Saturday 30 March 2013

Sneaky Peekingtons....

...cor blimey, I have been having the best fun, playing ahem, working, in the Room of Stash, with my Melt Pot and all the lush goodies I have on the Four Day Deal next week.  After being a bit of a meany yesterday and not showing you any of the samples I have made, I figured today I would be show you :O)  Only a little piccie so I don't give too much away but, nay and thrice... is that an Art Part I see before me?  Aha, yesh!  Not saying anything else ;O)

Much excitement and merriment in the kitchen last night.  Well, you see, cooking isn't my...erm... best attribute.  In fact, I would go as far to say that I have a few tried and tested recipes that I have invented myself and I tend to stick to them.  I can't follow a recipe and I do tend to bung stuff into a pan and hope for the best.  One of the tried and tested recipes is my lasagne.  It is one of those dishes that I quite enjoy making, you know, making the sauce, layering up the sauce with the cheese and the pasta and stuff.  Yes, with the pasta.  Which is where it went a little bit wrong.  I went shopping the other day to get the ingredients for said lasagne. And forgot the tomatoes.  And the pasta.  And didn't realise. Ahem.  Quite.  So there I am, halfway through making the sauce and went to the cupboard to get the squished tomatoes *they have a proper name but it evades me at this moment when I need it most lol* I usually use and they weren't there.  Oooops.  So, being as I had already added most of the ingredients, I improvised.  I did have two tins of plum tomatoes.  So I decided that I would squish them myself, I mean, how hard can it be?  Cue me looking like I had murdered someone, the kitchen descending into tomato hell and the sieve taking a bashing.  I thought that I could squish said tomatoes through the sieve.  Wrong. The pips were irksome. *and they are a nightmare to get out of ones hair*  So I decided to squish them in my hands instead. Did you know that if you squeeze a plum tomato it squirts its juice for miles, literally covers cupboards, floors and a stupid woman in juice.  Anyways, long story short. I did the whole squishing of  the tomatoes and put the sauce on to cook for a few hours.  Then it was time to make the lasagne up. So I went to the cupboard to get the pasta and erm... yep, it wasn't there.  Because I forgot it.  There were, instead, 5 sheets left over from the previous one I made.  So I decided to just go with it and snapped them into pieces and just kind of chucked them into the dish.  When it was cooked it looked as lovely as ever... but I knew it would not taste as good being as it was a bit light on pasta.  But believe this or not, Grim said "I think this is your best one yet!" And he went back for seconds, so I know he wasn't just being polite (so did I but I am not going to tell you that cos then you will think I am a pig lol) Blimey!  How about that then!!!   And on that bombshell I shall love you and leave you... more samples to make!  Thanks for looking, have a goodly day!  TTFN

Hels x


Helen said...

Your cooking exploits always make me laugh - don't think we'll see you on Masterchef then.... You want to use scissors to chop whole plum tomatoes, leave them in the tin (may need to tip out some of the juice first) and snip away... good luck with the shows.

craftypam60 said...

That made me giggle!! So looking forwards to your shows x

Unknown said...

Hehe, you're so funny, would love to see you cook! And can't wait to see the rest! Hugs Frea

Gail said...

Bless you - you are so obviously not a natural when it comes to cooking but you can't be good at everything xx next time just tip them into a dish and squish with a fork - lol xx wont be as much fun but will save on the cleaning xx can't wait for the meltpot 4 day special - me thinks I may be doing a little bit of spending!! xx Gail T xx

Marleine said...

Hiya Hels,

It sounds like great fun in your kitchen. You do make me smile.

Your tease looks a great piece of art, roll on the shows. X

Cardgenie said...

OOh errr Hels - you sound just like me in the kitchen - I'm much better in the craft room too. Can't wait til Monday for the 4DD. Looking forward to seeing you on the tellybox. Jean

betjunroe said...

That story is too funny! Makes me think of Lucy stomping the grapes for some reason and reminds me of the time I tried to make lentil soup with a pressure cooker and the beans exploded everywhere (who knew you're supposed to release the valve?)! Bette

Annie said...

Can't stop laughing Hels..... your stories are so funny !!!

I so cant wait for the 4 day deal and hope the said melt pot will be on this Monday as I am off work .....Yipee.

I so want to craft today but my craft room looks like there has been an explosion in it and there are some chores that can't wait any longer !!!

Have a great Easter


Annie x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Looks fabby! Love the green there too! Can't wait to see them all!

Karen P said...

omgeee! rofl - that is the sort of thing I do lol! I can't cook a meal but I can, for some odd reason, bake! Why is it that tomatoes always make one hell of a mess in the kitchen anyways and now I have a vision of you covered in tomatoe juice with pips in your hair. Rough day with my back so thank you very much for cheering me up! Oh yes the samples are gorgeous too - looking forward to seeing more Karen x

Aquarius said...

So looking forward to the shows. Your lasagne adventure did make me laugh - a little tomato goes a long, long way when squished!!

Nan G said...

I need a Kleenex....eyes are watered over nose is running...can't stop cackling! The girls are running for cover I'm LOL'ing so loud! I do hope there's a vid of said exploits?! Happy Easter Hels and Grimm!

Karen R said...

Lol, little tip for squishing tomatoes, open tin get a pair of long scissors and just keep snipping the scissors in the tin until they are squished..... your way sounds more fun tho x

nannapat said...

Just as well you're on C&C and not Masterchef!! Love this little peek and can't wait to see your shows. Pat x

lucretia said...

Oh Hels, you are a tease.

rachel said...

really looking forward to Monday even more now - although my purse really cannot stand it! Big Hugs rachel xx

Unknown said...

Love it... I use a potato masher to make squished tomatoes! x

darcydaydream said...

Oh Hels, you did make me laugh..glad the Lasagne was ok...well next stop masterchef!!
Teaser..but seriously samples looking good and you are already on record for the whole 4 days so I don't miss anything!!. Have a great 4 days.
Christine in Darcy...xx

Carole Z said...

Oh goodness I am looking forward to your shows! Your post have me a smile and a giggle today, hugs Carole Z X

Linda Simpson said...

Hubby does my cooking, :) Fabulous sneaky peak and can't wait for Monday. Happy Easter.

Linda xxx

Fuchsia said...

You are such a tease Hels !

Lasagne sounds mighty tasty nothing better than bunging it all in LOL x

Lucy Edmondson said...

That made me laugh! Was it Passata you were thinking of? I have got this vision of your house with the Room of Stash looking like a bomb has gone off after your sample making, and the kitchen covered in tomato splashes!

We now have a video so have set it for Monday's shows,

Lucy x

LoraineC said...

I love reading your blog always makes me smile, can't wait for Monday x

corinna said...

thats it sometimes, just like with treasure gold, with tomatoes a little goes a long way, hahaha. hope you got all the pips out!!! art parts, how can you have art parts when i am work, hope you have lots and loads for us to buy, so that when i get in from work there will still be something left for me to buy, should i throw a sickie??? take care, corinna

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