Tuesday 2 July 2013

Love Of My Life...

...cor blimey, I don't know about you but I am sure some greater good has their finger pressed firmly on the "fast forward" button... already it is July!  But more than that... on Friday last, Grim and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary!  Come on... really?  ELEVEN years?  WOW!  Where did that go huh?  I don't normally make a card for our anniversary because I am rubbish at making cards, you know, those really special ones that in years to come you get out of a dusty old box and reminisce about?

So, this year was different because I had a pile of goodies sitting on my desk and the card just kind of made itself... well, obviously I had a hand in it, I haven't quite mastered the spell that will make stuff... erm... make itself (yes, dear readers, it appears that I am losing the plot)  Anyways... I made a card for Grim... and here it is today.  It isn't a secret that I love all things Wendy Vecchi (she is an art goddess, click here for her blog)  The Art Part word was the starting point of the card... if you haven't used Art Parts yet, you are missing out... they are brrrrilliant!  So, that was coloured with Treasure Gold and then I set about colouring a piece of cardboard (thank you Alfonse for scoffing more food for Mummy) with Fresco Paints... pouncing the colours on so they blended nicely.

Next up I popped the Heart Stencil (another Studio 490 delight) and spread some black  490 Embossing Paste through the heart, rather like icing a cake (yes, I do have some experience of that... I just have to remind myself it is embossing paste and not chocolate frosting, therefore no licking the spatula...)  Once that had set, I added smudges of Treasure Gold over the raised bits and also around the edges of the cardboard.  I saw a design from Wendy for the last CHA that used the LOVE and some cool Embellish Your Art, so I copied her idea, placing the flowers (also Treasure Golded) around the word... and then popped Mr Crow a-top of the word so he is perching.  The piece was still looking a bit "clean" (IYKWIM) so I edged the heart with a Stabilo All pencil and then gave the whole thing a spritz with Black Marble Dylusions to grunge it up a bit.  I was sooo tempted to bung a bit of wire in the top of the cardboard and turn it into a hanging but no, I was a good gal and matted it onto black card and then made it into a proper card :O)

Right, I shall away... I have an appointment with an ironing board today... and whilst ironing, I shall be watching Homes Under the Hammer (I LOVE that programme... addicted!) and then I will be doing a spot of making stuff in the Room of Stash.  Hope you all have a goodly day!  Thanks for looking, TTFN

Hels x


Lynne Vowles said...

Gorgeous, you could always turn it into a hanging later x

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels really lovely card for male or femailx

Joanne K said...

Hi Hels, I love you card. It's very you. Kind regards Joanne K x

Unknown said...

Hi Hels,
Congratulations to you and Grim on reaching your 11-year milestone!
Your Love of My Life CARD says it all. Lovely!
Lis xx

rachel said...

stunning card Hels and congrats on your 11 year milestone! Amazing how time flies isn't it x

Joanne said...

That is so lovely, the colours, the gold the birdy......
Just had a go (nicely) at the lady who owns Inspirations who asked us to help her move furniture (laughingly) ready for the extravaganza. I said I will be in next Monday to see you and asked when they are getting you back for some workshops......

chrissie said...

Congratulations to both of you. The card is very beautiful and I hope it is one that is in a 'treasures box for years to come.

Love Chrissie x

Unknown said...


Happy crafting
Chrissie x x x

darcydaydream said...

Congrats to you both....and a lovely card as well..xx
Christine in Darcy...xx

Inkypinkycraft said...

gorgeous , congrats hugs trace x

Marleine said...

Hi Hels,

Great card worth hanging up later. X

Carole Z said...

This is awesome Hels, love everything about it! HugsCarole Z xx

Linda Simpson said...

This is fabulous Hels! Love the beautiful details. Congratulations too on your anniversary.

Linda xxx

janet said...

Hels dear,
You are NOT rubbish at making cards. I'm sure Grim will be keeping his masterpiece as well as someone else I know!
You should make them more often.
Congrats on your annversary -may you have many, many more.
Hugs One Who Knows (and Bea!).

Gail said...

Happy Anniversary and a fab card - I must confess that I keep looking at that heart mask and as of yet I have not bought it but may just have to reconsider xx GailT xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, Firstly, Happy Anniversary to yourself and Graham, hope you had a brilliant 11th Anniversary.
Secondly, your card is really lovely, loving the texture paste and gilding, and I'm sure that Graham really appreciated it too.
Thirdly, thanks to you, Hels, I tried Lizzie's cat food box and actually managed to get myself some separated cardboard, yeah !!!!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, Happy Anniversary to you and Grim. Gorgeous card, love the texture and colours. Emma

Craftychris said...

Happy Anniversary! The card is amazing, a work of art! xx

Karen P said...

OMGee Hels how the heck can you say you are rubbish at cards?! Very naughty of you - this is fab and I bet Grim loved it.
I hope you are okay as you've not posted for a bit - just wanted to check you is okay.
Congrats on your anniversary - time really does fly by, and I hope you both spoilt each other Karen x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Happy belated anniversary to you! I know how much you lurve that man!
Sorry I've been so absent on my comments friend, but I do so love you!

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