..Patina...erm...Patinad? Patinaed? Well, however it is supposed to be spelt... that is what I am today! Oh yesh, it is time for the Compendium of Curiosities 2 Challenge again. Hosted by the delightful Linda Ledbetter, all the deets on how to join in and what the theme is are HERE on her blog... and don't forget to hop over to see the guy whom this whole challenge is about... Tim Holtz... his website is HERE. This week we have turned to Page 58 in the book and are playing with Alcohol Inks... I shalln't go into the details etc on how to do this technique as it wouldn't be fair... Needless to say, this is the first time I have tried this technique and I am... in lurve! I expect to see it on everything I make from now on!
All the stashly goodies I made the tag with are detailed over on The Stamp Attic Blog... along with links to the website so you can click over to have a little spend if you fancy. **I am such an enabler lol** Right... I have to tell you all about my near death experience! I have just about calmed down and can now talk openly about it (ok, so I may be milking this a little but, for the first time, I am not exaggerating with this little story) So, I am driving back from my T'Pouch class on Sunday evening when I spy a storm in the distance... I even said to myself "cor that looks bad" Next thing, the car is being pelted by hailstones the size of baked beans... now, I didn't get out and measure them but... that is how big they looked on the road ahead of me.
Nothing deathly about a few little hailstones... no, true... however, the lightning that shot out of the sky and walloped into a 60ft conifer as I was just passing was very deathly... because said conifer literally exploded outwards, all the branches and the trunk were shooting over the road and clattering onto the car!!! (and... I wasn't in Ferdy, oh no, I was driving Grim's car, which is probably just as well because I tend to be a bit... ahem... slower in Grim's car) So, I managed to swerve (thank goodness nothing was coming the other way!) out of the way and carried on my journey for about 5 minutes, by which time I was shaking and in need of, ahem, nicotinely calming measures ... so I stopped in a lay-by and took several deep... erm... breaths!
Being as I had cheated death by seconds, I decided that it might be a good idea to milk the situation... so I spent most of yesterday either snoozling on the sofa or watching telly... I know, I know, I should have been unpacking my tote bag and putting my Room of Trash back into the tidy state it has become accustomed to but... I needed to rest... get over my ordeal and all that lol **yes, and any excuse to get out of cleaning the Room of Stash!**
In all seriousness though... it was chuffing scary.... I have driven through some manky weather in my time but never been as close to lightning as that... the boom that it made was literally instantaneous and the ground shook! Anyways... I am ok, alive and still waffling so it can't have affected me that much (don't groan and say worst luck lol)
Check out the pics... these are from my classes this weekend. Many thanks to Caz, Lewis, Yvonne, Jan and Sue for taking part in the Altered Book class on Saturday and to Wendy, Gayle, Judy, Tessa, Karen, Sue, Lewis and Caz for taking part in Sunday's T'Pouch class. I had a splendid time... oh and if you hop HERE, you can see the finished T'Pouches they all made... I forgot to get pics so good job Wendy was on the case!
Right... time for bed methinks... thanks for looking... TTFN!
Hels x
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Posted by
Hels Sheridan
Labels: Alcohol Inks, Compendium if Curiosities 2 Challenge, Idea-ology, Ranger Archival Ink, Tags, Tim Holtz Stamps, Workshops
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Ooh err!! Scary or what! I seriously wouldn't have liked to have been in your shoes! Glad you are ok though.
Love the colours in your project too! Lovely!
Jackie x
Gorgeous patina!!! Love your design. Looks like a fun inky time as well!
God is great! Glad you are ok my friend!!!
Glad you survived to tell the tale Hun, your tag is gorgeous! xox
Ooh, that must have been scary, Hels - thank God for small mercies, eh? Not surprised you needed to rest - room of stash tidying can definitely wait - it's so organised and tidy anyway! Great pics and lovely to see one of Wendy, too x
Wow that must have been scary!patina is fab! Hope you have a far less scary day today!!!! Hugs trace x
It sounds even scarier here... Love the patina look, must get some snow cap AI, I forgot at Ally Pally and it was on the list! Nice to see the pics of the class.
Oooh! I just got Tim's second Compendium today!! Can't wait to go check out that technique!! Love your tag!
OMG, Hels, what a frightening experience!! All that flying wood must have been lethal if you weren't in the car!! As a child I saw lightening strike a manhole cover in the road outside our house, and the noise was astonishingly load and the cover rattled in the hole!!!
Scary stuff! We saw that storm from Costa's and it looked nasty! Glad you're ok :)
Lovely picture of Wendy btw :)
Gayle x
I was so bothered when I saw that on FB but thank goodness you are fine. I can now concentrate on getting this octopus off my face that woke me up this morning!!!!!!!
Hugs Joanne xxx
Glad you're ok Hels it must have been really scary.
Gorgeous tag Love the colours
Pat xx
Goodness Hels, you did the right thing by cuddling up on the settee, what a shocker that must have been. So glad you are OK! I have not got to page 58 yet but had a peep and it is fab. Your tag is brilliant.
By heck that was some journey home Hels ! mine wasn't quite so eventful great tag and a fun workshop :)
Von x♥x
Glad you are okay Hels. Our weather can be a scary thing sometimes, and inside a car it's not much fun when it's pelting down on top of you. Your tag is amazing, I love thouse colours and the patina on the metal. I checked out the samples from the class and they are fab, wish I lived nearer to you so that I could come to one some time!
You take care, hugs, Judith xx
How scary an experience was that? I would have needed a good cry after that. Must have been spectacular but very frightening at the same time.
Love the tag and now I have to get my copy of the book out to see how you did it.
Storms have always scared me but that sounds like the scariest storm of storms! You certainly needed to chill after that. Your patina tag is stunning. Take care. Sx
lovely Hels - glad you survived the journey and lived to tell the tale!!! Hugs Rachel x
Sounds like a super scary storm! Your faux patina is fab, whatever it is, haven't got TH books yet so can't see for myself, but it looks fab! Zo xx
The tag looks wonderful - I must get hold of the compendium. So glad you are OK after the really scary happening with the elements over which we have no control.
I am so glad that you're okay, Hels. What a terrifying experience! Your class looks like it was a lot of fun! And I love your patina tag! It's gorgeous! <3 Candy
How frightening that must have been! So glad you are O.K. ;)
xoxo Sioux
Wowee, what an ordeal you had! It's a fab story to tell though. You need to put the lottery on this weekend, I reckon you just might win. Your tag is amazing by the way, the colour, the technique and the detail is really inspiring. Michelle x
Heck! That sounds scary! Sounds like you need chocolate and a spending spree to calm your nerves!!
Love the tag - my book arrives in 2 days so I will have to take a peek at that particular page.
You take care, hugs, Buttons x
Good grief Hels, thank goodness you're ok, I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been.
Your tag is beautiful, I'm hoping I can find the time to attempt the technique this week.
So glad you are ok hon! We have had some bone dry deluges here, sky looks as if it is clouding over for some severe droughting! (is this some new English in the making?) hope your back is not too bad, sorry the old pointy things not working. Lovely work by the way! Xxx
My darling, I'm so glad you weren't injured! YIKES!!! Scares me to even think about that kind of experience. Big hugs from over here!
Can you believe it's been a year this weekend since Ranger U? I'm reading Tweets and messages from this year's students, and looking back on what a magical weekend it was. One of the best parts was getting to spend time with you.
OH! Your ART! Fab, as always. You're working those lovely oceanic colors like a goddess, and your faux patina is gorgeous!
Fabulous art - as always! Glad you're safe!
Love your tag - what a scary experience though - if it was me I would go out and treat yourself to some new stash to calm yourself down (you have deserved it!).
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