Sunday 23 September 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 224 - Behind The Mask

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all.  Big thanks for all the gorgeous be-ribboned creations for last weeks challenge.  This week is a nice and easy one... and the theme is... to use MASKS/STENCILS on your entry.  To join in is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme AND some stamping and then pop back here with a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you don't have a blog/picassa/web-hosty-thingywotsit, you can enter by emailing me or via Facebook.  The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 29th September 2011.  I have been asked a few questions recently so thought I would answer them here:  "Can I join in with the challenge even if I don't live in the UK?"  YES!!! It is open to anyone, worldwide... the more the merrier!  "I don't have a blog, can I still join in?"  YES!!!  Just so long as you leave me a comment and either a link to your web-hosty thing OR email me OR link me to your Facebook album... simples... like I said... the more the merrier!  "I haven't used any stamping on my entry, does it still count?"  Well... I have been known to get so involved in my creation that I forget to add in the stamping and end up bunging a quick sentiment or the odd "fill in" stamp. Soooo, I guess the answer is... Try to use stamping as much as you can.

On with my entry for this week.  I spent a lovely day yesterday demo-ing for Creative Expressions at the Big Stamping & Scrapbooking Show at Alexandra Palace.  It is my fave venue for demo-ing, I don't know if it is the space, the people, the hooooge amount of stashly wares on sale... but, whatever it is, it is always special.  It was grand to meet so many lovely peeps and put faces to names too.  So. I was demo-ing Studio 490, Tim Holtz and Ranger.  And a little Art Parts piece that I had made as a sample is my entry for this weeks challenge.

I used some of the brand new Studio 490 stamps and stencils and Art Parts for my creation.  The base is a Hearts Art Part and I added a Scallop Trim to make a little shelf.  The colours are Scattered Straw, Wild Honey, Rusty Hinge and Vintage Photo.  The background honeycomb stamp was inked with the brush tip of a Vintage Photo Distress Marker - this is a cool technique because you can just ink the stamp in patches so you get a random background... I have tried this with an inkpad but I always seem to get harsh edgey lines... so the Marker is sooo much better.

My masking is in the guise of one of the new Studio 490 Stencils for Art - the Spots & Stripes.  I LOVE this stencil (actually I love them all... no big surprise there lol)  I used a smidge of Rusty Hinge and a smidge of Vintage Photo to add some detailing on the base through the stencil - the lines under the shelf are meant to be shadows... mmm, not quite but the idea was there :O))

I added a Grungepaper flower - Accents For Art stamp set, both flowers, stamped in Sepia Archival, inked with Wild Honey and Rusty Hinge DI and then curled... the centre is an Embellish Your Art flower button... coloured with co-ordinating Distress Markers.  This is a cool technique from Wendy Vecchi - simply colour the EYA piece, heat set it with a heat tool - don't overheat, it will go all stinky and wobbly - experience there folks lol - and there you go!  You can also use Alcohol Inks, Copics, Pro-Markers and Archival Inks to colourize the EYA pieces too.  The little metal thingy at the point of the heart is actually one of the new Creative Expressions Antique Corners... I just bent it slightly and popped it on with some Cosmic Glue.

Anyways... I shall away. I have some much needed beauty sleep to catch up on... we are away to Rockingham this morning to watch the British Touring Cars... YAY! I love Rockingham... only about 25 mins in the car and nice seats to sit on all day... oh and they always have a rather nice hog roast too... and a donut stand (oh, no, not more sugary chops) and of course, we shall be cheering Jason Plato on - I really hope he has a good meet this time... the last couple of meets have been pretty poop!   Thanks for looking, have a fabbbby day! TTFN

Hels x

39 comments: said...

What a fantastic sentiment you have used on your gorgeous piece today Hels.

DVArtist said...

This is wonderful. Thanks

Helen said...

Was lovely to see you again yesterday. Your samples were as always lovely. Hope to play along this week as I have some ideas for some stencils/stash I may just have bought yesterday...!!

Marleine said...

Morning Hels,
Beautiful creation, would look lovely on the wall. Loving the sunshine colours, especially on this wet Sunday morning.
Hope you enjoy your day out. My cocker spaniels are looking and hoping for a walk in the New Forest.. X

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, What a fantabulous creation you have shown us today, it is absolutely fantastic. I love all your projects.
It was great meeting up with you at Ally Pally yesterday, you are such a lovely lady, and I really enjoyed watching you demo the 'heart placque' it was fantastic. I haven't recovered from my travelling yesterday yet ha ha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Val in Spain xxx said...

Lovely piece this Sunny Sunday Hels. I don't feel I'm good enough to enter anything just yet but I'm working on it. Just off to Zumba that will knock me out for the rest of the day.

Astrid Maclean said...

Great piece Hels, love the techniques you used! Have a fabby day!!

Rita said...

What a Fantastic piece Hels. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita xx

Redanne said...

Lovely piece Hels, love how you did the bee/wasp. Go Jason!!

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, glad your enjoyed ally pally y/day.
This is wonderful, love the honeycomb stamp. Lovely colours, the spider is a great touch.

Joanne said...

Enjoy the Touring Cars whilst I sit here and enjoy this materpiece of yours.
Hugs Joanne xx

hotpotato said...

lovely to speak to you yesterday(my friend is Janet Warren)your display work was gorgeous.

Words and Pictures said...

Your honeycomb heart is absolutely gorgeous - rich, warm and colourful - and a delicious sentiment too! Here's my bit of stencilling...
Alison x

Suzanne C said...

I enjoy your challenge and finally had time to play along. Love your beautiful project. The honeycomb stencil is perfect. My link:

Sue West said...

Hope you have a great day watching those cars zoom round.
Love your project. Here's my offering.
Sue xx

whyducks said...

A fabulous piece Hels, how you manage to have a good time despite the rain.

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels...ooh and I bought some more masks at Ally Pally yesterday! It was great to meet you and get to see all your wonderful creations..:) Hope you really enjoyed the weekend, Carole Z X

Shazza said...

oooh Hels, love this, it is so pretty, great colours x

Planetsusie said...

Hi Hels - this is beautiful and thank you so much for the tip about the using markers on stamps to ensure you cover just the bits you need. Brilliant idea - I have always struggled with this so I am so pleased to find another way. Wish my brain worked ..duh. I especially love the waspy hornet!

Hugs Sue Pxxx

rachel said...

beautiful work Hels - hope to be back later in the week with something for this one! Hugs! xx

Little Paper House said...
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Little Paper House said...

Hi Hels, I love this weekly challenge. Sunday mornings are now reserved for me to try new techniques and to play with different types of paper (my favourite thing). Love what you've done for our inspiration this week. Great colours.


Little paper house x

wendy vecchi said...

this is sooooo pretty!
looks GREAT!

Julia S-W said...

Lovely to meet you on Saturday - even if my Sister did blurt out that I wanted to say hello!! I would have got round to it but I need to warm up first! Enjoyed your demo very much. As an ex-teacher it's easy to be critical if people don't get it quite right (I know I shouldn't be) but in my opinion you were spot on: worked with the camera so all was clear whether people were sat at the front or the back!

Barb Cady said...

Love this heart shape Hels, a beautiful piece and lovely colours. Gone a bit pink mad this week to try and chase away the rain clouds! Hope your back is feeling better, been thinking of you.
Here is my entry for this week:
love barb x

Carol said...

What a lovely heart you've done. Here is my entry.

Mrs Beez said...

Lovely colours once again and adore that little bee. Here's mine for this week.

PS I'm just off to Grimsby which was, apparently, founded by a Danish fisherman called Grim!

Alison said...

Your heart art is gorgeous Hels, it was even more luscious in the flesh, when I saw it at Ally Pally!
I created a little canvas for the challenge, & you can see it HERE
Alison xxx

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's my piece for this week :) Carole Z X

Gerrina said...

Okay; inbetween being home sick, still managing the household and the urge to get something inky on paper I made this for my mom... Hugs, Gerrina said...

It has been a busy, all over the place week but I made a little me time to play along with your challenge Hels.

rachel said...

Hi Hels - not very sure of this weeks creation but here's the link anyway:
Rachel x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Not only do I need these Wendy stencils, I need that bee! I love your little heart...fab design!!!

Here is mine:

Karen P said...

Just in time, running late as per usual!
Love your piece, that heart is so gorgeous! Thank you very much for all the inspiration and the creations you share with us Hels!
I've an entry this week!!! See here

Looking forward to the next challenge Karen

BarbaraW said...

Love using masks and stencils so I really loved this challenge. Here's my card:
Your art piece is awesome. Wish I could take one of your classes, but it's a bit of a commute from Chicago.

Maisie Moonshine said...

Good morning Hels - here is my submission for this week's challenge - sorry - not up to the standard of the last couple of weeks but hey that's how it goes I suppose!

Sue said...

Could I possibly be last again? I'm going for the record! Here is my offering for this week. Sx

Jenny Marples said...

Nope Sue. That'd be me!! Well at least we made it eh?
Off to watch Dr Who with tissues in hand:)
Hugs, Buttons x

self gard said...

A reputable source says the Federal government distributed over two million N95 protective masks to a hoarder. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health ordered the confiscation of three million masks after a Hearst Television investigation. The state has since cleared 3 million of the expired N95 masks for use in COVID-19. The New York Times reported that the shortage had left the masks in storage, and Johnson claimed it had 1.5 million masks in storage. The CDC has since cleared the remaining 1.5 million to be used in the COVID-19 virus.

dettol n95 mask available in india

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