..which is exactly what we have been doing this weekend! Am back... did you notice I wasn't here? I was uber organised before we went and I got my blog posts scheduled (even getting the things made indeed!) because whilst we could get online with the iWotsit thingy, I am not that clever about using it, so... I did it all before. We went off to the Norfolk Broads for a weekend of messing about on the river... and yes! I managed to stay secure on my tootsies this time, I didn't fall in, I didn't slam my finger in the door, not a broken bone in sight! However, I did get severely gnashed by midges and mozzi's and I am currently looking like I have a bit of a twitch because this itching it driving me badonkers!
Anyways... piccies of our little trip: We pulled into Salhouse Broad on Friday evening and I went a-stern (ooh get me lol) to see how much room we had etc... however, I was very distracted by these two chaps who had landed on the roof of the boat... and then proceeded to eat out of my hand... I have never known ducks to be so tame before. They did leave us a few pressies too... how very kind of them lol
We had a cunning plan for the first night: moor at Salhouse and stroll up the hill to the Fur & Feather pub for some supper. Cor, the weather was blowing a hooley and it was raining... hence NO pic of me... just my dinner... the one of me is now in the deleted bin and will stay there... it wasn't just Fur & Feathers for the pub name, no, it was Hair Like Feathers for the photo lol I had fish n chips and they were scrummy... couldn't eat them all though, I reckon one meal between the three of us would have been enough!
After a blustery night, we got up Saturday morning to a cloudy but dry day! And then... the sun came out! Hurrah! Indeedily hurrah because our boat had one of those pull back roofy things so we made the most of that! I was the Galley Slave (actually, I like doing it but don't tell them because then they will know lol) and made a full English - oh the eggs... they were ALL double yolkers too... we got them from the Windmill Shop at Stacey Arms. If you ever go on the Broads, go there for your eggs... every single one we have eaten has been a double yolker, and the taste... ooohlalalaaaaaa.... Onwards we sailed, passing through Irstead, this house is a dream... all of them are, but this one inparticular is so charming and quaint....
We moored up and Skipper Dad and Able Seaman Grim were doing something with a map so I did a bunk and went for a little wander along the bank... thankfully, the boat has some steps in front bit so it was quite easy to get in and out... not like last time when I nearly broke my neck (less said about that the better lol)
We moored at Barton Turf on Saturday evening... the wind had dropped, the sun was out and it was a lovely calm evening... which is exactly what the midges and mozzi's love... and they sure made me feel welcome lol
Sunday morning was a delight - bright sunshine, blue skies and... it was warm! We set off in the direction of Neatishead... that has to be my favourite navigation, we looked out for Kingfishers - none were about but we did see loads of damsel flies... doing rude things to each other they were lol
And then we moored at Sutton Staithe for last night and guess who came to see us!! Yes, mummy duck and her 11 little ducklings. I had a bag of duckfood so we happily gave it to them... they gobbled it up and then one by one leapt into the water and off they went. Now that made me smile big, there's something so lovely in seeing baby creatures isn't there?
So, we are back home now, tis nearly time for us to go and collect AlfieCat, he has been residing in his usual holiday home and whilst I know he is happy there, I am looking forward to the big cuddles I will get when he gets home. I shall be back tomorrow with something arty... in the meantime, I have tonnes of washing and drying to get done. Thanks for looking... TTFN!
Hels x
Monday, 11 June 2012
Messing About On The River...
Posted by
Hels Sheridan
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you never fail to make me smile, but im glad you had a great time and are unscathed i the injury department!!! hugs trace x ooh and the baby ducklings are so sweet!
Looks like you had some good weather!! Those baby ducks are so cute... surprised you didn't bring one home...!!
thanks so much for sharing the pics and details of your lovely weekend.
Hello my dear, Those piccies look great, it must have given you time to relax a bit too. The river looks like a millpond with hardly any ripples at all. How lucky to see those little baby ducks with their mum. Don't tire yourself out now because we need to see more of your lucious art to-morrow. Hugs Rita xxx
Urgh! *Shivers uncontrollably* I am still recovering from our less-than-good-fun trip on the Broads last August!!!! Glad you had fun but I shall never succumb again! I am a land lubber me hearty!!! xxx
looks like a beautiful trip and very nice places you visited, glad you safely home and chat soon xx
What a lovely post Hels, your pics are fab and those little ducklings are sooo sweet, makes you (me that is) want to pick them up and hug them, they are adorable. Glad you had a lovely time and that you had no accidents/tumbles/scrapes etc.
What a grand time ;) Thanks for sharing
xoxo Sioux
Glad you enjoyed your weekend in Norfolk - it's a great place to visit -I know this too cos I live here!
Sorry about the midges - you'll have to get some repellant next time.
It's such a great way to unwind isn't it pootling along on the broads - you can actually feel yourselves relaxing can't you
A lovely trip Hels, I can see some ducks coming to live in your garden, if Grim is not looking!
Looks like you had a lovely time Hels! Lovely photos!
Sarah x
sounds and looks fabulous Hels x
You deserved that holiday and glad you had a ball, but you are 1 of only 2 people I know who takes photos of poo. Who is the other 1? My DH!!!!
Hugs Joanne xx
Aw, I sympathise with the bites, I've got 'em too. Mega annoying.
Gotta love the ducklings!
Ahhh I love the Norfolk Broads! So glad you had some sun to see them in their best light! M x
That looks like it was a lovely break and a good old recharge of the batteries.
Got to agree about the ducks - cute as! - we've got baby ducks, swans and moorhens on the canal we live near and they are adorable. Glad to hear you remained safely in one piece as well. Hugs, Buttons x
When I was young, many years ago, we used to go to the Broads for the half terms and summer holidays. I loved it there! You have bought back many happy memories Hels - thank you so much! Karen x
Ahhh I can feel the relaxing air from those photos.Glad you enjoyed it and came home unscathed!
Looks and sounds like a fabulous time was had by all, including the Duck family. My DH would love to sail a barge on the Norfolk Broads and it certainly sounds fun. X
So glad you had a lovely time Hels, your pics are fab! Was it your birthday while you were away or have you still got that to look forward to? I am looking forward to Saturday and seeing you at the Stamp Attic! Hope the rest of your week is good while you get your land legs back! Hugs, xxx
So glad you had a good time Hels, hope you are both feeling more relaxed. Aaah Norfolk....just lovely, lived there for 20 years, wish I could go back.
Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. xxx
Sounds wonderful, particularly the weather. I got bit by midges on the school trip and although I used cream on the bites, the thing that worked best of all was when I nicked an antihistamine tablet off Son's girlfriend! Just a cheap one, pound a packet. Actually managed to get to sleep after that!
A little birdy called Neet, says it is your Birthday! Hope it is a good one and it looks like you have had a fabby time on the river, jut a pity that the reminder you have left with you is the itches!
Came to see your WOYWW post and to wish you Happy Birthday. Hope you are having a great time, looks like you are anyway.
fab photos. Someone let the cat out of the bag....so have a great day for your birthday.
I very vicariously share your wonderful weekend - felt like one I would like to have even though it is Wednesday - A midweekend- how nice would that be. Love the ducks which are extraordinarily similar to Aussie ducks!
Great piccies! Glad you had a good time on the river! Carole Z X
Lovely pics! Glad you had a good holiday! You've made me feel quite nostalgic. I've hired a Broads yacht twice in the past, and had great fun! As one of the other commenters said, the answer to the mozzies and midges is antihistamine tablets. There's also a thing called "Afterbite", which works a treat, if you are quick to apply it!
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