Sunday 24 March 2013

Sunday Stamper - Week 250 (!) - Shiny Happy People **Plus Candy!**

Gooooodly Morning Stampers!  Wow!  Thrice WOW!  It is a milestone indeedily since the Sunday Stamper was first born, way back in January 2008 and I am calculating that we haven't had a break in weekly challenges for over three years now!  So a BIG & MAHOOSIVE thank you to all who have joined in and continue to join in with my l'il ol' challenge... seriously folks, I do appreciate every single entry very muchly.  So, as a thank you I am offering up some candy that I have put together.  But first! The theme!  Another nice and easy one this week... use something... SHINY!   To join in with the challenge AND to be in with chance of winning the candy, all you need to do is make a little something, it can be anything you fancy.  Add in the theme AND some stamping *yes, this is mandatory this week as it is the Sunday Stamper after all ;O))*  pop back here, leave me a comment with a link to the place you are showing your entry.  If you haven't got a blog/webphoto hosty thingy, fear not, you can join in via Facebook or by email but you MUST leave me a comment telling me where to find your entry.  This just makes it easier for me when I come to do the draw.  If you have joined in and haven't left a comment, I can't guarantee you will be entered.  The challenge will remain open until 21:00 GMT Saturday 30th March 2013 and the winner will be announced on next Sunday's post.

 I spent a lovely day yesterday with some fabulous ladies at Pickwell Farm Craft Shop in Southampton.  To say my drive down to Southampton was a bit a 'mare would be an understatement though.  Starting with the nightmare of trying to get Ferdy up the steep old hill that is the Close... after about fifty attempts (ok, exaggerating a smidge) to get him up the hill without bashing into neighbours, or their cars, or indeed their houses, I safely navigated onto the A roads, thinking "aha, the gritters will have been and the roads will be clear"  PAH!  Were they heckers like.  So I did a slow old trundle all the way to 30 miles north of Southampton (so that would be 100 miles in a blizzard!) when it stopped blizzarding and started to rain.  Anyways, that was all a distant memory once we got creative with our canvases.  This one is my demo canvas - the real Sunday Stamper piece for today is still laying, unfinished, neglected, unloved etc on my desk... just plain old ran out of time!

I have lots of different techniques going on, including paper blocking, stencil/pasting, beeswaxing with stamping (hidden under the....) faux porcelain rose making and the addition of a little butterfly - cos nothing looks perfect til it has a butterfly perching on it... especially this little Studio 490 butterfly which is my favest EVER butterfly!   He is on the Art For You set btw :O)

On with the goodies for the candy... I have picked up some goodies on my travels that are my fave things... and they include: a papier mache hanging board, Viva Terra texture paste, Viva Crocko clear cracklepaint, Ripe Persimmon Distress Stain, Squeezed Lemonade Distress Stain, Vintaj Patina "Earth" and "Sealer", Chain Tassels, Vintage Corners, Idea-ology Label Pulls, Book Plates, Prima Embellies and a selection of the gorgeous Studio 490 Embellish Your Art range...  and I will more than likely be putting a few extra bits into the package too.  The piccie below shows it all :O)    Just to recap the rules - make a little something, include the theme AND some stamping (it doesn't have to be a lot even... just some lol), leave a comment for me on this post with either a link to where you are showing your entry OR if you have emailed/Facebooked your entry just a comment to that effect. You can enter as many times as you like but each entry has to be different from the last...  hope that makes sense :O) If you can lift this photo and pop it into your sidebar too so all your blog readers can see the challenge too, that would be great!  (Just right click over the image, click "save as" and download it onto your computer and then upload it onto your bloggy sidebar)

Right, I shall away... I am planning a day of organising today... I have a pile of ironing that is taller than the tallest building in the World (of which the name escapes me lol) and I needs to get that done... and I also want to organise the old Room of Stash a wee bit too because it is looking very messy... oh and my WIP needs to be finished... I may be gone some time lol   Thanks for looking... have a great week!  TTFN

Hels x


Claudine said...

What a beautiful tag Hels, so purty!!! I love it! Thanks for the giveaway stash, I've recently starting following your wonderful blog the past months and I really a, enjoying it tons! I've gotten loads of inspiration too. I will have to make something shiny soon for this challenge. :)

Karen P said...

fabulous canvas - as always - will pop your photo in my blog side bar and hopefully will be back later on this week - thanks for sharing your gorgeous creation and for having a candy too! have a warm and safe week Karen x

Helen said...

Gorgeous art Hels' as ever, and a bumper bundle of candy for someone too, how generous.

Marleine said...

Morning Hels,

Sorry I missed you at Pickwell farm. More so when I see the project. Looks brilliant. To add to that I was hoping to see you at A P, now I've found out you will be there Sunday, gues what, I will be there Sunday........

All the best. X

Annie said...

Hi Hels.......poor you having to drive in such awful weather. Looks like you have had a fab time at the class. Hope to play along in the challenge this week. What a fab giveaway too x

Crafty hugs Annie x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, So glad you got there and back safely, yesterday, it does get quite 'hairy' driving on roads that haven't been gritted.
Your canvas is stunning, love everything about it.
Hope you get your 'mountain' of ironing done.
That Candy looks so gorgeous.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

rachel said...

amazing work as always Hels - and a monster giveaway - have my thinking cap on! Glad you got there on your journey - the roads are just awful aren't they in this weather xx Hugs xx

nannapat said...

Love the tag Hels - the flower looks VERY shiny. Fabuolous candy, someone is in for a treat! Pat x

Becky said...

I could have used my canvas as well but better not.Had a great day yesterday thank you.Will now get my thinking head on to do something.

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, gorgeous project, love the colours. Enjoy your day. Emma

Unknown said...

Something shiny, now that will be a challenge for a vintage person like me!!

Joanne said...

Wow! Hels, that flower is incredible. It just 'pops' off the page. I had a go at paper piecing but it was rubbish so I definitely need a workshop on that - make note to harass local craft shop!!!!
How you got to S'hampton amazes me. What troopers both you and Ferdy are. Must admit that stash is encouraging me to play.....

Words and Pictures said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous canvas - love the texture paste hedgerow flowers, and the butterfly is the perfect finishing touch... And what a lovely generous giveaway - time to get shiny!
Alison x

riliska said...

Your tag is so beautiful Hels ! I love the techniques you used here - all is great!!!
And thanks for a lovely generous giveaway.
Hugs. Riliska.

Jen Shep said...

Love the canvas, your art as always is inspirational,and a fabby giveaway stash I have sent you my entry by email on 24-3-13

Aquarius said...

I do hope your return journey wasn't as bad as the outward one yesterday - the weather seems to have gone mad!!  What generous blog candy, looks brilliant so good luck everyone.  Here is my contribution to the shiny happy people challenge

Caroline said...

Afternoon Hels (got away with 1st name last time?)
Soz, bit late today, had to go out in that awful weather. I AM glad you got home safe, all that matters in scheme of things.
Loving your flower, be-u-tiful! Yes, agreed about butterflies -they are my fave crafty image!
Regards challenge & the delicious looking candy - a new thing for me as only found your blog recently (bad girl me, bad bad girl!). I have no chance of winning so may be tempted. Saying that, I have a blog but don't know how to post stuff, only follow... Also, only on A smart phone so unsure about side bar thingy.
I will investigate, Need to sort out blog so good a time as any....
Hope the ironing pile is smaller by now. Can't help as don't do ironing (unless for craft, lol).
Anyhooo, gosh I do go in don't I?? Soz again :(
Have a good'n :)))

Redanne said...

Hi Hels, you deserve a medal for that drive but at least it was worth it in the end. Love your gorgeous canvas today! What an amazing give-away, you are very generous. Hope you got all your jobs done........ Hugs, Anne x

Carole Z said...

Evening Hels, I'm late visiting today! Love your project & the theme...thanks for the chance to win those goodies! Carole Z xx

Claudine said...

Here is my entry for this challenge Hels. Enjoy!

rachel said...
Hiya Hels - here's my first entry to shiny - hoping to get something else made later in the week too! Hugs Rachel x

Janet said...

Smashing canvas Hel's,glad you got home safely.
I've added your blog candy to my side bar,great candy,fingers crossed.My shiny is on
have a great week
Janet x

Barb Cady said...

Beautiful art Hels as ever. Hope you are snug and warm and Alfie cat too! Here is my offering:

Have a lovely week creating! Big hugs Barb xx

Becky said...

I have done mine you will fine it here

Cheryl Walker said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!! Thank you for the challenge this week!

My challenge entry can be seen here -


Redanne said...

Hi Hels, I am back with my entry for this week which you can find at:

Hope the top is shiny enough! Hugs, Anne x

lucretia said...

Do you need a blog in order to enter the challenge please? Thanks

Elaine said...

Beautiful as always and I love that porcelain flower - I really must have a go at that!! Here's my tag this week:

Unknown said...

Here is my entry, not a bit of gold or silver in sight!


craftytrog said...

Hi Hels!
I love your beautiful canvas, inspiring as usual! Thanks for the lovely candy on offer too!
Here's my shiny entry
Hope all is well with you,
Alison xxx

The Taming of the Glue said...

Yay...I've finally got around to entering the Sunday stamper competition....hope you like it!

Jenny Marples said...

Awesome canvas Hels. Probably one of my favs of yours.
Here's my entry;
Take care of yourself, hugs Jenny xxx

Carol said...

Love your canvas Hels. Here is my entry:

Carol x

Sue said...

Hi Hun

Finally got around to finishing this little piece of Art this morning.

Thank you for the taking time to do the challenge each week and also for a great give away.

See you on the other side. x

Kate Yetter said...

A lovely piece of art, Hels. I love the flower and bits of metal. Very inspiring. Here is my entry:

Unknown said...

Gorgeousness abounds as always! Beautiful! And what an amazing give away! Here is my entry for week 250!

Crafty Humphreys said...

Fab works of art and lovely prizes too Hels!
Here is my entry - glossy accents & crackle accents shiny letters, spray & shine flowers and people - but you can't see the shine too well; I had 35 mins to photograph and get it bagged & to post office (my Sisters birthday Easter Sunday and post to Devon is terrible!) So the lighting for the pic wasn't great. Suz xx
if that link doesn't work:

lucretia said...

I've just sent my entry by email. Hope it gets there ok. Thank you very much for the chance to win.

Debbie Siddle

Mooffie said...

Wotcha Hels!
Not sure the photo does it justice, but OMG, when the sun catches it in the morning...!!

Hope you are feeling better today.

Carole Z said...

Here's my little project for this week, hope you're feeling better, hugs Carole Z XX

Mrs Beez said...

That is a truly stunningly gorgeous flower and another fabulous canvas. Here's my offering and thanks for the inspiration with the colour combo:)

Brenda Brown said...

Love the colours of this piece Hels and all the techniques you have included, I bet the class was a roaring success.
I am entering your challenge at -
Hope your week is going well.
hugs {brenda} x0x said...

Wowsers you do great stuff! Love the stash that you are giving away too!
Here is my shiny entry today.
Methinks I need more of those wrappers!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Oh wow I love that stencil, and you rock it every time! I need one! This canvas is just gorgeous Hels!

Here is mine:

Lucy Edmondson said...

Looking forward to the shows next week! My entry is here:-

Lucy x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Beautiful Hels! I love those textured flowers and the butterfly but Oh! Oh! Oh! that flower is just gorgeous!
Shiny Happy People is one of my favourite songs(one of those ear worm songs) - had to enter- and the candy , well, you are just so kind!
Here's mine, hope it makes you smile!

Lin said...

Hi Hels
Well this is my first ever entry to Sunday stamper and I think I am just in time!!

I love your canvas the colours are fab...must say you do make me laugh reading your blog..
Well here is my entry

Lin x

CraftingMum said...

Hi Hels,

I love your blog, i am new to blogging(a couple of months) and i love reading yours. i thought i would have ago at your sunday stampers challenge, the candy looks fab!!
Here is my link

Thanks for the inspiration

Karen P said...

As always Hels - you are wonderfully inspiring. Not sure I like what I've made but I will be having another go tomorrow! I'm finally feeling brave enough to get inky and to try other stuff and things - huge thanks to you! Here is mine

Hope you're having a fab Easter with loads of chocolate Karen x

BarbaraW said...

What a beautiful piece of art. I really love the faux porcelain flower. Here's my project:

rachel said...

here's my second entry - I got it done in time! Hugs Rachel xx

Tracey-B said...

Another wonderful project, the flower is just amazing! Thank you for the chance to win some wonderful candy too (I have my fingers crossed)!

My project can be found here:

Have a great weekend and I look forward to the meltpot shows! x

Nikki said...

Lovely piece of art, such an inspiring person. Love how you make your flowers & really love the colours.

I have entered my first ever Sunday Stamper via E-mail.

Smiles :)

Nikki x

Unknown said...

Hi Hels, great blog, looking forward to the shows on the melting pot as I was lucky enough to receive one for my birthday in January. Here's my entry for the challenge Jane.

Maggie said...

So glad I could play this week Hels in at the last just made it!!
Looking forward to shows with melt pot you never know mine might come out of its little box and play lol!


Evil Edna said...

dribbling on my keyboard at the canvas and the candy. here is is my entry:
tootles EE

Mrs Beez said...

At the eleventh hour I've made a second little tag. Did laugh (sorry) about your fun with tomatoes and lasagne.Take it from me condensed milk is far worse than tomatoes in your hair!!!!
Happy Easter xx

Emma said...

Late to the party as ever my offering can be found here :)

Caroline said...

Woah, talk about timing. I have managed to connect internet. Don't know how long for & battery low.
So, you asked me to leave comment to remind you of my entry. Actually feels really cheeky but....
I haven't uploaded picture to my gallery yet. When I do, will come straight back. Thank you for your patience Hels, you are SO busy!! Means a lot! Will look at your new post asap...
Hope you are getting a few cuddles from Alfie...
Take care of your back.
Caroline :))

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