Sunday 12 August 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 218 - Shiny Happy People

Goooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all. Many thanks for all your amazing entries for last weeks challenge and welcome to you lovely newbies who have recently joined in with the Sunday Stamper - I know I say it all the time but... thank you... you makes me smile big! On with this weeks challenge, the theme for which is... SHINY. To join in is simples: make a little something, it can be anything you fancy. Add in the theme and some stamping and then hop back here to leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry. If you haven't got a blog or web-photo-hosting-jobby, you can use Facebook or drop me an email. The theme will remain open until 21:00 Saturday 18th August 2012.

My reasoning for chosing the theme this week is because *ssshhh, don't tell anyone I told you but...* I have been using some metal for my samples for todays shows. Obvs, it is shiny - but you can use anything that is shiny - even the sun, that is shiny sometimes too! This first card is using said *don't tell anyone* metal and some gorgeous Spellbinder dies.

And this one... erm... yep, the same stuff - different colours though. I won't go into great detail on how I made them because I am hoping to be able to show you on the tellybox later. If you don't get chance to watch, I will try and make sure I do a tut-thingy on here later in the week.

I shall away. I have been naughty and sat and watched Mo Farrer romp home for a Gold... the half man, half Cheetah that is Usain Bolt storm his way to a new Olympic record in the 4x100m and then, bless his little cotton socks, young Tom Daley - winning a Bronze medal. What a credit to the country he is. Anywaya... enough of my waffling... apart from to remind you of the channel deets and show times etc: I am on with Dawn in the Tool Shed at midday for two hours and again with Dawn at 5pm. The channel is Sky 671, Freeview 36 or Freesat 813 or you can watch online HERE. Thanks for looking... have a fab day! TTFN

Hels x

34 comments: said...

Love your shiny today Hels. Thought you might have used lots of gold - inspired by the truckload that Great Britain now has in the shape of Gold Medals! What a fabulous event it has been!

Sue said...

Looking forward to your shows today-beautiful cards-love the pink & silver-gorgeous flowers. Suddenly I'm liking pink big time! Have a great day. Sx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, I love these cards, they are so beautiful. I am looking forward to your shows today, I have had to ask my hubby to record them as I am away at present on a linedance weekend in St Annes, going home this afternoon, I have loved the weekend but I will be glad to sleep in my own bed tonight, heaven ha ha !!! Lots of love from Patricia xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Hels,
Fabulous cards today, love the pink one those flowers just lovely.
Enjoy your shows.

Carole Z said...

Fab card Hels, looking forward to the shows, tho may have to rely on recording tool shed as we may be out...definitely be back for 5pm though! Have a blast, Carole ZX

Val in Spain xxx said...

Lovin all shiny things today. The pink flowers are divine. Was glued to Mo, Bolt and little Tom last night, fantastic. No voice today as cheered so much. Looking forward to seeing you later.

aisling said...

Here's my take on the theme:
Thanks for looking.

melanie said...

Stunning cards .melanie

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,
Both cards absolutely beautiful. The pink flower one stunning. Look forward to watching you later. X

Becky said...

Love the shiny theme Hels this will be fun.xx

EmmaT said...

2 lovely but different cards, great use of metal foil which ive not used yet - i do have some in my stash - if i can find it!!!!
Best of luck for your shows today.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with again as i love your style.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards!! Will try to re-join the weekly challenge if I can find Mr Mojo! Enjoy your shows today....I'll be watching :D
Hugs. Ann xx

Planetsusie said...

Love your cards today Hels and am busily thinking of an idea to enter the Shiny Sunday Stamper challenge. I actually found my metal sheets the other day - when I wasn't looking for them. They were, of course, in a safe place.

Have set the progs to record although I will be watching as well.

Hugs Sue P xxx

craftimamma said...

These are gorgeous samples Hels and I remembered the shows just in time to set record. I've been out of crafting action completely this week because of family commitments so nearly forgot, eeek! Of to do a couple of little chores so I can be ready to catch a bit of the 12 noon show live.

Break a leg Kiddo, as they say in showbiz! You'll be fab I know.

Lesleey Xx

craftimamma said...

These are gorgeous samples Hels and I remembered the shows just in time to set record. I've been out of crafting action completely this week because of family commitments so nearly forgot, eeek! Of to do a couple of little chores so I can be ready to catch a bit of the 12 noon show live.

Break a leg Kiddo, as they say in showbiz! You'll be fab I know.

Lesleey Xx

Redanne said...

Brilliant cards Hels, love using metal too, really looking forward to the shows today too. A x

lucretia said...

Ah ha! Found you. I knew what you looked like but couldn't find the article I last read with your work in or recall your name but have been looking for ages for your blog and I've found it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hels
I love these two cards but I have to say the pink one wins hands down for me. To be able to use the metal sheets and still make it girlie has got to be a winner.
I enjoyed your two shows today on C&C the stuff was flying out. I worried that there would not be enough for the rest of the show.

Claire said...

Hi Hels, great show today I managed to catch most of it. Here is a little shiny number I created for you to take a little look at
Thanks, Claire x

Julia S-W said...

Both beautiful and shiny!! Love your flowers on the second one. I'll try to join in this week as the tv won't be distracting me like it has in the last fortnight!
Juliax said...

Hello Hels,
Here is my contribution for your challenge.

Barb Cady said...

Hi Hels,you had a busy weekend! love your shiny art work. You inspired me here:

Hope it is shiny enough!
Thank you for your lovely Gran wishes to me on my blog, yes I am enjoying myself! Hugs to you xx

Sue said...

Back again & its only Tuesday! Anyone would think I'm on holiday!! Great shows on Sunday-hope you had a good rest afterwards. Here is my entry for this week. Sx

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Nothing is more cool than seeing grunge mixed with femininity on projects! I love both of these Hels...fab contrast and wonderful designs!

Here is mine:

Becky said...

I am loving your shows on C&C.Here is my bit for the challenge you will find it here

Planetsusie said...

Hi Hels - here is my contribution to your Shiny Happy People challenge.

Hugs Sue P xx

Annie said...

Hi Hels..fab challenge. Hope you like my entry :

Carole Z said...

Hi Hels, here's my project for this week! Carole Z X

Jenny Marples said...

Not shiny in the metallic sense Hels, but defo a shiny background and basque. Loving all your samples this week. Man you are busy!
Hugs, Buttons x

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, this is my very late entry to the challenge this week, sorry it is a bit bland but in real life it does shine quite a lot!

Crafty hugs, Anne x

Keren Howell said...

If Anne is late, I am later...ducking under the wire with this one!

Love your cards - those sprocket dies are some of my favourites!

Hugs, Keren XX

Alison said...

I do love a bit of metal! Gorgeous cards Hels! Here's my entry for the challenge
Alison xox

Mrs Beez said...

Lovely cards - can't wait to try out these techniques with my craft stash. Here's my little clutch of shiny things for this week. As ever, looking forward to see what comes next :)

Julia S-W said...

Phew!!! Think I made it just in time! Here's my entry Hels and I hope you're having a loving time out with your friends today.


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