Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunday Stamper - Week 209 - Pretty In Pink

Gooodly Morning Stampers and a very happy Sunday to you all! Thank you so much for all your lovely Patriotic entries for last weeks challenge... I do so hope Her Maj has seen them all! Anyways, on with this weeks theme... a nice girly one... which is to use PINK. To join in is simples: make a little something - it can be anything you fancy. Add in the theme and some stamping and then pop back here to leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry. If you haven't got a blog, you can join in using Facebook, Picassa/Flickr/etc or you can email your piccie to me. The challenge will remain open until 21:00 Saturday June 16th 2012.

Oooh, my entry this week is a special one. Remember the other day when I was bemoaning the lack of Mojo and went on an inspiration hunt and ended up HERE? Well, I decided to have another play using the same techniques learnt from Paula. And I have made a celebratory piece for our wedding anniversary which is at the end of the month - TEN YEARS!!! Poor Grim, he is a patient bloke.

So, the papers used on the canvas are 7Dots - I LOVE those papers sooo much and have been covetting them for so long, it seemed apt to cut into them and use them on this piece. I also had some of the die cuts and stickers so they made their way onto the canvas board too. No matter how many times I have tried to get pics of this piece, I cannot get it to show the shabby chic look that I achieved... it looks a lot nicer in the real lol

The wash of paint over the top is a mix of Trad Tan and Shell Pink Dabber... and I used Matte Medium to give a good waterproof coat over the top. Next I mixed Terra with Shell Pink Dabber paint... wow, it really did take the colour - I thought it would be a bit of a wishywashy but no, how cool is that!!! I used a stencil to pop the Terra through to make some patterns and textures on the piece.

The blocks were edges with a Stabilo All pencil... and a babywipe to smudge it into the crevices ( I love that word lol) Then I set about adding embellies... always the bit that takes the longest with anything I make... fiddling and faffing... and it still needed something... so of course, I added a paper rose - cut from Tattered Florals and assembled with some rusty wire spirally things behind it.

Right, that's all from me for today... I am in a state of excitement because... tis my birthday this week... did I mention that already? Aha, probably, I usually start making noises about it about 6 weeks before the big day! Have a lovely rest of the weekend... thanks for looking... TTFN!

Hels x


Sarah said...

Fabulous Project Hels!

Sarah x

Miriam said...

fabulous Xx

Andrea said...

just a stunning piece Hels and what a fab idea for your anniversary, love it lots xx

Rita said...

How gorgeous is this piece of art. I just love how each embellishment will have a meaning for both of you on your anniversary. As you will notice I'm having a bad night trying to sleep, but now I can think pink for a while. Hugs Rita xxx

Inkypinkycraft said...

A beautiful celebration for your anniversary! A stunning piece hugs trace. X

Jenny Marples said...

Beautiful Hels; so much fab detail and a lot of love has gone into creating it. Just finishing having a play with this technique myself.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary - I assume you will be treating yourself to some well deserved goodies? A night out may also be in order. In the meantime racing at Oulton and the highlights of Montreal will have to do! Enjoy.
Hugs, Buttons x

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...gorgeous Hels...loVe the whole shabby chic's all going on for you at the mo with anniversary & time!! yaaay! for Hubby he's lucky to have you I say...Mel :)

Keren Howell said...

Hi Hels, love your canvas. Have a happy anniversary!xx

Redanne said...

This is gorgeous Hels, loving the techniques you have used and the embellies are perfect, love the colour of the flower. I bet Grim counts his blessings every day, hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Helen said...

Beautiful again Hels! some really gorgeous touches here. happy anniversary for the end of the month.

Sue said...

Amazing Anniversary piece. I wasn't really a 'pink' person but am now! Love the flower with the rusty spirals. Stunning. Sx

Gez Butterworth said...

Scrumptious canvas :o)) Hope you have a fabby week xxx

Joanne said...

You and Grim's happiness shines through this piece. I bet you both get a teary eye when you look at it together. Wonderful art to treasure.
Hugs Joanne xx

Shazza said...

wow Hels I absolutely love this. Gorj colours, need to try and make one of these methinks. Is it just a canvas board??
Bon Anniversaire to you and Grim and big huggles for your birthday x

Candy C said...

First...congrats on the 10th anniversary that is coming up the end of this month! Your pretty in pink piece is really inspired! I love all of the texture you've got on this gorgeous piece! That rose...well, ALL of your roses are always so perfect and lovely! Love the bits of tags and stencils you've used to create such a textural masterpiece! <3 Candy

Yvonne said...

Gorgeous collage, Hels!

Here is my entry.

Aquarius said...

A gorgeous pink creation with so much interest and detail. Happy Birthday

Karen Spreckley said...

Hi Hels,

Fabby collage and congrats on your anniversary. Looking forward to the workshop next Saturday :-)

I have never done this before, but here is my entry -!/photo.php?fbid=10150578630405616&set=a.10150554753570616.436425.628690615&type=3&theater

Karen x

TonyR said...

stunning piece!!
you give me so many ideas!!! i've had to order some of this trad tan paint to try it out!!!
love the textures and embellies!
happy anniversary and happy birthday lovely lady!
xx tony

Bonnie McLain said...

Oh Hels... Happy Anniversary my dear... 10 years... a land mark plus... ours is on the 26th of June... and it will be our 44 years this year... yikes... how can that be when I am only 29 years young!!!??? Oh well.. Happy Anniversary and many more happy years together.

I LOVE your collage and all the pretties... it looks like you had fun with this one... I know that I did...

I have fun with this PINK theme... as you will see...
got a little carried away with it... but hey who cares... I had a blast...
You can see it here...

Have a fun week... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

Est xxx said...

Beautiful pink anniversary piece Hel's, love all the detail, hope you have a wonderful birthday :-)
Just added my pink creation...

whyducks said...

Oh it is lovely Hels, I wish I knew which day your birthday is and I would send a card! So happy A/V and happy birthday hun x

Carol said...

I love this creation you've got so much going on. Happy Anniversary for 10th.

Karen P said...

I'm a June bday too Hels! Hope you have a fab week! Gorgeous creation I hope to be back later on this week with a little pink something hugs Karen x

Jennifer Scull said...

love your project!
I am always all about the pink! :) said...

What gorgeousness there is here Hels. Have a happy anniversary.

I got to play on this horrid day.

Redanne said...

Good Morning Hels

Here is my entry:

Hope you have a good day. A x

Rita said...

Just back with my entry for this week Hels. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita xx

Here's my Entry

MissyG said...

Her's my entry - not sure if it qualifies


Becky said...

Love what you have done Hels will have to think what I can do x

Keren said...

Here's my attempt, hope you like!

Mandy Chilvers said...

here's mine

great pastel work Hels... glad you had a good hols Hels :-)

mum of two said...

Here's my entry -

TG said...

I may be getting off on the wrong foot here, but at least it's a very big foot . . .

Aquarius said...

I hope this card which can be seen here will count with the stamped and coloured pink roses.

Eva Gro said...

Beautiful project.

Here is my entry:

Carol said...

Left a message before. Here is my Pretty in Pink

rachel said...

Hi Hels - hope you have a great brithday! Here's my pretty in pink card! Hugs Rachel xx

Marjie Kemper said...

What a gorgeous creation, Hels! Love how much texture you added above and around the stamping. Happy Birthday!

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...Happy Birthday Hel's!!! hope your day is filled with loVe & laughter...I'm back again with my Pretty in Pink make I'm still not sure I'm doing this right, anyways hope your day is going swell so far & that your feeling better, damn those midgys!

Carole Z said...

Here's my contribution for the birthday girl :) Carole Z xx

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Hels.

Here's my contribution to the Pretty in Pink challenge and boy is it Pink!

PS I managed to make a rose and the glue is flippin fantastic. TY


Sandra Botham said...

This is stunning piece. Really like your creations.
here is my entry for this week.

Dragonlady said...

What a stunning piece of work.

here is my creation

Hugs Ali x

BarbaraW said...

First, a belated happy birthday. Hope all of your wishes come true. Love your pink anniversarypiece. It's so pretty.
Here's my pink:

Julia S-W said...

Hope the birthday was wonderful - certainly looks as if it was from your piccies!
Here's my entry:

Thanks for a lovely challenge.

Jenny Marples said...

My entry for this week Hels. You seem to be providing the theme tune for the week in my head these days!
Hugs, Buttons x

Karen P said...

I've managed to get a tag made! So here is my entry for this weeks Sunday Stamper:
The more I see your canvas the more I want to make one just like it! Have a fab weekend hugs Karen x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

They never look as great in the photos, but I can't believe it as this is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING Hels!!! I love Love, and love that you created this to celebrate it!!! Happy Anniversary a little early! The layers are amazing, but the stenciled paint is over the top fabulous. I so need to try this technique out! This is one of the most gorgeous mixed media pieces I've seen!

Mine is nothing like yours, but it's pink.

Becky said...

Great canvas Hels here is mine


Helen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helen said...

here is my pretty in pink tag for you (sorry, messed up the first one! )

Sue said...

I am way too behind this week but here is my entry at last! Sx

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