Monday 10 June 2013

And The Winner Is......

...cor blimey and thrice indeedily!   Today is the day to announce the winner of the blog candy giveaway... and WOW, 104 comments in total!  Thank you all so much!  *there were 110 but 5 were duplicates and one was spam, so those were excised for fairness' sake*     I fed the total number of comments into and this is the result he gave me:  The winner is.... Comment #16 which is from Valerie.   Congrats to Valerie, please pop your postal address over to me by email and I will send your goodies out to you this week.    
**EDIT**   Valerie, if you click on my Profile, it will give you my email addy.... hear from  you soon :O))

I had a cracking weekend at Birds in the Barn in Essex, teaching on Friday and Saturday and then a fabby demo day yesterday... and, I am fair pooped.  For, you see, something happened on the way home!   A couple of weeks ago, Jane, the Sat Nav, fell sick... and Mr Tom-Tom suggested we return her to them and they will fix her up.  So, errrrm... I am LOST without Jane, she is my little guardian angel, she gives me directions and never huffs or rustles maps at me when I go wrong (which is oft!)   Anyways, knowing I have been to BITB several times, I figured I would be ok, just so long as I got back onto the M11... there's this roundabout, well, a set of them, and you have to go in ever decreasing circles around them, lane changing and all that malarkey.  Well, me and Ferdy were managing just fine, negotiated the roundabouts and were soon tootling along the M11 (in the right direction too) when I spied one of those big flashing orange hangy-over-the-carriageway-signs telling me that the A14 was closed from J26 - J21.   Now, knowing I had to go along the A14, and being as I am ever so prepared *not* and didn't have a map, I decided that I would give Grim a call... he would know A) if it was the bit of the A14 I needed and B) a different way... being a bloke and good with directions and all that.   Anyways... bless him... it is a relief that he has free minutes on his moby cos I would hate to think how much that call would have costed.... he got his map (I heard rustling but no huffing, he is good like that too) and told me which exit to take to go on a diversion.... and then, clever old stick that he is, he got the iPad thingyjobbywotsit and got Google Earth so he could actually see road names and landmarks and such like.   Well, it must have been over 30 mins that he guided me through the countryside... I tell you what, there's a place called Kimbolton in Beds that is gorgeous... all windy lanes and pretty houses, we may have to visit there!   And he even didn't growl at me when he was giving me yet more directions and I yelled "Oh NO! There's a rabbit.... "  which thankfully, decided not to run in front of Ferdy.  Phew!  Then, I was driving through a village called Hilton and I could see a cricket pitch on the left hand side of the lane.  And on one side of the lane were some cricketers, then I sussed that I had actually just driven through their game of cricket!  They were all togged up in white and all that too!  Whoopsie-daisies!!!    Finally I made it onto the A14 (after the road block) and got home, a little later than planned (ok, nearly an hour later) but in one piece... and the moral of the story.  NEVER send your Sat Nav away for repair when you have to drive your car ... even if it is only for 3 miles...  And... always keep your phone juice topped up... and... erm... get a map for the car.... you know, just in case!  And on that bombshell, I shall say... thanks for looking... TTFN!

Hels x


Unknown said...

Oh Hels, how I feel with you.
When I go to Portsmouth, no matter where I'm aiming for, I end up in front of the Victory Gates! TomTom or not!
Good old Grim! I bet Alfie was glad to see you, too.
Congratulation to Valerie; she will have such fun!
Lis xx

rachel said...

well done Valerie! Glad you got home xx

nannapat said...

Quite an adventure for you Hels - did you note the cricket score as you drove through? Congrats to Valerie. Pat x

Valerie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valerie said...

Hi Hels
I am the WINNER!!!!!
Where do I find your e-mail to send my address? After such a great week-end crafting with you,(and yes I have finished my shelf)I cannot believe my luck in winning the pastes. Valerie H XXX

carol edwards said...

Hi Hels you do lead an exciting life, and I thought it was only me that had such wonderful good fortune!!! Congrats to Valerie x

Linda Simpson said...

Congratulations Valerie, thank you for your comment on my blog too.

Linda xxx

Karen P said...

Congratulations to Valerie! Oh Hels you do make me giggle lol! Karen x

Jax said...

Congratulations to Valerie. Hels you are so funny I love reading your blog.
Love Jackie xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Hels I am so glad I'm not the only one that relies on good old Tom Tom, I really don't no what I would do without him! Grim is a good UN, my fella would have gone through the old thing by saying " you should do this and do that and blah blah blah!!! Glad you got there and back safely. Oh, Hels my embellies came, the ones you had on the show, the crow the car and the others. Do you remember what you said to Dean, about making a mold of them so you can make your own! Well I have done just that, that was a brilliant idea of yours. Now I have got my embellies whenever I want, thanks for the tip!! Congrats to Valerie, your going to have fun! Have a well earned rest. Hugs Debbie R xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Hels

You do make me laugh,Congrats to Valery Enjoy

Elaine H X

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, Firstly, congratulations to Valerie, you lucky lucky lady. Your journey sounds horrendous, I would have gone into panic mode, thank goodness for Grim, your knight in shining armour, for guiding you through. Who needs 'Jane' when you have a 'Grim' ha ha.
lots of love from Patricia xx

Gail said...

Feel for you Hels cos if I get 'lost' when driving I can feel myself almost start to panic which is stupid cos eventually I know I will get home, fortunately I don't have to drive around the country like you so it doesn't happen very often (TG) xx GailT xx

Carole Z said...

I love the way you write your posts, you always make me chuckle -I do feel for you though, I'd have been well in a panic! Well done Valerie! Carole Z X

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