
Alison x

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,
Love the work of art. Flowers are fab.
Looking forward to your shows. X

ria gall said...

Hi Hels

What a lovely piece I love how well the frame works.

I am looking forward to crafting with you on Saturday at Birds In the Barn, I hope I end up with very inky fingers!


Aquarius said...

I'm so glad I read this post - had no idea you were on the box today. The schedule on my TV digi box thingy doesn't give the right clues always and today is one of those days. Have a good time and I'll be there.

Claudine said...

I am definately doing this challenge I love Blue!! Thanks for inspiring me.

Patricia Howarth said...

Afternoon Hels, I'm writing this comment whilst waiting for you to come on tv. I absolutely your project today, love the stamping, love the flowers, the sentiment is gorgeous, a truly stunning creation.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Carole Z said...

Afternoon Hels, just waiting for your show! I absolutely love this project, beautiful and well done to Lisette, hugs Carole Z X

Andrea said...

loving the art as ever Hels and am watching you live as I type and must say you have done amazing samples with the products, loving your top its not your usual and it looks great, see you can get a little bit away from all black LOL you look fab my friend and you always are a pleasure to see xx

Shazza said...

I just LOVE this Hels, tis gorgeous. Love the sentiment, is that Wendy's too??
I haven't taken part in any challenges for about a month I think, it is pants!! x

Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

Fab flowers....and blue is my favorite color! Going to try to play, but I have company all week....

Val said...

Fab work Hels.

I recorded your shows, and have just watched one of them. Great samples and demo, but I do wish they would give you more time!


Elaine said...

Well done on the TV shows - you definitely need more time!! Love that blue flower - Salty Ocean has to be my favourite. Here's my blue card:

Sue said...

Stunning flower - love the colour. Wonderful piece again. Hope I get to join in this week. Sx

Brenda Brown said...

Great frame and fabulous flower Hels

I am joining you again this week -

Have a good week.
hugs Brenda xx

Jacki Daniels said...

Hels another wonderful creation from you love it such a sweet sentiment too
Here is my link

Keren Howell said...

Loved your shows Hels but you did make me spend money! Never mind, it was for things I NEEDED! Lovely project and I love the sentiment.
Here's my offering for this week -
Hugs, Keren

ang said...

beautiful card, I love the blue of your flower, love watching you on cc, here is the link to my entry thanks angxxx

Artyjen said...

Once again you provide the inspiration when I feel there is none to be had! Loving your art part pieces Hels :)
My entry is here.
xoxo Sioux

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, I am back with my creation, hope you like it!

Crafty hugs, Anne x

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's my offering for this week! Hope you like it, Carole Z X

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Wendy goodness always makes me happy!!! Love your plaque, and the flowers are wonderful!!! Fabulous color, and great BLUES!

Here is mine...

Mrs Beez said...

More amazois flowers - love this card. Here's mine
Thanks for the email - have replied but may be back with the junk!!!! Have a fab time at NEC and hope you're soon better. x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Gorgeous frame, Picked Raspberry and Salty Ocean are a brilliant combination!
My entry can be found at


Julia S-W said...

Hi Hels, sorry I've not been around much - I've been away & a little under the weather as they say. Buttons gave me the heads up for your theme this week so thanks to her, here I am! Love that gorgeous flower and I note the tutorial is now on your blog (guess who'll be having a go!).

Here's my entry:


Hazel said...

My card is here x

Inkypinkycraft said...

Hi Hels sorry been under weather hence lack of comments here is my entry
also have added link to your flower tutorial on my blog post hope you dont mind
trace x

rachel said...

ooo Hels - I did have fun getting messy wih this one - here's my link! Hugs rachel xx

Barb Cady said...

Hi Hels', thankyou for your lovely comment, I really apreciated it. I have an offering that has blue on it, I hope it qualifies as my mofo is a bit spasmodic at the moment. Glad you had such a lovely time in Birmingham, sounded great and I love your footwear!


Karen P said...

Here is my offering:

looking forward to the new shows! have a fab weekend xx

Jenny Marples said...

JUST scraping in their with;
Phew! I didn't want to miss your challenge, but it's been a week and a half. Hope your day at The Craft Barn has gone swimmingly and best of luck (not that it's needed) with the TH shows next week. Can't wait to see what you get up to. Enjoy. Hugs, Buttons x

Mrs Beez said...

I couldn't resist a second go. I've been having a look at all your tags - absoloutely fabulous. Can't wait 'til Tuesday.

EmmiLu said...

Well, My little blue creation is online and in time!!

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday... hope they contain the gremlins this time!!

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