Thursday 11 February 2010

One World, One Heart....2010

...Today marks the start of the 2010 One World One Heart event...

** 02.02.10 Second Edit.....WOW again!!!! Thank you all for your amazing comments...I have been adding a few more pieces to the giveaway...the count is now at 5 and I hope that you all like them....they are on their own posts but little piccies in the sidebar can let you see what else is up for grabs! Thank you all again....from a very very very HAPPY Hels xx**

**EDIT - WOW!!!! Thank you everyone for your amazing comments...what a lovely lovely bunch of people you all have made my day! And...because I have had so many lovely comments I have decided that I will spend the evening in my Room Of Stash...and make something else for a giveaway too :O)) Please check back tomorrow to see what it is I have made...not too sure what it will be myself yet...but I will try to make something means...more comments = more giveaways...and more giveaways means more winners...which means...more friends made....RESULT!!!! Thank you to Lisa, who is a total inspiration and what a star she is for starting this amazing blog hop, the idea is fabulous...I will be taking my Magic Carpet ticket with me this evening when I whizz off around the globe to visit everyone participating...THANK YOU ALL again ... Hels xx**

I haven't joined in with this before so this is all new and exciting for me :O)) If you click HERE you will be transported to the event organisers blog with all the details on how to join in ...

I have ummed and awwwed about what to make as my giveaway... I wanted to make something that was a bit special...and a bit useful I thought I would make a note book using the Bind It you can see, I got ever so slightly distracted...and ended up making a hangy piece which is a sampler of three of my fave techniques LOL

The base is an 8" square canvas board, painted with Traditional Tan and then spots of Terra added, spots of Ferro added and then gold Precious Metal paint and black paint added to tone and co-ordinate the colours.

Three of the tiles are made using either Terra or Ferro, stamped into and then heated up...the Terra is my total fave, it goes bubbly with the heat and you get such a cool impression...I painted the Terra Trad Tan to match and then went over that with more gold and then black to tone down again. This little tile had a mini glass bottle added to it just to finish it off.

The tiles that I used Ferro on are just layered with it, then stamped into with a crackle stamp and a sequin waste stamp, dried off and then painted to blend in as with the others. I love the really rough texture of this stuff...and it is so forgiving too...I mucked up the first tiles stamping, so I damped the Ferro and re-stamped...and it worked!

Three tiles were made using Ten Seconds Studios metals and texture moulds...this one inparticular is from a Kabuka mould, I just missed out the odd squares so I got a less uniform look...and painted the metal with black to antique and then gold for more blending. The little handle is just for decoration.

This tile was made again using a Kabuka mould and Barn Red metal...which was then painted black to age, gold to blend and then a bit more black for more aging. The little keyhole goes with the key at the top of the sampler...and the pattern is a heart...for the One World One Heart :O))

The final three tiles were made by painting the bases Trad Tan, then using a really old Timber Brown StaZon that is really dried out...I stamped the images (Crafty Individuals) straight onto the painted tile...and because the ink was dryish the image isn't too in your face...I then popped some plain tissue paper over the top and painted on beeswax to secure it..and then added a cute birdy to each tile...more beeswax to secure these and swiped the black paint and gold paint around the edges so these blended in too. To finish, I added some micro beads using superglue...and the odd golden pearl too.

I decided to make a rose for the top LHS tile...but it looked off I pinched Tim's idea of using a couple of the flowers from the Foliage Idea-ology and made the rose this way...much more balanced and blended in heaps better.

The little butterfly that is resting on one of the Ferro tiles was made using a technique that I learnt from Jennie...basically, this is soooooo cool....pop a few colours of UTEE into a melt pot and let it all melt...don't swoosh it about... pick up the melt pot and dribble the molten UTEE onto a craft sheet and do a curling motion so the colours mix a bit...then bung a cookie cutter into the UTEE while it is still melted...and leave to set...WOW, I was chuffed with the the flesh it looks even more amazing too :O))

That is all from me about the project....if I get chance I hope to make something else as a giveaway too...if you are joining in with the One World One Heart have fun...I think it is a FAB idea...and ... thanks for looking!

Hels x


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Lynn Stevens said...

Wow Hels this is can you say Fabulous!!!!! I'm joining in too but its still Sunday here! come check back with me tomorrow. #1 never wins! LOL

Lori said...

Wowza Hels, this piece is over the carpet! lol. Just fantastic! Will put my little ole piece to shame. Love that terro, ferra, prima stuff you use all the time. lol. I'm going to check and see if we can get an equivalent here in the states. Blimey, this is so cool!

Ali Manning said...

This is a FANTASTIC project, Hels!

Susan said...

I've been following your blog for awhile and am just amazed at your fab work. This piece is gorgeous1 I love all the techniques.

Sherry Goodloe said...

As always Hels, this is no exception to the gorgeous work you create!

Sandy said...

Wow wow wow wow Hels, yes I will win. Wonderful work again my dear hun. Love them.

K said...

beautiful work! please enter me in your give away! thanks!

Laura said...

Hi Hels you have really made a beautiful piece here. It certainly puts my make to shame. Any one who wins this will certainly be soooo lucky!

danit said...

I love your work.

Helen said...

Hels, this is gorgeous (of course) - kind of wish I'd thought more about joining in now. Still, maybe next year! Good luck.

Hermine said...

great give away, absolutely gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Giveaway, please enter my name.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is absolutely gorgeous. Unbelievably beautiful!

Saskia said...

'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...

Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)

R2artstudio said...

What a wonderful mixed media artwork. Love it.

Artseyanne said...

Lovely, please include me in your draw & call in on me as well.

MLBetterly said...


CreativSpirit said...

This is a gorgeous work of art, I would absolutely love to be the lucky winner. Beautifully done and great techniques. Please come by and visit by blog too.


Artseyanne said...

getting old, my blog is
I am sure my friend would like you to visit her too as well!

artrato3 said...

Love that book!

Beadcomber said...

Love, Love and Love! Awesome and passionate.

Ramona said...

Dear Hels,

Your artwork is amazing! Please enter me into the drawing, and be sure to stop by to enter my One World One Heart giveaway as well!

Ramona :-)

Gaby Bee said...

Fabulous art work! Please include me in your draw.

WrightStuff said...

Wow! What an incredible piece. I'm enjoying this blog hopping so much - there are so many talented people out there!

The Backporch Artessa said...

Wow! This is beautiful! Please add my name to the hat- I promise to give this gorgeous piece a loving home should I be so lucky! Please stop by my place for a chance to win my giveaway as well!

Serendipity Handmade + Vintage said...

So fantastic! Just amazing. Thanks for the giveaway!

craftimamma said...

What a fantastic work of Art Hels. Absolutely stunning!

Lesley Xx

Carol said...

This is a fabulous gift - I'd love to own it so please count me in! I do hope you visit me to have a chance at my give away too.

Our Hands For Hope said...

Each one is so interesting and creativly done!

Diane.W. said...

Each bit is perfect,luv the lil birds.I want it!!!! :o)x

(ps.I won the challenge with my paper rose,YEYYY!!!)

Unknown said...

This is fabulous! Love all the details and techniques x Thanks for the email addy you have mail x J x

sewfunky said...

One Word - beautiful!

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to enter mine too!

Everyday Kathy said...

Holy Heck this is great! Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

Effie said...

Fabulous stuff!... especially the birdie tile...... he's so cute.

Rika said...

This is gorgeous!

Godelieve said...

Oh, this is really gorgeous!!

Sarah Anderson said...

This is just stunning. Lots and lots of yummy texture, which I LOVE!! Brilliant :)

Chris in Oz said...

Hi Hels,

I subscribe to your blog so I visit often. I love your project so please put mu name in the draw. I'd love it if you could drop by my blog for a visit too. Have fun.


ilonka said...

What a fantastic piece of art!
It looks really great!!!

Astrid Maclean said...

This is a gorgeous giveaway, would love to win!
If you have time, please come and visit mine.
Greetings from bonny Scotland:o)

lesleyanne said...

wow what a fantastic piece of artwork
lesley xx

Diana Meade said...

This is an awesome piece and thanks for sharing what you did, even though it will completely go out of my head by the time I read fifty more blogs tonight! Love, love, love the art work. Come on over to visit me at my blog

Unknown said...

Awasome giveaway. Great. Plese count me in. Thanks a lot.

Carapace said...

Wow. I don't recognize half of what you've got going on here! Clearly I need to follow your blog, and learn more of your process- I love mixed media!

Thanks for being part of OWOH! I love this party!:D


Femmy said...

this is gorgeous!!
please count me in!

HeARTworks said...

Wow! I am truly impressed! That bis a beauuuutiful piece of art! You are very generous to give it away!

Ksenia said...

Greetings from Moldova!
It's fabulous!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Visit my blog as I'm also OWOH participant!

Diann said...

Very beautiful ART...I'd love a chance to win so count me in! Diann

Ann said...

So beautiful - you can't call it a hangy thing! Its a WORK OF ART Hels. Wonderful blog and I'm following right away!!!

Julie said...

Your work is fantastic, Hels. I'd be proud to win it! Please enter me in your drawing & come check out & enter mine!

Unknown said...

Hels you have inspired me to use my ferro paints and metal tools in a totally different way, I absolutely love what you have created and if I don't win this beautiful giveaway, i consider myself a winner just by visiting your blog x

Unknown said...

If you ever get this far down the comments :0) This rocks Hels ... but then I always knew it would XXX

Hope said...

This is gorgeous! Thanks for offering!

Ruta Elze said...

count me in!

Bine said...

Wow, wow, wow what a great giveaway

marcy said...

oh I love your work. I'll be back!

JennaLouiseCreates said...

PLEASE pick me:) I just love your give-a-away and pray I am the lucky one:) Do stop and join mine, such a lovely blog, I will be back. Jenna Louise

Viola said...

Fabulous work!! :o)

Linda said...

Incredible work, so rich and detailed, Please enter me to be eligble. Linda:)xx

Ann said...

Absolutely stunning as always Hels - so inspirational & the lucky winner will love it!! xxx

Bee said...

Hi Hels, as always beautiful work - you know where my blog is so pop over and join my giveaway too.


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Gorgeous artwork and giveaway! Please enter me and then come enter my OWOH Giveaway too!

froebelsternchen said...

A great chance!
Please count me in!
Hugs from Vienna Austria


Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

My artwork is all about texture and your giveaway certainly is too. I love it and hope I win. I'll be back. Thanks.

Wanda Maria said...

How beautiful! Please count me in. Please take a minute to stop by my blog and enter a comment for my OWOH drawing, as well. I'm giving away a couple of pieces of my handmade jewelry. "See" you there!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

wow...please count me in x

carylsrealm said...

Fabulous!!!!!! I'd love to be entered!

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous! A lot of work went into your giveaway.
Welcome to the OWOH. I'm sure you will have a blast.
I used UTEE in my giveaway too. :-)


baukje said...

This prize is fabulous! I am glad you explained the proces . I never saw a thing like this. I cross my fingers!!!!!

Susan said...

GORGEOUS!!! absolutely gorgeous!!
I am now a follower of your blog. I can't wait to start looking at some of your other wonders!

Best of luck to all of your OHOW visitors, but I sure do hope I am the winner LOL :)

Susan on the NEW JERSEY shore of the USA

Donna said...

This is beautiful! I love your art! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulou. i love love it. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Micki said...

You do gorgeous work and please enter me!

cockney blonde said...

Your hanging is absolutely stunning. I had though about joining OWOH but I'm still finding my feet around blogland. I love everything I have seen on your blog since I started blogging and look forward to seeing more fab work. Luv, Alison aka cockney blonde, x

joy said...

This is one fantastic piece, Hels!! What gorgeous work you do! Please enter my name!!

bockel24 said...

what a great giveaway - hope I´ll win! and please don´t forget to hop over to my blog and see my own giveaways ...

Tamara Dozier said...

Beautiful! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well.

Jingle said...

Your work is amazing! This is so neat! I love it!

Ria said...

Wow! This is so precious. Count me in! And glad to meet you!

Angela Friend said...

Amazing work, Thank You for the chance to win.
Angela Friend

Caitlin said...

Your work is so pretty! :)

Dianne Adams said...

Very nice piece. Thank you for offering it. I'm also participating so please come over and enter my giveaway!

Lynn said...

Always love your work, and this is wonderful!!!!
I entered the first time this year and I have a feeling it is going to be a very busy event :)

Anonymous said...

It's so very cute and I love it!

Julie Ann said...

Such a Gorgeous piece!! I love all the different elements in your collage. Beautiful work!

Marie Rayner said...

Absolutely beautiful. Someone will be very lucky to win that!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

fantastic! i hope I am that lucky person!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful count me in.

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Wow! This is so beautiful!! I love your art work!! It's so great, this piece of work you made.

Thank you for the chance to win!!
I am an OWOH participant, too!
Have fun blog-hopping the next weeks!
Hugs from Norway

Jean Franks Beck said...

Another stunning piece, Hels! Put my name in the hat... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Lisa said...

WOW!! This is fab!!!!!
Enjoy the ride....

Halle said... it! Throw my name in the hat!

Dottie said...

Wow! This is lovely. Thanks for participating.

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

this is beautiful and full of things i love birds and hearts :D
many thanks

DellaRae said...

What a beautiful give a way. I would love to have this piece. I would brighten my home.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh that is just beautiful!! Please add my name to your hat!!
Hop on the carpet and come by mine too! Sarah

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello! So pleased to make your acquaintance! Your offering is so very lovely.

Hope you stop by for a ride on My Magic Carpet! :)

Theresa (

Anonymous said...

Lovely work. Please visit me and enter my drawing. Love Hugs and Blessings

GraceBeading said...

Absolutely beautiful creation, such incredible detail. It's obvious you have created this with love. The techniques are foreign to me but amazing just the same. I'd be honored to win. Thanks so much for the chance.

If you like beaded dolls - please stop by my blog to enter my drawing as well.

Digital Misfit said...

I had never even heard of most of those products or techniques, but you can bet I will be searching for them now!
Each tiny piece is a masterpiece.
Thank you for hopping on the magic carpet! I hope you get a chance to visit my blog on your tour.

hugs from ON, Canada

nfmgirl said...

What an interesting item! It's really lovely. Please count me in. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway that I would love to have!Hels, your work is fantastic! Please enter me!
I am #156 on the Magic Carpet Ride:
PS I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from the 14th-20th. If I am lucky enough to win, hold that prize for me!!! LOL!

Kris said...

That is lovely! What a generous gift you are giving away. I am so happy to enter. This is my first time participating in OWOH too.
my contact is in my blog profile.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful! The techniques are all new to me. And I know right where I would put it if I was fortunate enough to win.

johanna said...

this is divine!!

somepinkflowers said...

i over~slept
and when i got here
you had over 109 comments!
and no wonder...
your giveaway is beyond amazing!
BEYOND amazing!


what can i say?

------> PICK ME ♥♥♥

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

This is an awesome piece! Thanks for sharing the creating process! So please include me in your drawing!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

Greetings from Germany

Skeleton In My Closet said...

GORGEOUS give-away!

Please count me in!


LME said...

It must have taken you ages it is gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work! Lovely creativity!

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Very unique! I'd love to participate - pls. throw my name into the hat! Cheers, Julie

Debby said...

WOW!!!! This is gorgeous! I would love to be entered in your drawing and have a chance at such a unique and beautiful piece of art.

Shazza said...

absolutely fab!!!!

Angi Rankin said...

Oh my....Gorgeous! Your hanging is stunning and I would be honored to hang it in my studio! Thanks for giving us some details on how you made it. I've just discovered your blog while on this fun blog tour, but have you on my list to return to often....Thanks for the chance to give your beautiful work a new home!

Fran said...

Lovely giveaway!

angelandspot said...

Oh my! That is so pretty! I love birds. angelandspot(at)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Just a beautiful work of art!

Hazel said...

This is fabaroo - anyone would be thrilled to receive it - including me, of course x

Kit said...

What beautiful work! I hope I win. Please count me in and be sure to come over to visit my blog too.

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Wow, absolutely gorgeous! Love thebirds:)

Minxy said...

Fab art as always hunny, nice to see you hear on the magic carpet, it's much better then the boring old red one lol

Unknown said...

wow, lovely!
please enter me in your giveaway.
monster wishes, Nicole

Sue said...

Fantastic giveaway and I would be thrilled to be added to the mix for a chance to win this!

This is my first year participating too...What fun!!


I Brake For Stamps said...

WOW!!! Beautiful giveaway!!!
I would love to win this!

Kaye said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...

Wow, your giveaway is truly a work of art. Thanks for the opportunity of winning it! I hope you get the chance to visit my blog - my first year participating too!

Gabriela said...

Wow, what a fantastic piece...Won't you shed atear when you send it?
It's just gorgeous!


Craftymoose Crafts said...

Beautiful piece! When I have more time I certainly plan to check out your other posts!

I joined in to!

Nuvofelt said...

What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to enter. Hope you'll take part in mine too

Gina said...

I love this! It's so creatively enticing!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

How pretty!

Hope you are having a fabulous day! Thanks for the chance to win.
=) melanie

artexplorer said...

Beautiful artwork! Thank you for offereing a chance to win this gift.

A Miraculous Meliss said...

gorgeous work! have fun owoh'ing!


Anonymous said...

Please include me and check mine out too! :)

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Great giveaway!

Thespa McLaughlin said...

This is gorgeous! Absolutely fabulous! I've had a link to you for a while and I'm glad you are participating in the OWOH Blog event. Have fun!

Patzee said...

Hels, what beautiful work! I'm so glad OWOH lead me to your blog. Please include me in the drawing for your stunning creation.

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

What gorgeous work.

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun!

Andrea said...

WOW Hels how many comments thought I would never get to the end, what a beautiful piece of art and love the birds xx

Tristan Robin said...

What a lovely piece ... I'm going to follow your blog and keep up with your work.

Please enter me - and visit my blog to enter my giveaway!

Sandy said...

This is beautiful - I look forward to perusing more of your blog. I love how you've described the technique. Please enter me. My contact info is sandyowoh at gmail dot com and please feel free to visit my blog.

Darcey said...

Absolutely beautiful! I would love to be the winner!

Take a look at my blogs if you would like to enter my own giveaway for a chance to win some custom seed packets or letterpress thank you cards!

365 Days of Discovery at

Barefoot & Breathless at

AlwaysInspired said...

Beautiful art work! So many wonderful techniques!

Bibi said...

Awesome work! Would love to have that on my desk to inspire me as I work :)

Grace @ WhimsyLoft dot com said...

i like!!!
cheers, Grace

Vicki B in OP NY said...

Yum, this collage is fabulous! It makes so many statements in one piece of art. So very creative and a gorgeous creation. Love all your work!

Zoe, ontheroad said...

What a lovely piece.


Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Your tiles are wonderful, such beautiful work. Another great blog on the magic carpet ride.

Diane said...

You are so talented. Beautiful work. :O)

Barbara Haviland-Texas Contemporary Artist said...

I so want to win on the drawing.

Char said...

Generous giveaway. It is fabulous. Thank you for the chance tow in.

Angie Hall Haviland said...

OH WOW Hels, What a BEAUTIFUL piece!!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

Sylvia said...

Hi Hels, you do beautiful work, it should be in magazines. Happy OWOH...

Hella said...

Sure this is SPECIAL! This is AWESOME!!!! Wow.....I'm impressed.
Love it and I really wish this will come up to me....:-))

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sweetie...
I love this OWOH giveaway. It has given me such a wonderful chance to meet so many people.

What a beautiful piece of art you have created here. It has so many beautiful textures that is what draws me the most. I love the butterfly, how free and proud she is. So beautiful.

Thank you for offering me the chance to have such a beautiful piece of art. Any of us would be so lucky to win.

I have signed up to follow our blog. I can't wait to see what you share next. Please stop by and say hi. I would so honored if you decided to follow my blog as well.

Country hugs from Country Wings in Phoenix, Sherry

she dreams big! said...

This is just awesome! You are one talented gal! I am meeting so many creative people through OHOH. Thanks for the chance to win!

stampgram said...

WOW! This is AWESOME! I love the texture, the colors, and the little birdies are just perfect for it. Wonderful piece of art. I would love to win it. Please enter me.

Alice Regan said...

Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win. I had fun visiting!

Alexandra said...

Fantastic give away. I love to win your wonderful piece. Please count me in. Greetings Alexandra

Michelle said...

Gorgeous art....please count me in :)

Sabine said...

I would like to win this faboulous piece!

Ellen said...

flippin eck Hels , you've taken us right into the sky/ heaven , how gorgeous

I'd love to get my mittens on this one

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful give-away.
Please count me in.

Natacha (from Luxembourg)

Lululiz said...

What a stunning piece, I have never seen anything like it. It would be just fantastic to win this, fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

Lovely giveaway, count me in please!
Don't forget to enter mine!

Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

Wow, you do some incredible work! I'm so impressed! :)

Betty said...

Ohooo, how very lovely! Please include me!

This is my 2nd year and it just gets better each year!

Gina said...

It's gorgeous! I would love to have this hanging in my studio to give me inspiration. you do beautiful work.

Michelle said...

This is awesome.
Please add my name.


Eva said...

Beautiful piece! And thanks for sharing so much of your process :D Please add me to the draw.

Lady Artisan

2amscrapper said...

This is magnificent!

Dogwood Paper Arts said...

Fantastic giveaway! I hope you will come by my blog as well. OWOH is an awesome event. Enjoy your day,

Kara said...

beautiful work!!! I would love to be entered! ~Kara (fellow OHOW participate)

Heather Robinson said...

Oh Hels, It would be a dream come true to hold a piece of your artwork in my hands and be able to see it up close. You are so talented. Thank you for the chance. Hugs...

Lorraine said...

Fabulous giveaway and wonderful blog!

Dawn said...

Wow wow these are just stunning

Stop on by


polinka said...

really cute!! I really liked visiting your blog :)

LemonyRenee' said...

How very, very lovely!

Daniele said...

what can I say that hasn't been said before probably nothing....This is pure inspiration I just love it hugs from Daniele x

Shirley said...

The problem with giveaways is that you come across new crafts that would be nice to try! This piece is just wonderful.

martha brown said...

This is so pretty -- I love birds! Please enter me into your draw.

Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Your artwork is beautiful! I'm glad to also be a first timer in OWOH this year, stop by for a visit and please add me to all the other wonderful guests who are clamoring for this peice of art.
:-) Glad to have found your blog and I'm going to go look around the rest of it.

Janelle said...

What a stunning project! Love the colors and textures!

Genie said...

Wow beautiful artwork.

Denise said...

Wow. this is so amazingly creative! I love it. my wall are bare in my art room. this would look beautiful in here!

Pam Aries said...

Oh MY ! Gorgepus..what fun! I love your blog as well. I a mhaving the best time finding all kinds of awesome site like this one! hooray for OWOH

scrappin-scrappin said...

Fabulous piece Hels!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful art
I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet.
carolyn h

Malissa said...

So cool! You are very talented!

Val said...

I have taken a small tour of your blog. I have to say that I love your mixed media and altered pieces. I will definitely be back.

valbraun7 at g mail dot com

PezzyDB said...

Beautiful art!

Unknown said...

Such beautiful creations and such a lovely giveaway. I just love One World One Heart, thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Please stop by and enter mine.


Maron said...

okay...seriously want to win this one!! =)

LiLi M. said...

Love your artwork! I would love to make a chance on winning! Nice to meet you!


Wow ... absolutely love it! whoever wins can call themselves lucky! Please stop by and enter my little give away too!
Inka :)

Dawn (dmh) said...

Your hanger is beautiful!!!
Thanks for sharing how you made it.
Someone is going to be very happy.

Helena said...

I'm gathering my jaw from the ground!!!!!!!

This piece of art is FANTASTIC!!! I'm in awe.

Snap said...

Oh, my goodness! Hels, your art is fabulous! Stunning! I'd count myself lucky to have one of your pieces. Magical! Thanks so much for your generosity!

Lisa said...

Just breath taking, please add me to the list of many...! Wow!


jacque4u2c said...

You are so talented! I am so glad I came across you blog in this hop! You talent ROCKS!

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