Monday 19 November 2012

Another "Velope"

Ah you know me.... how I lurves to make "Velopes" - thus far (huh? I just stepped out of a Dickens novel obviously lol) we have had the Tag-Velope and the much maligned Box-Velope (that died a death before it went to blogland lol)  Anyways... I am cheesed off!  Why? Well, because I a ruuubbish at buying pressies for difficult to buy for peeps... you know who you are... can't get you this, can't get you that yada-yada.  Well, you can't fox me, oh-ho-no!  This year I have been making Gift-Velopes... so instead of giving you money in a naff store bought gift card envelope, I shall be giving you money/giftcard/voucher in a rather stylish (even if I do say so meself) Gift-Velope.  Do you want to know how I maded it (please say yes, otherwise I shall cwy and cwy)  Well, check out Snazzy's DT blog HERE... all the instructions/measurements etc are on there because... tis my first day of my DT week there. 

That there be a sneak peek of the Gift-Velope.  I am on a roll too... I have measured out a fair few already and they just need putting together.  I had to stop myself sneaking into the bedroom and snaffling my Christmas stash box from down my side the bed... **I know, I have NO room in the Room of Stash for seasonal frivolities**  Grim is asleep - he is on stooopid early-early shifts this week and I just know he wouldn't be appreciative of being woken up by his daft wife trying to struggle with a big box of festiveness... I shall wait til the morning and get them then!  Anyways... pop over to the Snazzy blog and please do let me know whatcha fink!  Will you be making some.. or it is just me (sob)   Right, I shall away... I have itchy fingers... time for me to make more Gift-Velopes!   Thanks for looking... TTFN!

Hels x

PS... no more sightings of the Panther... but there was a very suspicious smelling *ahem* squirt up the back door this morning... mmm, me-thinks he has been a-visiting.... Jeyes Fluid is a marvellous thing isn't it!


scrappymo! said...

Looks to check out that link!

Karen P said...

Just had a looky! Thank you Hels - how the dickens did you know I would be needing these this year? So clever of you to make a project just for me lol! Guess what I'll be making after my cards, tags and other stuff is done - there's nothing wrong with foldy bits - it's just like my love of 'stuff'! Have a fab week! Karen x

Unknown said...

Just discovered your fabby blog via another blogger pal, thanks for sharing the 'velope' thingy, went to check out the tutorial, think I'll be making lots of these.

Regina said...

Owwww..I love this idea and you posted this just for meeee. (ok I know you really didn't) I was wanting to do something different for my grown nieces and now I know what. I won't feel so bad giving them a gift card now. Thanks Hels, for the info, the how to and the inspiration!!


Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Hels, Just been over to Snazzy's for the deets and to leave a comment. You are such a clever, clever, girlie, I absolutely love, love, love your Gift-velope, and the Teresa Collins papers are so beautiful. I will definitely be trying these out, such a pretty way to give money or vouchers, so much nicer than an envelope.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hels. How did you know i wanted these? Going to pop over and see how its made. Thanks.

I made a 7x7 folder yesterday with a spine. Put a shorter diagnal piece inside and filled it with 6 of my cards and envelopes. All prettily decorated on the outside and inside.
I'm giving it as a draw prize in the Animal Charity shop. V proud of my inventivness.

Val in Spain xxx

Marleine said...

Hiya Hels,

What a great idea and project. Love it. Itching to do. X

Lynne Gilbert said...

Love it Hels. Lovely idea - I made some last year so this design will be great for this years presses! Do you think we could come up with a new design each year?!!! Well there's a challenge for you!!!!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for popping by my blog. Hugs Lynne xxx

Unknown said...

Wow that is just beautiful and will definitely solve my Christmas and birthday present ideas. The ones younger than me can never make up their minds and want cash/cheques so these will be perfect

Jennie Atkinson said...

Beautiful! and thank you for the tutorial - I shall definately be giving these ago.

EmmaT said...

Morning Hels, ive have the dreaded squirts left by male cats hoping to attract my girl - she's bright and knows they aren't good enough for her! I wash it with vinegar they don't seem to like the smell and its clear until the smell wheres off!!

Anyway great idea for gift wallets, im popping over to have a look. Emma

Redanne said...

Been over, seen it, love it! Thanks for the details too, such a great idea.

Pepper is supposed to work to keep them away but you need to keep adding it as wind and rain blow and wash it away.......

Hugs, Anne x

Joanne said...

A little squirt up the back door??? crumbs. If our Toby had been here still you could have borrowed him. He attacked every cat he could find, even jumped straight through a neighbours window, beat up her cat and then came out, proud as punch, through their front door. Would have to protect AlfieCat first though.

Korry said...

Fab idea ! this is on my to-do list and I ordered the DT kit as well !

craftypam60 said...

Love this Hels! Definitely going to go play in my craft room this afternoon and see what I can come up with! x

Julia S-W said...

Saw the full project over at Snazzy's and it's beautiful and has given me loads of inspiration.

Lillibelle said...

What a beautiful card! I especially love the fantastic background and the closure by means of buttons.

Carole Z said...

Just been over to Snazzy's to check out the tut...loving this, fab idea! Carole Z X

Shazza said...

this is a great idea Hels, looks great x

gayle said...

This looks fab, off to check it out :)

rae d said...

Popped and me likey! I goin back up to play with all things starry! x

Alison Horne said...

they are really cool Hels, am tempted to make some, but will have to call them git-velopes as am too mean/poor to fill them except with empty promises, or very thin peices of chocolate.x

Craftychris said...

Brilliant idea, thank you for the instructions - I may have a go xx

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