...Excited? Me? Oh yesh, indeedily.... very excited! And why? Well, a few months ago May, who is the DT Leader over at Simon Says Stamp & Show asked me if I would like to be their first Guest Designer. Of course, I needed time to think about the invitation.... and about 0.01 seconds later, I emailed right back and said... yes please! I am very honoured to be asked to be a Guest over on my fave challenge blog. All the deets etc for this weeks challenge are HERE along with all the cool DT creations and info on how to join in.
The theme this week is Tape It Up. I toyed with several ideas on what to make, I started out with a tag but it just wasn't big enough for the technique I wanted to use... so I altered a frame instead. On Wednesday this week a tutorial I have done for my entry will be published over on Simon Says Stamp & Show so I won't go into tooooo much detail now on how I altered my frame... but I can say that all the tapes, paints (whooops, was I supposed to mention that I used paint? *teehee*) I used are available at Simon Says Stamp.
Oh and... when you enter the challenge there is a chance for you to win a voucher to spend at Simon Says for $50. I will pop a link on my post on Wednesday so you can nip over to see the tut then :O))
I have an update about that Old Cad Mojo. He slunk home sometime during the night on Saturday and I am pleased to report that he is back to normal (whatever that may be lol) I had a mahooosive crafty Skypey sesh with Ellen yesterday... and Grim went and caught me out big stylee. So. We had been Skyping for about 3 hours and we decided to have a little refreshment break. Then we were straight back into more Skypeyness, for about 3 more hours. Anways, I hears Grim say that he had just had an email from Virgin saying that we were nearing our limit for the downloady-do-dah-thingy-wotsits (my words, not his, I can't remember exactly what he said, you know, like the teckernical speak) So, I am sitting there at my desk, with Ellen perched on the other desk.. (tis ok, she was inside the laptop so she was quite safe) Where was I? Oh yes, justifying our Skypey-ness. "We have Skyped for longer before" says I. "Well, that's what is says.... " Says Grim. And then I hears a little snort. Oh yes, he was indeedily winding me up. Hoooharharharhaaa.... yes, funny... erm... well, a bit lol
Anyways, I shall away. Remember Jerry the Gorgeous Springer? Well, he is bringing his Mummy & Daddy to see us this afternoon and he has a very swishy tail... so I am going to move everything that is in tail-swishing distance. I can't wait to see him, he is so gorgeous, those big soft eyes... ah, tis lurve. Here's Jerry looking very intelligent, I think he was just contemplating 11 down of yesterdays Telegraph crossword lol
Oh and I am cooking too! I have been frantically searching cookery books and yonder t'internet - I stoopidly said "Homemade Crumble and custard for afters" The crumble isn't a problem, that's a doddle, oh no, it is the custard. I can't make custard! Last time I tried it had the consistancy of day old concrete only with more lumps. Maybe I should feign a migraine and get Grim to make it instead (either that or open a tin rofl) Anyways, I needs to get moving... custard making skills to research and all that... Thanks for looking, have a fab day. TTFN
Hels x
Monday, 17 September 2012
Simon Says... Be My Guest!
Posted by
Hels Sheridan
Labels: Altered Art - Photoframe, Cosmic Shimmer, Dabbers, Dylusions Sprays, Prima Flowers, SimonSaysStampShowChallenge, Tissue Tape, Washi Tape
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Well done on being Simon says first guest designer and a stunning piece itis ! I am not surprised you are one talented lady!!! Love the colours you have chosen..happy custard making! Trace. X
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see the tut! Love that you are the first Guest! Congrats!!!
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see the tut! Love that you are the first Guest! Congrats!!!
Lovely piece Hels, and great to have you with us this week! :)
Just came from SSS to say congrats on the Guest possie! Love that dog with the swishy tail too, now I am dying to know how the custard came out...cos we have a saying in this house...my heart bleeds lumpy custard for you...LOL you would do well here!
Morning Hels, your post raised a few smiles first thing in the morning, thank you!! Love your GDT project for Simon Says..Gorgeous! Carole Z X
Congrats on your guest spot, and what a gorgeous piece of art you created.
Huge Congratulations Hels. I love what you've done and the colours are brilliant. Hope your custard turned out ok. Hugs Rita xx
Morning Hels, Congratulations of being the first Guest Designer for SSS, what an accolade, but we all know how talented you are.
I love your tag is is absolutely fantastic and the colours are gorgeous together, the flowers are fabulous, can't wait for the deets on Wednesday.
I hope your custard turns out OK, personally I love thick custard, mmmmm. If you have any probs, pop across to Christine Emberson's Blog and try out her Lemon and Coconut Cake, sounds scrummy and apparently is quite quick to make mmmmm.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Gorgeous tag & congrats on your guest spot on SSS. As for the custard, buy M&S, it's delish.
Love your piece for SSS - gorgeous colours!! LOL at Grim, although that is a really good idea, cybe craft sessions... Open a tin. I haven't made custard for years!!
Good morning Hels,
What fun you have had this weekend and congrats. You must be on a major high. Love the frame looking forward to the details.
Springer pic is brilliant.
Love your waffling.
My daughter visited us with her choc' lab. One of our cocker spaniels so loved him they were inseperable.
Have a good week. X
Congrats on being first Guest Designer on Simon Says Hels and very well deserved too. Love your awesome first piece and looking forward to the tutorial later in the week.
Hope the custard turned out ok, lol! No way I'd attempt to make it from scratch .......... the 'fresh' stuff in tubs from the supermarket fridge would have to do for me ;D
Lesley Xx
This is fabulous! Awesome idea and love the colours and all those great details. Thank you so much for being our guest this week!
Morning Hels. Love this frame and just in my colours, love the turquoise. Congrats on being the first! I hope you have a lovely crafty week.
Well done on the guest spot Hels. Love all the bling today. The dog with the glasses is sooo cute. Custard with lumps - shudder.
I am 'cock-a-hoop' for you at being a DT for SSS. I know that as soon as you hit America you will become world famous and great big doors will open for you with massive opportunity waiting on the other side. Well done, you deserve it.
Hugs Joanne xx
stunning work Hels - no wonder you got the GDT spot! Amazing project - and your doggy photo gave me a chuckle too! Have a fab day! Hugs Rachel x
Fantastic news about you being the first - OMG, the first Guest Designer at SSS, that must have given you a real boost! Love your make, gorgeous colours and look forward to seeing the 'how to'. Next time, M&S do an amazing ready made custard with vanilla - just saying.... Crafty hugs, Anne x
Love the intelligent doggie too. x
Beautiful! So happy to have you playing along with us as a GD this week! Looking forward to the tutorial on Wed!
Hels, I so love your Tape It Up piece. COngrats on being selected as our first guest designer! I'm such a fan of your work. This piece is stunning. I always so love your almost trademark flowers that you incorporate into your pieces. And...I get such a kick out of your writeups! :) Love you girlfriend! <3 Candy
just beautiful the colour is fab and as ever you amaze me x
Glad to see Mr Mojo collaborating with you on such a fabby piece xx
ps Someone, can't imagine who, let slip that Mr Sainsbury makes a wonderful vanilla custard and it would be very rude not to try it
;0)See you Saturday xx
congrats on your dt thingy!!
love this piece -- its classic 'hels'
lova ya
tony x
So lovely! The colors are my fav and I really like that cluster of beautiful flowers!
Hi Hels, fabulous to have you as our Guest Designer, and what a wonderful dimensional frame. Love the heart and the colours and your flower arrangement are stunning . Tracy x
A wonderful frame Hels, love the colours too!
thank you so much for being our guest!!! LOVE your project, and really looking forward to your tutorial as well.
Happy Crafting!
wow, that's so stunningly beautiful! simply love the design, the colors ... oh everything!
HUGE congrats Hels! Not surprised your talent and fame continues to spread far and wide. Will tune in Wednesday for the tut. Can't wait!
As for custard? Life's too short - cheat! Seriously, the shop bought stuff actually tastes better anyway and you will have put plenty of effort into the crumble already. WOW, a crafting genius AND a domestic goddess! Who needs Nigella?! Hugs, Buttons x
congrats on being the first guest dt member, and what a make, I love the colour combo and the choice of tapes for the bg.
beautiful stuff Hels
You should be one of their permanent designers if you ask me! However, many congrats on that and I LOVE this frame. The colours, the touches of gold and er, everything. Enough said, further ramblings on your piece would be gushing!
Er, naughty Grim. . . . .
Gorgeous dog there.
Delia's custard (with her trifle recipe) is the best but I hate the stuff!
Enjoy your week.
Congrats Hels, so pleased for you - your work is fab so not surprised!
Love this altered frame - gorgeous.
Joan x
Lol at Jerry I'm sure he complete more clues on the crossword than me!
Liking your beautiful turquoise creation and looking forward to finding out how you made it tomorrow.
** kate **
Hi Hels - I didn't stop by yesterday but just had to comment on this absolutely gorjuss creation. I am really pleased that you have been asked to be the first GD. This is more than worthy I love those pearls and bits and pieces. Actually I found several of those pin thingies (like the ones we had to put on our 'bathers' lol in the swimming baths) in my Nan's button box. I've 'inherited' it - although I never thought I would be able to use them - hhhmmmmm think I was wrong there!!!
Hugs to you and thanks for the inspiration.
Sue P xxx
Stunning make Hels. Love the colours and the flowers are divine. Smashing photos of the pooch too. Crafty hugs Annie x
Congrats on DT spot at SSSS x
Gorgeous, Hels! We're pleased as punch to have you as a guest! I adore the shade of aqua you used to punch the color up!!
Simon Says Stamp!
Hey there Hels, so honored that your our Quest Designer, wowwzersss and just look at your project, I love it, I love the heart your flowerarrangement is just fabulous and the colours wowwzressss So great to have you xxxx Hugs Terry
So exciting - first SSSaS guest designer - and my golly a fantastic piece to kick them off. Just full of delicious colour and detail, and absolutely you from top to bottom!!
Alison x
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